The Best Male God

Chapter 927: Female educated husband 7

The train in the 1970s gave people a unique feeling. Zhou Zekai brought dry food and some things prepared by his parents. A guy of all sizes is so handsome. In the compartment, someone talked to Zhou Zekai and knew that he was going to Shanghai. After college, they all looked at him in worship. These days, the worship of such cultural people cannot be described in words.

Zhou Zekai had a good attitude. I also told you some historical stories along the way. The passers-by in the box took special care of Zhou Zekai, and gave everything to Zhou Zekai to eat. Zhou Zekai originally rejected it, but his life was wrong. To give, enthusiastic, in the end Zhou Zekai was only able to pick up this thing.

In this era, the feelings of many people are so sincere and simple that you can't say anything about rejection.

Enjoying this journey, Zhou Zekai finally reached Shangjing City, and then found Jinghua University. Because of his wealth, he didn't bring a lot of things. Instead, he enrolled in this period.

When he enrolled, the admissions office also gave a special look at Zhou Zekai, because this person's score was simply too high, the first in the country! People outside just know the scores of the five subjects combined, but the teachers here at Jinghua University all know that this child is an all-rounder and the English is very good. It can be said that it is very powerful.

Because of Zhou Zekai's excellence, the dormitory arranged is also very good, and these daily necessities provided by the school saved Zhou Zekai to buy. On the same day, Zhou Zekai's other roommates arrived, but it made Zhou Zekai feel strange. Among these people, Zhou Zekai is the youngest.

At the end of the ranking, six people, Zhou Zekai became Zhou Xiaoliu, but in short everyone still got along well, and took special care of Zhou Zekai, but after knowing that Zhou Zekai had a son, they were all surprised. .

But at this moment there were no cameras or anything. The family was very poor, so Zhou Jiakai's son Zhou Jiayu never took a picture.

After arriving at the school, Zhou Zekai first sent a letter to the family to report his safety, and then began his studies. He is a department of literature, and he has mainly developed in this area. However, within a few days, Zhou Zekai ’s name in the school was The rumblings are spreading.

No way, who made Zhou Zekai's composition appear on the People's Daily! Because of the cyclical arrangement, it was almost until the beginning of these students that this issue of the People's Daily with Zhou Zekai's composition was officially released.

There are a lot of people in the People's Daily on Shanghai. The teachers in the school are all staff. After seeing the name Zhou Zekai, I also feel familiar. After knowing that this is a student of his own school, there is even a little This kind of unique pride, after all, this is a student of his school!

Zhou Zekai also bought a children's newspaper and sent it directly to his home for parents to see. Because parents had always wanted to see what the People's Daily looked like, Zhou Zekai saw this newspaper with his own name. Also a bit happy.

On the side of Lujiang Town, after Zhou Zekai left, Zhou ’s father and mother had some habit, but his son went out to school, and they could n’t tie his son to his life for a lifetime. The two of them fell for half a month. A letter.

The letter stated that Zhou Zekai had safely arrived in Shangjing City, and arranged the accommodation. The big brothers in the bedroom took great care of him, etc. All these made his father and mother Zhou secretly wipe his tears after watching, although the son said Both are good, but the two are still afraid that Zhou Zekai will suffer from being out.

But before the two were worried about it, the second letter came back. As a result, Nima was terrible! This turned out to be the People's Daily with his son's composition! !! When I saw this newspaper, I was almost crazy for Zhou Shanhui. At that time, there were some villagers who wanted to make Zhou Shanhui miss what was written in this newspaper. Some of them have never seen the newspaper ... ...

Zhou Shanhui was called a pride, and he told the story of his son's composition in the newspaper. Then, at the request of the villagers, he turned on the only radio speaker in the village in the afternoon and started reading the newspaper. In short, it was called a nice.

Sun Yingchun is also envied by others wherever he goes. He said that Zhou Jiayu was praised like his dad, and he will be a national pillar in the future!

Zhou Zekai didn't know how his father and mother were showing off. He studied seriously at the school side, and began to submit papers to the People's Daily, as well as to several magazines and publishing houses that he had inquired about.

