The Best Male God

Chapter 1007: Hard to Fall in Love 10

Unexpectedly, Li Yixuan suddenly asked this sentence, which made Zhou Zekai hesitate, and then he was happy.

"There are so many things you can't ask for in this world. Don't you say that I should go to hypnotize? Don't say that you can't just ask for money. What about wealth? What about status? If everything is hypnotic To solve it, isn't this world messed up? "

Obviously he is the one who can make people feel scary, but what he said reminded Li Yixuan of going to prison with his mentor to see another hypnotist when he was abroad. The man loved a woman too much. , The woman was hypnotized, because hypnosis technology does not work, we should hypnotize her again every so often.

But the woman was a husband and a child, so after accidentally seeing the husband and children, she forcibly triggered the memory and remembered everything about herself. In this case, the police finally called and the hypnotist was arrested.

At that time, Li Yixuan always remembered that person's eyes, just like the abyss, he didn't dare to look at it more.

The teacher once said that hypnosis is only a means to treat people's thinking nerves, not a tool. People who use it can get what they do, otherwise they will fall into the abyss.

This is like their psychiatrist. When facing various patients, they can't help suffering from the psychological pollution of the patients. In this case, they can only find other psychiatrists for psychological counseling and hypnotherapists. The person who can control his behavior is the real hypnotist.

Li Yixuan had never thought about it before. Such a connotative sentence came from the mouth of a child. He was obviously so powerful, but he would not use hypnosis to do something, but instead used his heart to get what he wanted. Li Yixuan felt that the child's young body seemed to be wrapped with a wise soul.

"Also, if that's the case, it's a mess."

She chuckled, seemed to want to understand something, and continued to drive forward, while Zhou Zekai said, holding her side.

"In fact, if you really want to know why I don't hypnotize you, I can also tell you. It's very simple. You are a psychiatrist and you should understand that anyone who is hypnotized actually puts a lock on the realm of thinking. Then reconstructed a new memory or something else. If you want a person to fall in love with yourself, it is not enough just to hypnotize. True love cannot be expressed through hypnosis. For example, a pair When someone in love is in danger of life, two people can't help protecting each other, or even give their lives, but the hypnotic lover will not, they just have the skin of love, but they can't implement the essence of love, because love The essence is dedication. "

Zhou Zekai continued to analyze deeply. At this time in Li Yixuan's eyes, he was not like a child, as if he had a mature soul whispering and singing.

She understood Zhou Zekai's meaning. Hypnotic love was destined to be illusory. Even if countless locks were put on, so many things were locked, but the moment the key appeared, these locks were destined to break instantly.

In other words, no matter how the hypnotized person said how much he loved you the next moment, when the key unlocked the key, she would become the person who hurt you most.

"But ... the essence of love is dedication. Where do you see this meaning?"

In Li Yixuan's academic career, I have seen too many cases and too many ardent and deformed love. Those loves are full of enthusiasm and selfishness, as if it is a fire that can quickly burn people. Exhausted.

She didn't like that kind of love, because the hotter the love, the more hatred it represented.

Is love dedication? Ai Mingming is selfish, selfish wants to have everything of the other, wants to control everything of the other, wants to monitor everything of the other, and wants to lock a person in his own world.

Zhou Zekai actually doesn't like to discuss this kind of philosophical issue with people, because for him, he has experienced too many feelings and loves, those madness of love, some softness, some redness, some are full of tears, There is also some warmth as before. These loves are intertwined to become the current Zhou Zekai. Therefore, he knows more about the term love than ordinary people and does not know how many times.

"It doesn't look from where it is. It's my own feelings. Just tell me about my dad. You already understand it. It was your brother who looked at the pot while eating the bowl, but my dad never sorry for him. , Even these years have been alone, isn't this love? And my dad treats me, although I came from a surrogate, but he loves me very much, because I have no mother since childhood, so my dad loves me most. When I was very young, as long as it was a parent-teacher meeting, my dad didn't miss one time because he loved me and even willing to give up your brother for me and start again. This is dedication. "

He is not convenient to say too much, but still pulled out his father and talked about it, then looked at Li Yixuan's face while driving.

