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Chapter 1874: dragon clan

Silent also began to get excited.

He can usually fly to this height. If it is higher, his body will have a lot of load and pressure. Originally, he thought he had seen a height of more than 100,000 meters.

He saw: huge ancient fairy beasts, colorful planets, cosmic storms, flying treasures, mountains in the three islands and ten states, giants of first-class blood.

Every one.

All shocked him.

Even life is endless.

If he hadn't seen this with his own eyes, he would never have believed it.

But now.

Something even more surprising happened to him.

"Then let me see what it is!!" Summer began to run wildly upwards.

This time.

He ran to the top of Buzhou Mountain, and he had a panoramic view of everything: the three islands and ten states were clearly visible, and the giants were walking below.

There are also three giants who are pulling the three islands and ten states!

"What?" Summer and Wuyin's eyes widened.

They saw it.

In front of Mishima Shizhou, there are three ancient giant dragons pulling Mishima Shizhou with an invisible force. There is no rope, but this power seems to be substantial.

These three ancient dragons can sense their huge size even when they are looking down.

"What's going on?" Summer said in surprise.

"These three heads belong to the giant dragon clan. They are the largest dragon clan in the dragon clan. Their size cannot be calculated by their length, and their strength is also enormous!!" Xian Xuanwu explained.

Summer is now in perspective.

The size of the three-headed dragon is almost bigger than the sound of dozens of planets.

"How is this possible, a piece of Shenzhou is already that big, how big will the three islands and ten states add up? No matter how powerful these three giant dragons are, they can't pull the three islands and ten states!! "Silent feels like his worldview has been shattered.

He could barely understand the thirteen giants who carried the Mishima and Ten Prefectures.

It is believed that the giants carried the Mishima and Shishu by the gravitational force of the universe.

Even if the giants don't carry them, Mishima and Tenshu can float by themselves.

But now the three giant dragons pulling the three islands and ten states are completely different. From this angle, they can clearly see the power of the three islands and ten states being pulled.

Like two black chains.

It's not really a chain.

It is the flow of power.

There is a black streamer behind Mishima and Tenshu, as if the exhaust gas from the movement of the planet.

"Impossible, if it is pure power, how much power is needed, this weight can no longer be calculated by numbers!!" Xia Xia shook his head, his power is great now, but let him drag the billions of Shenzhou One in ten thousand is almost impossible.

"There are many impossible words in this world. If you really want to figure it out, then step into the spiritual realm first, and then you will understand a lot of things." Xian Xuanwu reminded.

Although the summer is strong now.

But there are some things, if you don't reach that realm, you will never realize it.

"I can't figure out how the three big guys pull the Mishima and Tenzhou. If the Mishima and Tenzhou move on their own, what is the meaning of the existence of the three of them and the thirteen giants below? And what is the trajectory of our movement, is it just walking forward aimlessly? Or are they leading us to a certain place, this place is the place of life, or the place of death, and now we even even ourselves What we will face in the future is not knowing anything!!" Wuyin frowned, he now has a lot of doubts.

"Where is the end point?" Xia Xia also asked this question.

"You will know!!" Xian Xuanwu said.

"You know?" Summer asked rhetorically.

"I didn't know before, but now I know!!" Xian Xuanwu said.

"What's that place?" Summer asked.

"Aren't you thinking about how to survive now?" Xian Xuanwu asked.

"What do you mean, the prophet's words!!!" Xia Xia understood what Xian Xuanwu meant.

The prophet said so.

Summer will die in three years.

This time corresponds to the battle of the Celestial Clan, that is to say, Xia Xia will die in the battle of the Celestial Clan.

"Do you also believe what he said is true?" Wu Yin asked.

"Why don't you believe it?" Xian Xuanwu asked.

"Can someone really predict the future?" Wuyin still couldn't believe it. The future is invisible and untouchable. If someone can really meet the future, can it change the future?

"Then you say, can someone go back to the past?" Xian Xuanwu asked.

That's right.

Whether relying on technology or cultivation, someone in Yinggao can go back to the past.

So can they change history?

"Whether it's the giant family or the giant dragon family, they all have their own starting and ending points of life, and they also have their own missions, and so do I. Next, I'm going to find my mission!!! "Summer has a smile on his anytime.

They have to understand something.

That is the ego.

They need to know what they are going to do.

And what is the purpose of doing these things yourself.

There are still two years or so before he is fully prepared.

"Looks like you're confident!!!" Xian Xuanwu said.

"Every battle I fight, I have a plan. No matter what kind of enemy I face, I always have the same attitude, that is to destroy the opponent!!" Xia Xia's fighting philosophy was summed up from countless lives and deaths.

Wuyin shook his head: "I found out, I will never reach your height!!!"

Although he used to be the number one player in China, he now finally understands the gap between himself and Xia Xia.

This is no longer a difference in strength.

but spiritual.

This gap cannot be bridged.

"Actually, you have been asking me if I have the confidence to kill the Celestial Clan, and now I will tell you, I have!!" Xia Xia looked up.

above him.

The same is the air layer.

Those treasures are wrapped in layers of weathering, and the speed is extremely fast.

Xianxuanwu and the others said that the flying speed of this treasure can penetrate the body of the spirit.

"What do you want to do?" Xian Xuanwu asked in confusion.

Summer did not answer.

Instead, he smiled slightly, and at the same time he stretched out his right hand, thus extending the protection range of Buzhou Mountain.

"Are you crazy?" Xian Xuanwu hurriedly reminded.

The airflow outside is very terrifying, and Xia Xia's arm will be instantly shattered by the airflow.


at this time.

A mass of strength appeared in the palm of summer.

At the same time, a rapidly flying treasure landed in Xia Xia's palm.

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