The Best Male God

Chapter 1008: I have to fall in love

Time is always the best way to prove someone in this world, such as ...

Even on the bright side, Zhou Zekai's relationship with Li Yixuan is still not cold, but in fact, the two men have tacitly acknowledged the relationship between the two men and women in private. Expose the relationship between the two before adulthood.

Of course, according to Li Yixuan's idea, Zhou Zekai's like is just a young impulse. As soon as she passes this age, she will disappear quickly, so she is somewhat fearless, although occasionally sneaking out with the child , But the mood is always different.

After that hypnosis for Li Jiahao, Li Jiahao really seems to have forgotten his relationship with his father, but just thought that they were good brothers. In this case, Zhou also accepted all of this, and, at the time After six months, Zhou's father had a suitor.

This man who pursues Zhou ’s father is a Chinese American from the United States. He came out very early. This time, he returned to become the general manager of an Asian company. My father fell in love at first sight, not only came to the Zhou family with a thick face, but also penetrated into his life and work. Many people felt that his father was really charming, and even men could see him!

Father Zhou knew about his son's secret contact with Li Yixuan, so he was always afraid that his behavior would affect his son, but Zhou Zekai knew nothing about it.

"You have the person you like, your choice, and I also have the person I like. That is my choice. Is there a great connection between our choice?"

Facing his father, Zhou Kaikai raised such a question. Father Zhou didn't know how to talk to his son about outside rumors and the current society's intolerance of homosexuality. But looking at his son, Zhou Qirong knew that no matter what he was doing The son must be supportive.

"But you and Xuan Xuan ..."

My son has been with Xuan Xuan for so long. Would Xuan Xuan feel wrong if he knew he had a new target?

"Dad, just don't care so much. Someone likes you and you like him, just be together. I told my grandparents that it has been difficult for you to take care of me all these years. I am single. I see Li Xiaoyun. It ’s nice to be good to you or me. Take a look at this gift, they will know that it is sincere to you, and I ca n’t wait to give you everything. ”

Zhou Zekai raised his hand and let his father look at the mechanical watch on his hand, which means that Li Xiaoyun sent it. If Zhou Zekai did not like Li Xiaoyun, he would not accept it, and after receiving this precious gift, he was naturally very satisfied with Li Xiaoyun. .

Li Xiaoyun not only looks good, is five years younger than his father, but also cooks. The Gu family is also very good at business management. It can be said that Zhou Zekai is a very good person.

Zhou Qirong was blushed by his son. After all, he thinks his feelings are still secret. He can't talk to others. The only thing he can communicate with is this son. It is just his son's statement that makes him feel a little embarrassed.

In the end, Zhou Qirong still did not stand up to Li Xiaoyun's strong attack. After more than a year, when Zhou Zekai was almost seventeen years old, the two were finally together. After being together, Zhou Qirong did not cover up his sexuality for the first time, even Li Xiaoyun. When picking him up under the company, he even hugs and kisses Li Xiaoyun. This man who is now unconvinced has finally found his own happiness.

The Zhou family's grandfather and old woman could not accept the son to be so brazen with the man, but the grandson couldn't bear to keep saying, after all, the son really didn't have a good life for so many years, so he still opened it Closed one eye.

Many people who know Zhou Qirong have been blinded. I did not expect that Zhou Qirong actually liked men, but people's eyes for discrimination would not always be on good people. Zhou Qirong and Li Xiaoyun were both excellent enough. Under the circumstances, everyone naturally does not say much.

Only Li Jiahao, who was a good friend, knew that Zhou Qirong was **** after he knew he was gay, but he didn't know why he felt wrong, but there was nothing wrong with it.

Now that Mrs. Li has given birth to a son, she is happy every day. She remembered that she had sent someone to investigate her husband's affairs before. She also felt that she had thought too much because the investigation had just begun and her husband had changed. She loves her, which makes Mrs. Li not continue to be investigated, but also has her own son.

Everything went so smoothly that Mrs. Li was very happy. The only thing that was strange was that now that Li Yixuan was getting older, how could the blind date of Zhang Luo at home be impossible, and I did n’t know what was going on ...

When they went on a blind date, they said that everything was fine, but when they looked back, they said that Li Yixuan was good, but they were not suitable and so on.

Regarding this matter, Zhou Zekai has something to say. Did his girlfriend go on a blind date, and thought about his feelings?

