Send the troublesome Weibo, Fang Ziyang finally feels a lot better.

    He hasn't felt happy for a long time. Since Yan Tong appeared, he has almost spent his time in mania, anger, grievance, and sadness.

    Especially after losing that child, he lived in pain every day.

    As much as those people laughed, he lived so miserably, waking up in nightmares every night, so later he had to rely on sleeping pills to fall asleep.

    Although the arrival of that child brought him a lot of misfortune, Fang Ziyang knew very well that his misfortune could not be blamed on the child, even if there was no child, the person who should frame him still wouldn’t will be soft.

    He is not Fang Yandong, so he can't be so heartless towards his own child. Although this child is really not bright, he still looks forward to the birth of the child.

    When everyone betrayed and abandoned him, that child was not just a child, but the only hope and redemption for him at that time.

     But the last hope was also shattered.


    Since then, he has fallen into a frantic act of revenge. He has become a sinister and cunning person who even detests and hates himself... But he still fails in the end.

    All the memories are vivid in his mind. In those days, the feeling of happiness was too extravagant for him.

    But now, he's back.


    Fang Ziyang left the teacher's office with a smile.

    It was just that this mood was soon broken, and as soon as I left the corner of the office corridor, a sunny boy in a basketball uniform was greeted immediately.

    The other party was obviously waiting for him, and when he saw him, he ran over immediately, with a worried expression on his face,

    "Ziyang, what's the situation? Is that old witch going to fire us or something? Isn't it just a few words of containment and scolding? Ling has something to do with it?"

    "It's over, if I get fired, I'll definitely be punished when I go back, Ziyang, shall we apologize? After all, nothing happened, as long as we correct our attitude and apologize, for the sake of us still students Children, everyone will definitely not hold on tight, netizens are forgetful, and they will definitely fade after a while..."

    The boy in the basketball uniform looked like he was in a panic and worried, and he started to crackle when he got up.



    Fang Ziyang's heart was icy cold.

    When he was young, he couldn't notice it, but now he looks at the people around him.

      He is also very arrogant with his head raised, with an aura that he is the only one in the world.

    However, is such a person telling him to bow his head and apologize? To say an apology that is completely unfounded?

    My eyes fell on the red hand rope in Xu Jiaqing's hand...

    Fang Ziyang suddenly smiled, with the arrogance of his youth,

    "Apologize for what? We didn't do it again, so why apologize? Wouldn't an apology be a real crime? I'll just expel me, anyway, my father's money has something to do with it, so I'm afraid I won't go to school?"

     Hearing this, Xu Jiaqing's expression froze, and then he continued with a bitter face, "You are okay, but I am miserable, buddy, you can't leave your brother?"

    "Who said they left you, I'll tell you at home, I'll look for you when you're expelled from the school, and the same goes for other people, I'll take care of you. Isn't it a big deal to change schools? If the college entrance examination is over, we will go abroad to study, don’t you say that netizens are forgetful, we will still be a hero after going abroad for a few years and coming back.”

    Fang Ziyang's attitude is very indifferent.

    Xu Jiaqing was anxious and wanted to say more.

    But Fang Ziyang didn't give him another chance, he waved his hand impatiently, "Okay, okay, I'll solve the matter. But you, when did you like to wear a red bracelet? It's not the girls who chirp Do you have any taste?"

     Casually curious tone.

    But Xu Jiaqing's body froze when he heard it, and a guilty conscience flashed in his eyes, and then he quickly took off the red hand rope, pretending not to care about putting it in his trousers pocket, and explained embarrassingly,

    "You have seen all these little things, but, isn't it just the girls who are chirping, not my little sister, those little girls like these things, it is meaningful to say that they are made by themselves, I, I can't twist her, I can only wear it for a few days to cope with..."

    "Really, your brother and sister have a really good relationship. That's ok, I'll go first, next time I come out and call your sister, let's play together."

    Fang Ziyang smiled and didn't ask further, as if he really asked a random question.

    Then turn around and leave with his hands in his pockets.


    He remembered that after Yan Tong lived in his house in his previous life, he carried a red hand rope stained with blood in his luggage, which he kept very carefully.

    According to Yan Tong at the time, the red hand rope belonged to the other party's childhood playmate. down.

    And now, Xu Jiaqing's red bracelet is exactly the same as that one, even the weaving mistakes are the same...

    Xu Jiaqing died in a car accident before the college entrance examination...

    Sister Xu Jiaqing later became the right-hand man of Yantong Company...

    Xu Jiaqing now asks him to apologize...


    If he can't guess anything, he is really playing for nothing in his intrigue and conspiracy in his previous life.

    A lot of things that were normal in the past life, now look at it from a different angle.

