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Chapter 1861: Red Rock Demon Emperor

The power of the law of the sun began to spread, and along with this power, the black qi head was instantly frozen. At the same time, Xia Xia's body seemed to be turned into ice, directly freezing the black qi surrounding his body.

Being surrounded becomes anti-surrounding.


Frozen crushed.

Along with the black gas, it shattered together.

The black air wanted to recondense, but at this moment, the flame of the law of the sun began to burn.

Gradually swallow the black air.

"Damn, what's the matter with you?" The black qi condensed again, but the momentum was obviously not as strong as before.

The attack just now in the summer still caused some damage to him.

Some damage to his body.

"Do you really think that you can beat me with just a little trick you just did?" Xia Xia shook his head in disappointment, the guy in front of him did have some tricks.

But it is just a little more means, the realm is not very high, at most the appearance of Venerable is more than ten stars.

If his methods deal with people of the same level in China, they will indeed be taken by surprise.

But when it comes to summer, it's not enough.

"Okay, then I'll show you how good I am!!!" When the black qi condensed together, a seemingly calm attack came out.

"No, it's a fairy explosion!!" Hongfeng reminded.

This attack looks very simple, but when it is actually played, it contains the power of immortal explosion. If the opponent regards this attack as a normal attack and takes it hard, he will definitely be attacked by this attack. .

Once raided.

That would lose all power.

It may even be wrong one step, one step at a time.


He met summer.


When his attack hit Xia Xia, Xia Xia grabbed his right hand and directly grabbed his head.

"It's so weak and pitiful!!"

Looking at the black air in front of him, his eyes were full of sarcasm.

"Damn, how dare you so much of me, I am the subordinate of the Red Rock Devil Emperor!!!" After seeing that he was not Xia's opponent, the black qi began to mention people.

As if he wanted to use his boss's name to shock Xia Tian.

It's a pity I don't eat this set at all in summer.

"The attack he just used, although there is some gap between it and the Immortal Explosion, has a lot of similarities, and the concealment method is stronger, but the number of Immortal Explosion is not many, so they should be used to reduce the power. The method has been exchanged for better concealment, in this case, the power is indeed greater!!!" Hongfeng analyzed.


"Is your boss here?" Xia Xia asked.

"Of course it is, we came here this time..." The black air stopped halfway through the words. Obviously, they came here with some special secrets, but such secrets cannot be said casually.

So when he was about to speak, he was suddenly stopped by the restriction in his soul. If he continued to speak, his soul would burst open in the end.

"You are too far away, if you want revenge, let your boss come!!" Xia Xia threw his body out.

The black air didn't dare to look back.

Just run away.

As if he was worried that Xia Tian would suddenly shoot at him, he did not dare to be sloppy in the slightest.

"How frantic at the beginning, how embarrassing it is when running away!!!" Wuyin said with emotion.

"A person like him can't ask anything about him, but if his boss can come over, he can grab it and ask to see if there is any unexpected gain!!" A smile appeared on Xia Xia's face.


To pick a big fight.

What does it mean to be small.

"You didn't hear what the other party said about the Great Emperor. Those who can be called Devil Emperor will definitely not be ordinary people." Wu Yin reminded.

In his opinion.

A person who can be called by the word emperor is definitely not weak.

"If it were an ordinary person, I wouldn't have any interest. I hope he can move faster, otherwise I will go to Buzhou Mountain." Xia Xia is not very far from Buzhou Mountain.

If he keeps going like this, it won't be long before he can find Buzhou Mountain.

When he got there, he could also see what was going on.

The way forward.

Much safer.

There was no more danger in the summer. Although there were a few people on the road, when those people saw the summer, they all avoided it and had no intention of coming.

that's it.

He came to the so-called Buzhou Mountain.

The current Buzhou Mountain is a huge crystal pillar.

The crystal pillars are tens of kilometers in diameter and less than 100 million feet in length. There are signs of fractures on them, which were obviously interrupted by someone abruptly.

"This crystal is very hard, but it is not a particularly precious material!!" Xia Xia checked it and found that the crystal here is just an ordinary material.

Just a little tougher.

"Of course it's not a precious material, if it were a precious material, it wouldn't be kept until today, it would have been robbed long Wuyin explained.

"But how does this material support a height of 10 trillion zhang?" Xia Xia believes that if it is not strong enough, let alone being damaged, even if it is blown by the wind, I am afraid it will be blown off. , especially the high-altitude airflow, it is very violent, and any huge bird coming over may break this material.

"You are wrong. The biggest function of this crystal is not to fix it, but to seal it. In the crystal, some kind of power was sealed before. As long as this kind of power exists, let alone wind and rain, even if it is a Ling, don't even try to break the pillar, but if the power inside disappears, then this crystal will be vulnerable." Yang explained.


Xia Xia understood, and he also began to search around to see if there were other lines of defense.

"It's useless. People come here all year round. If there are any treasures, they would have been taken away by others long ago, and they will not be kept today!!" Wu Yin reminded.

"If you don't try it, how do you know if there is any!!" Xia Tian smiled.

He knew there wouldn't be anything, but he still wanted to search to see if he could find anything else.

"Boss, it's him, it's this Shenzhou native!!" Two figures flew over from the side.

Falling in front of summer.

One of them is the black gas that was just defeated by Xia Xia, and the other should be the subordinate of the Red Rock Devil Emperor just now.

"It's really slow." Xia Tian slowly raised his head.


"Shenzhou people, who have only been hunted, dare to move my subordinates, they are really courting death!!" Hongyan Demon Emperor snorted heavily.

at the same time.

Endless murderous aura erupted from his body: "I'll let you see, what is momentum!!"

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