The Best Male God

Chapter 928: Female educated young husband 8

Later, at school, it seems to be more fulfilling. Teachers like patriotic students like Zhou Zekai, and can feel a sense of national pride in his writing!

Nowadays, literati like to write something straightforward in the newspapers, ridicule politics, or ridicule today's countries. As if without saying a few words, they can not prove their ability, but since the appearance of Zhou Zekai, The newspapers where he appears will be robbed, and his articles are recited and loved by many patriots, because they also look forward to how prosperous the country in Zhou Zekai ’s article is!

There is no sarcasm, no scolding of this motherland, but the most gentle way to soothe the motherland, make everyone proud of this mother, and let everyone deepen after reading these articles Perceive one thing from the heart.

That is, even with scars and wars, this is still the motherland they love most!

The book "My Country" was even loved by literati and writers since it was published, because they never knew that in such a dark and scarred era, some people could sing all the goodness of the motherland. Come out, and use the way of writing my mother, to outline a touching country.

This book was written by Zhou Zekai when he was at home. Although it was only 80,000 words, it took a whole year to look at this country with the eyes of a child, and then gradually grew. Of the short 80,000 words, slowly telling what happened on this land in recent years, also makes this book unique to tears when we see it.

Before, they never thought that they lived on this land, and when they were trying to protect this land, this land was also protecting them, so that their children and grandchildren could thrive ...

From the beginning of Shangjing City to the spread to major provinces and cities, the name Zhou Zekai, as long as the literati and scholars know, some officials even recommend that everyone read this book, even when the state met in May 1979 At the meeting, this book turned out to be praised, because this book let more people know that they want to love the land under their feet!

Through this book, Zhou Zekai gained a firm foothold in the literary world, and also successfully obtained the first 10,000 yuan in his life, and then sent it to many homes. After his father and mother Zhou saw the book written by his son, he was more excited I do n’t know what to do.

In particular, Father Zhou, after reading this "My Country", he was moved to tears and tears, because in this age, no one can understand better than them, the glory and peace that this country brings to them. peace.

Zhou Zekai officially let the public remember his name in the name of such a patriotic author. "My Country" has become a must-see for everyone, because when you read this book, you can feel it. , My love for this country! !! !!

In the past few years at school, Zhou Zekai has published six books in a row, from the beginning of "My Country" to several subsequent novels with place names. The appearance of each one has caused a shock in the literary world. It can be said that Let Zhou Zekai's name thoroughly resonate throughout the literary world.

After graduation, Zhou Zekai chose to stay in school as a teacher. After all, at his current level, let alone a Chinese teacher, and an English teacher is fine, because in addition to writing his own novel, Zhou Zekai has helped the country in recent years. The Tibetan Bureau has translated a lot of books, including English, Russian and French. In short, he knows too many things, which is very amazing.

Of course, it is precisely because of this that Zhou Zekai's value is naturally higher than other literati and writers, because even if this country is sometimes disappointing, sometimes it is more than bullying, but in Zhou Zekai's book, the mother of this country They all appear in the most real situation, so that after reading the book, everyone can more want to work hard to serve the motherland.

In the four years that Zhou Zekai was in school, there were many more people who reported to Jinghua University, and those letters to the author Zhou Zekai were filled with one of the houses that Zhou Zekai bought in Shanghai. With regard to the people of this motherland, Zhou Zekai naturally likes it very much.

Four years of college, although Zhou Zekai bought a house in Shangjing City, he never went home. Last year, Father Zhou was not allowed to be the village head anymore, and he was asked to come to Beijing. Maybe it was because he had n’t seen his son for too long. Finally, Zhou Father finally compromised.

When Zhou Zekai returned to Heding Village after a lapse of four years, all the villagers came to watch, and the golden phoenix came out of this village, but they were not happy.

Zhou Zekai came back this time, in addition to picking up his parents to go to Beijing, but also wanted to build roads for the village. Today the village head has been selected and is Zhou Zekai's uncle, which also makes Zhou Zekai more at ease.

After the family had dinner together, they told the uncle about it.