    I ignored the disdainful and resentful eyes of passing classmates, and did not return to the classroom. After dismissing Xu Jiaqing, Fang Ziyang went directly to the student locker to take out the laptop, and then found a lesson building rooftop, Started crackling and beating.

    He doesn't have so much time to play guessing, he wants to know the truth, and wants to get rid of the influence of bullying videos, he can only look for evidence.

    In this information age, if you want to find things, the Internet is the best way. If you are not a professional, then whatever you do will be recorded in the online world, unless the person has no electronic equipment. belt, living like a primitive man in the deep mountains and old forests.

    Computers have always been his thing.

    I don't know if it's because his mother's family has been a scientific research talent for several generations. Genetic inheritance. He showed this talent at a very young age. Technology is already very good.

    Of course, it is not easy to find clues in the Internet at his high school level, but he is now reborn.

    He already had a few doubts about designing his own object, and now he just needs to follow the direction to find it.

     Sitting cross-legged on the roof of the teaching building, Fang Ziyang stared at the computer screen that kept flashing information, his expression was calm, and he could not see his emotions.

    But only he knows how the emotions are rolling in his heart.

    Fang Ziyang couldn't help laughing when the final screen image was frozen in the series of call records, and there was a little moisture in his unwavering eyes.

    He knew.

    He knew that he shouldn't have any more expectations, even if it was a shred of it.

    He remembered that after the bullying incident, the school teacher forced him to apologize, he ran home angrily and asked why his father didn't use his relationship to help him, how did the man come back to him?

    Oh yes, that's it...

    "What are you talking about? Look at your attitude! All day long, you only know how to make trouble. Secretary Yang notified me when the video hot search came out. I called you everywhere to clean up. It's a mess, but the video is spreading so fast that it can't be suppressed, and people all over the country are paying attention!"

    "Dad can't ignore the whole company's image, now the company's stock has begun to fall, and the company's old shareholders are also holding on tight, the only way now is to apologize, otherwise If you really go to court, the trouble will get bigger and bigger, and it will be impossible to clean up under the eyes of everyone."

    The sound is always there.

    Is the power and public relations of the Fang family really unable to handle even a video hot search? No, absolutely impossible.

    In fact, the whole bullying incident is very easy to solve, that is, to investigate the complete surveillance video, the ability of the Fang family is not a problem at all, but my father did not do this, and neither did the school.

    Dad said that after the matter came out, he contacted people everywhere to solve it, but the truth is... Now there is no call record of contact everywhere.

    He pleaded not guilty and asked the school to investigate the truth, but the truth is... the school kept silent about the full video.

    And now, the complete video school is no longer available and has been deleted.

    What's wrong with all this?

    If there is no father's default, the school will have this attitude?

    Fang Ziyang clenched his fists tightly and kept forcing himself to breathe.

    He always thought that his father was Yan Tong and began to hate him because of the various disputes between him and Yan Tong, but now the facts tell him that he may still be too tender.

    From the beginning to the end, his dear father may not have liked and loved him at all!

    In fact, there are many things to follow Parents who really care about their children will fall for it.

    Just like his elder brother, he remembered that his elder brother made a mistake in the latter part of his life, which caused the group to fall into crisis and almost went bankrupt. It was his father who took out all his fortune to save it.

    The real father is the one who will do anything to help.

    Why the same son, but two attitudes?

    He is his father's biological son, yes, there is no problem in casually verifying this blood relationship. The elder brother is also his own elder brother, but why.

    Fang Ziyang's mood was tumbling.

    At this moment, his phone suddenly rang.

    Fang Ziyang took out his mobile phone to answer, and a middle-aged man roared inside:

    "Little one, where are you? Both of you father and son are bastards! You bastards! It took me eight lifetimes of bad luck to run into you guys. What did you post on Weibo? You Do you know how much our group's shares have fallen just because of your Weibo!"

    "Damn, hurry up and apologize publicly! Hurry up, or I will immediately join other shareholders to pull your good father out of office! It's just like this, Fang Yandong's **** doesn't know what to do Ghost, this time the chain has dropped so much..."

    This voice is—Uncle Li?

    The uncle Li who was always against his father, and finally got rid of all his shares and net worth by his father?

    Just in time.

    Automatically ignoring the unpleasant scolding on the phone, Fang Ziyang continued to tap on the laptop with one hand, while his eyes twitched,

    "Uncle Li, lend me the company's lawyers for a few days, and I will sell you and my 1 shares."


    The sound of a cup falling to the ground came from the phone.

    "What do you mean by shares?"

    Li Zhiren's voice suddenly rose.

    "The shares of the group, the shares of Fang's Group."

    The things that add to Fang Yandong's block, he does it very smoothly.

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