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Chapter 1875: Tianqi asks for help

"What?" Everyone was stunned.


How is this going?

The treasure that flew at such a high speed was caught in Xia's hands like this.

"Dzi, it's Dzi, you have mastered the power of Dzi!!!" Xian Xuanwu finally reacted.

There is only one reason why Xia Tian can stretch out his arms here without being smashed and grab fast-flying treasures.

He mastered the power of the dzi beads.

That is the core treasure of Tiankeng.

After the death of the twelve spirits, they were all attracted by it, and even Xian Xuanwu's corpse and Mishima Shizhou were sucked in.

It can be seen from this.

How terrifying the power is.

Xia Xia mastered the power of the dzi beads, so naturally this can be done.

"This is too strong!!" Wuyin watched Xia Xia grow up with his own eyes. When he first saw Xia Xia, Xia Xia was still a person who did not even reach the realm of the Venerable. Very strong, but his own strength and realm are still far behind, but now, Xia Xia has become so strong.

"I haven't fully grasped it yet, but I just saw these things and realized a lot, so I tried to control the dzi beads, and the result was successful!!" Xia Xia naturally understood how powerful the dzi beads were.


He also began to study the power of dzi beads.

As long as he can fully control the dzi.

Then he has nothing to worry about.

The next two years.

The only thing he has to do is this.

"You have seen a height of more than 10 trillion feet this time. After reading it, do you have any feelings?" Bad, no good.


Normal people will feel their insignificance after seeing a height of more than ten trillion feet.

No matter how hard you try, even if you cultivate to the spirit, it is nothing compared to all of this.

This will greatly undermine the confidence of practitioners.

Many people can break through to half-spirit and spiritual, relying on confidence and hard work, but once this person has no confidence, how can he improve his strength.

Now that Yang asked this question, everyone was interested, and they all looked at Xia Xia, as if they were waiting for Xia Xia's answer.

They would love to know.

Is summer also like a normal person, feeling his own insignificance.

"It feels like I'm getting closer to my way home!!" Xia Tian smiled slightly.


Xia Xia's answer surprised everyone, and they never expected Xia Xia's answer suddenly.

This is different from all their previous fantasies.

"Okay, you are really different from normal people." Yang felt helpless towards Xia Xia. No matter when Xia Xia spoke, the decisions he made were different from normal people.

"Next, where are we going?" Hongfeng asked.

"Go to the ancient battlefield!!" Xia Xian planned to use this month to clean up his enemies and those who had dealt with him before, but now these shadows are meaningless, because those who dealt with him before, all Has disappeared and was arrested.

Instead of wasting time here.

It's better to go to the ancient battlefield to hone it. If possible, I also want to find a chance to better temper the ability of the Dzi.

Xia Tian glanced at the stone in his hand.

Then cut it with a gold knife.

"It's actually a famous weapon!" Hong Feng said in surprise.

The luck in summer is also very good, although there must be more good things here, but opening one is a famous weapon, this kind of luck is a bit against the sky.

"Luck is very good, but what he lacks now is not this level." Wuyin said with emotion.

name tool.

No matter where it is, it is a good thing. In China, only those top experts have it.

"I have obtained a lot of good things recently, and everything is about to become a treasure trove, but most of the things here are useless to me." Xia Xia looked into the distance, and at this time he had already left. Zhou Shan.

This trip to Buzhou Mountain.

very perfect.

It not only allowed him to obtain the green liquid in Buzhou Mountain, but also successfully climbed to a height of more than ten trillion feet.

Saw the real China.

And it can also control the power of some dzi beads.

"Someone is coming?" Hongfeng reminded.


Xia Xia's eyes turned to the front. This sudden appearance was aimed at him. It was very obvious, and he didn't mean to hide his breath at all.


In the summer, I saw who was coming.

no one else.

It's Tian Qi!

"Finally found you!!" Tian Qi smiled when he saw Xia Xia.

The two of them are old acquaintances.

"You have something to do with me?" Xia Tian asked.

"The one from Fangcunshan is missing, you know!!" Tian Qi said.

"I guessed it. Recently, many masters in China have disappeared. As long as they are a little famous or stronger, they all disappear one by one!!!" Xia Xia said.

"Do you know who did it?" Tian Qi asked.

"I don't know, but Senior Haotian has already gone to investigate." Xia Xia said.


"If Haotian went to there should be no problem." Tian Qi nodded slightly.

"Why haven't you broken through Venerable yet?" Xia Xia glanced at Tian Qi's realm, but he was still half-step Venerable, with no intention of breaking through.

"I have accumulated strength for so many years. Once I break through, it will be like a flood, and my realm will spread rapidly, but I have not found the best way to break through. Once I break through now, the best result will be Haotian's current situation. In the half-spirit realm, unless I find a way to break through the spirit one day, I will not directly break through!!" Tian Qi explained.


"You really have an idea, but I'm going to kill the Celestial Clan in two years. Won't you guard it then?" Xia Xia asked.

"I've already left the Celestial Clan. Anyone can attack it, and I don't think you can defeat the Celestial Clan, so I don't need to get involved." Tian Qi said very casually.

"Anything else?" Summer asked.

"Actually, I want you to do me a favor!!" Tian Qi said.

"What are you busy with?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

"Come with me to Kunlun Xianshan!!" Tian Qi said.

"Is there any place you dare not go when God is gone?" Xia Xia asked.

"How do I say it, actually, I used to dare to go, but I suddenly heard a news a while ago, and I didn't dare!!" Tian Qi said.

"What's the matter?" Xia Xia asked very curiously.

"I am a person who likes to go to some cemeteries to find some things I want to know. I have been to an ancient tomb and found a lot of secrets I want to know in it, but I only found out a while ago. , the ancient tomb I went to is the tomb of her master, the Queen Mother of the West of Xianshan Mountain in Kunlun!!!”

"Fuck, you stole the tomb of Master Xiwangmu?"

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