Of course, during this period, Zhou Zekai went to ask the school's teacher if there was a student named Lin Meiyu who came to the school last year. As a result, he learned that although the student came to report, he went abroad after six months of study, it seems that it was because of his family. Going abroad ...

After getting such a result, Zhou Zekai is not surprised, because he believes that even if Lin Meiyu is going abroad now, sooner or later, he will return home. With the rapid progress and development of the country, those who go abroad will gradually return home.

Zhou Zekai's excellence was quickly proved. When he came to Shangjing for the third month, his second manuscript appeared in the People's Daily. It was not the kind of poems and languages ​​moaning without disease, but sharp like a sharp knife. Generally leads people to look forward to the future with passion!

The manuscript of "Looking to the Future" has a length of 2,000 words. It is actually longer for a newspaper, but after the newspaper leader saw such a "Looking to the Future", he couldn't control his blood. , Published this "Looking to the Future"!

In the future, this country will be like a male lion rising, roaring to let everyone see its sharp teeth, and let those invaders put away their invading minions! Zhou Zekai wrote this manuscript in accordance with his own expectations for the future and the future he saw. Once issued, the name Zhou Zekai was thoroughly repercussive in the literary world.

This year, the literati talk is still useful. The social evolution before Zhou Zekai is enough to let everyone see his understanding of this social class and development, and now this "Looking to the Future" makes everyone see Zhou Zekai's Expectation and pride, so that all readers who bought the People's Daily, are imagining that their country can have such a future, and proud!

In the article "Looking for the Future", through the imagination of the mother officially returning to Hong Kong occupied by another country, I envisioned the return of Macao and the hope for the future of the country. Be proud!

Zhou Kaikai himself is because of this "Looking to the Future" and got his first manuscript fee of more than 1,000 yuan! Of course, after the article was published by the People's Daily, several other magazines also contacted Zhou Zekai to buy the copyright of this article on behalf of the locality. Zhou Zekai naturally would not have trouble with the money, so he all agreed and finally took it By the end of the magazine's total of more than 3,700 yuan, plus the money on him, he was already considered a rich man!

I came to Shangjing in September, and it is now November. The weather in Shangjing suddenly became cold, and the sky was covered with goose feathers. Many students from the south were curious about this kind of snow. Zhou Zekai liked it. Weather, so I went to buy a coat, wool sweater and rubber shoes, although it cost hundreds of dollars, but he was not distressed at all.

While shopping, Zhou Zekai saw down jackets in the mall. Although down jackets are already available this year, they are very expensive. Zhou Zekai bought two, one black, one red, and men's and women's leather shoes. After all, making money, Zhou Zekai likes to buy things for his family.

Because I'm not sure how old my son is now, Zhou Zekai ripped a lot of fabrics suitable for children, wrote a letter, and sent it back to the home. I hope that my father and mother will be able to do everything without the company this year. it is good.

When these things reached Lujiang Town, it was already December, and the first snow fell in Heding Village. The harvest in the village this year was also good. Father Zhou was very happy and received news that After having the son's things, I hurried to get it in town, and it was almost dark when I got home.

The couple, as well as Zhou Jiayu, who was already talking, started looking at his son's gift.

After opening it, I first looked at the letter and knew that his son had published another article. The People's Daily newspaper made Zhou Shanhui look at it and was reluctant to remove his eyes.

In addition, after learning that his son bought things for himself and his wife, Zhou Shanhui was even warmer.

The two took out things and found that they were only found in that city. The particularly expensive down jackets, as well as the leather shoes and cashmere sweaters and trousers, were very thick, which made them even more happy.

However, both of them are more careful. They plan to wear it after the snow is finished, and then start writing to the son to let the son take good care of himself. He will not return if he does not come back this year. Study hard. Jiayu at home is very good. The home is also very good, anyway, the kindness of the parents is all in such a letter.

Zhou Zekai received the letter in January, and there were still two hundred dollars in it. After Zhou Zekai saw it, he couldn't help crying and laughing. He also understood that his parents were probably worried that he was not doing well here. Think about deciding to spend the year. Let people take the money back, he already had a book with 80,000 words written to the publisher, and soon it came to fruition.

This "My Country" describes the domestic situation today, as well as looking forward to the future, as well as things such as expectations for the country. These years, such books are more popular with literati ...

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