After hardly grinding into adult Zhou Zekai, when he finally invited his friends to play together, he did a big thing!

He was drunk with a lot of alcohol, drunk, and being dragged to play the truthful adventure, he had to choose the number one in the cell phone to make a call.

Hong Shuhang, Luo Feifei, and others took Zhou Zekai's mobile phone and found that the number one above was actually a dear, and suddenly he looked ambiguous, thinking that Zhou Zhen was cute and fell in love. After dialing it, it turned out to be a woman with a voice Indifferent woman.

"A Kai, is it okay to call so late?"

Even if she has been in love for several years, Li Yixuan always looks so cold. If Zhou Zekai is beside her, she would like to press her against the wall to kiss her.

Stupid Zhou Zekai heard Li Yixuan's voice, stared blankly at the phone, and then returned.

"Xuan, Xuan Xuan ..."

At this hearing, his tongue was so loud that Li Yixuan felt that the child was drunk?

When people around me heard it, it was a little strange. Who the woman was, she took Zhou Zekai silently, so she quickly poked Zhou Zekai, and found that he was really drunk, so Lin Chuanhai hurriedly faced him. Said in the phone.

"Akai is drunk. In the blues bar, that, would you please come and pick him up? We all drank a lot and couldn't go back by ourselves."

Because we don't know who the other party is, everyone can only play it.

Li Yixuan was a bit worried about Zhou Zekai, so she gave a positive answer and asked them to wait for a while.

All of my friends were very excited. It was a joy to think of meeting someone who Zhou Zekai liked, because Zhou Zekai was really indulged in drinking for a while, and at this time he was dizzy and did not know what his friends were doing. What happened.

After Li Yixuan came to the blues bar, she easily found a group of Zhou Zekai, so that the group of Zhou Zekai's friends were blinded ...

Because this person is not someone else, it is Li Yixuan! !! !!

Li Yixuan, who was in love at first sight, was told by Zhou Zekai when he first returned to China with a scandal with Zhou Father.

Although Li Yixuan has not been very active in the circle in recent years, everyone still knows her, so after seeing Li Yixuan, she was shocked one by one. I did not expect that Li Yixuan was really With Zhou Zekai!

Isn't that dear one who can be called casually?

These two people are definitely messy.

After Li Yixuan came, Zhou Zekai hugged Li Yixuan. After the whole person stuck to the other person, this time made everyone more sure. I only think that if this matter is exposed, it must be the annual news. It is estimated that it is more explosive than Zhou Zekai's father came out that year!

"I'll take him first. I've already called you a taxi, right at the door. You are free."

Perceived that only Zhou Zekai was drunk, Li Yixuan took Zhou Zekai back, and the others did not dare to stop it, it was because this matter was shocked. How could I stop it, at this time watching Li Yixuan took Zhou Zekai away , One by one with a look on the face.

And the drunk Zhou Zekai is particularly sticky, which gives Li Yixuan a sense of helplessness. People who are usually calm are now sticky like puppies, and Li Yixuan can't help it. They can only bring people to their own. At home.

On the second day, I did n’t know how to spread it. Li Yixuan held the photo of Zhou Zekai and spread it to the circle of friends. Everyone knows that Li Yixuan, who has never been a blind date in the Li family. I like small fresh meat!

After Zhou Zekai woke up, he also knew about this matter, but he didn't persuade him. He directly held Li Yixuan to take a photo, sent it to the circle of friends, and just one sentence.

[Zhou Kai Kai: This is my favorite girlfriend. 】

This time it is directly hammered, so that everyone can not discuss anything indiscriminately. The Li family knew this and asked Li Yixuan to ask them before they knew that they were really dating. Although the Li family forced Li Yixuan to Zhou Zekai They broke up, but Li Yixuan had promised Zhou Zekai before, to wait for Zhou Zekai to let go first, so in the end, things went viral, and neither of them broke up.

Many people in the circle bet to see when the two of them broke up, but unfortunately, until Zhou Zekai reached the legal age, the two went directly to pull the card and scared everyone! This is what it is called true love! It's such a long time, so different age, still married! This is not what true love is?

In short, no matter what others say, Grandpa Zhou and Grandpa are still a little happy. What's wrong with my grandson even looking for a bigger girl? As long as it is not a man, otherwise the roots of their Zhou family will be broken.

Zhou Zekai and Li Yixuan were more loving and loving all their lives. They had two children and were very happy ...

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