"Actually it's okay to put it on me. I like you, except because you look beautiful, but also because you give me a feeling of being close to each other. When we get together, aren't we happy? I don't want to hypnotize you That's what I like, and now you are sitting on a boat with me, I don't believe that I have no feeling for me, Li Yixuan, is it so difficult to admit my heart? "

Zhou Zekai's questioning caused the expression on Li Yixuan's face to break a little, because she felt the other side spied her heart.

At this moment, Li Yixuan seemed to understand why everyone didn't like to talk to her and play with her, because as long as she got along briefly, she would also be like Zhou Zekai, and easily analyze each other's heart. The feeling of seeing through my thoughts is really not so good.

The car was parked in the underground garage. Li Yixuan didn't turn on the lights in the car, the eyes were dark, only the outside light came in, and there was a little light.

In the darkness, Zhou Zekai could not see Li Yixuan's company, but she could feel that she had twisted and was looking at herself.

"Yes, I confess, I am tempted."

Li Yixuan's voice sounded, but there was a kind of helpless self-abandonment. After she said this, her eyes still fell on Zhou Zekai's body. After gradually getting used to such black, the black in front of her eyes no longer seemed black. Individuals can already see each other's outline clearly.

Zhou Zekai raised his lips and reached out to touch Li Yixuan's hand, holding it tightly.

"Have your teacher taught you one thing? If you are not sure of your own heart, you should take the initiative to face it, or even do something to determine your own heart, because a person wants to disobey his own heart, It is a very painful act. "

He still calmly explained, but Li Yixuan's heartbeat was speeding up madly. She understood the child's suggestion and understood what the other party was saying. It was because she understood that she decided to have a fever on her face. Not being pulled by the other side, I'm afraid I've already sweated.

"Really? Do you want to be sure?"

Her voice was a little trembling, and she seemed to be fighting against her own heart. Obviously, her reason and feelings were gradually pulling, and only one had to occupy the high ground.

Already able to see the woman's cheek in front of her, Zhou Zekai gathered together, her voice was full of temptation.

"Of course, you're not sure, how do you know exactly what you want? And I can give you whatever you want."

At this time, Zhou Zekai was like a demon who seduced people. His voice was a kind of unspeakable sexiness, which caused Li Yixuan's struggling reason to be completely broken, and her feelings quickly invaded the entire brain, causing her to fall Looking at Zhou Zekai with a smile in his eyes, he suddenly couldn't control his behavior.

Almost like an instinct, she stretched out her other unstretched hand and held the other's head, then kissed the child.

When the lips of the two touched together, Li Yixuan's heartbeat seemed to pass along with the kiss, and Zhou Zekai also reached out his hand and pinched her neck ...

Finally, when the kiss was breathless, Li Yixuan was lying in Zhou Zekai's arms. She didn't understand what stupid thing she had done. How could she be so crazy? This was her first kiss, but with a child! The child in her eyes!

There seemed to be Zhou Zekai's temperature on his lips, and his fast beating and uncontrollable heart seemed to be telling Li Yixuan something.

She likes a child.

She turned out to be Zhou Zekai!

The kiss just now, if it was only tentative from the beginning, then later, it seems to have become willing, she enjoys such intimacy, and even feels that even the other person's breathing will make her heart beat faster.

At this moment, the sound of Zhou Zekai's breathing was in her ear. With a soft lick, she heard Zhou Zekai's words with a smile.

"You see, it's that simple. Know your heart, and then accept me. We are born in pairs."

Zhou Zekai's chest was undulating. The sound seemed to be transmitted through the chest. It made Li Yixuan feel more unable to describe her mood. She wanted to get up, but felt inexplicable. Her fingers were still pulled by Zhou Zekai The fingers of the two people are fastened together, just like what Zhou Zekai said-we are born a pair.

Is it really possible? She is already so old, can she be with A Kai?

He is still young and might like her, if it is later? When he grows up, will he still maintain this mood?

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