"Akai, you know, this road repair is not something you can do casually. If you don't have one hundred thousand, it is estimated that you can't repair it ..."

Heding Village is very far from the town. Before this, Zhou Father also thought about road repairs, but how could the government approve more than 100,000? So it turned out to be unsatisfactory. Now Uncle Zhou Zekai, now the village head, heard this incident and couldn't believe it.

"Dad, uncle, I know how much I need. I came back this time with 200,000 to build roads for the villagers. In the past four years, you also know that I have written a lot of things and also worked part-time. I have a school translation, so I have a lot of money in my hand. Anyway, I do n’t have much money with it. I might as well build roads for the villagers, and if everyone can go out in the future, it wo n’t be so troublesome ... ”

Zhou Zekai said that both Zhou's father and mother, and Zhou's uncle were both proud of looking at the child, and it turned out that when they grew up, they knew that they were thinking about the people in the village! Now the village is still a little poor. People say they must build the road before getting rich. Since this child has to give back to everyone, Uncle Zhou naturally agrees, but I think I should tell you something so glorious!

In the afternoon, the people in the village were notified, and they directly broadcasted what Zhou Zekai wanted to do for the villagers. This made the people in Heding Village very happy. People have built roads, thank each other for working with Father Zhou and Mother Zhou, giving birth to such a good son ...

Although 200,000 makes Sun Yingchun very distressed, but since the son wants to do this, she naturally supports it. Now that she is so sought after by the folks, her heart is naturally beautiful.

The county was also very happy after knowing this, and hurried to praise Zhou Zekai for a while, after all, Zhou Zekai is now a very famous and famous patriotic author, that is not an ordinary person! This is the Lord of the People's Daily! As for Zhou Zekai's book, they are all officials, but they all bought it and read it. Who made the chairman above like it?

In short, the road construction is considered to be certain, but Zhou's father and mother and Zhou Zekai still intend to stay here to see the road started to be repaired before leaving.

I haven't seen it in four years. My two-year-old son, Zhou Jiayu, is now six years old. She was very well-educated by her mother. City! The mood is naturally very happy.

Zhou Zekai was holding him in his arms, and was holding his father's neck. He was not unfamiliar at all.

"Dad, Grandpa taught me several poems, shall I listen to you?"

Zhou Zekai looked at his son so cute and was educated by his parents so well. He nodded and looked at his smart son.

"Wanglu Mountain Waterfall", Tang Dynasty, Li Bai ~ Rizhao Incense Burner produces purple smoke ~ Looking at the waterfall hanging from Qianqian River, the stream flows down 3000 feet, and it is suspected that the Milky Way fell for nine days ... "

The cute and soft voice memorized Li Bai's poems. In addition to this "Wanglu Mountain Waterfall", there are also "near wine", "Huang Helou sent Meng Haoran's Guangling" and so on. After all, Zhou's favorite Li Bai's verses are taught a lot.

A six-year-old child is capable of memorizing so many poems. Zhou Zekai praised his son and suddenly thought of Lin Meiyu, who had never returned home after going abroad. She seemed to have given birth to a daughter and did not know her. What about her daughter? In order to maintain her family, she wanted to kill her son.

Because of the above approval, construction started soon in the village. Because it was a village road repair, many people in the village began to help. They all know that if this road is repaired, the future will get better and better. of.

When road construction started, it was already October. The couple of the Zhou family gave everything to the uncle of the Zhou family, and then went to Beijing with his son.

The first time I went to such a far place, my father and mother Zhou were a little nervous, but after taking care of Zhou Zekai, this gradually calmed down. Later, I went to Shangjing, first went to a house that Zhou Zekai bought himself, and then knew After the son has a teacher's room in the school, he feels that the son is incredible!

After that, Zhou Zekai began to attend classes at school. Instead, it was because Zhou Father often came to the school's library to read books. In the end, he was mixed with the job of a librarian. His salary was 30 yuan a month. In this year, it was already Very much.

After knowing this, Zhou Zekai knew that it was the school who took care of his family members. He was also very grateful. After his father came to Shanghai, he was really lonely. Now that he has a job, he is happy every day, even his mother. Also happy for my father ...

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