Fang's Group did not have its current status in Jiang City more than ten years ago. At that time, its assets in Jiang City only belonged to the middle level of the rich.

    The reason why it was able to develop to the present point, apart from Fang Yandong's ability, the biggest reason was that he had made a capital injection, and the person who injected the capital was none other than his grandfather Yan Anguo.

    The Yan family is not from the business world, but the Yan family's wealth is no worse than any middle-class businessman.

    Because the Yan family has been a national researcher for almost generations, in addition to participating in large-scale national research projects, they have also independently researched a lot of things, including patent fees, bonuses, dividends...etc. The accumulation of wealth from generation to generation is considerable.

    It's a pity that in his mother's generation, neither his mother nor his uncle had the talent for scientific research.

    In order not to let his children sit and eat, his grandfather figured out to find someone who can do business to invest. The Yan family can continue to study the road, and will not be buried...

    The Fang Group was also facing bankruptcy, so the two hit it off and joined forces to inject capital.

    Therefore, his mother owns 20 shares of the group, and after his death, the shares are divided equally between him and his brother, each of whom is 10.

    But now Fang Ziyang only has 6 in his hands, because in order to buy antiques and gambling stones these years, when his pocket money is not enough, he has used the crooked brain of selling shares, and he has almost lost his money.

    Thinking of this, my heart couldn't help but roll over again.

    He, a child who doesn't understand anything at such a young age, would like to buy antiques and gambling stones. It's a big problem to think about now!

    But now is not the time to think about those things, just settle the matter in front of you first.

    1 The number of shares does not sound like much, but for shareholders who speak with the number of shares, it is a huge temptation and news.

    No need to think about it at all, Li Zhiren ran out immediately when he heard the word "share".


    "Are you really going to sell me the shares? Aren't you afraid of making your dad angry?"

    Li Zhiren still can't believe that he has encountered a pie in the sky. Now the Fang Group's shares are so valuable, who would be willing to sell it? The most important thing is that the person who wants to sell his shares is Fang Yandong's own son.

    He and Fang Yandong have been rivals for many years. Isn't Fang Ziyang the most protective of his father?

    Li Zhiren looked up and down at the unbelievably beautiful young man in front of him, and was very suspicious, "You kid...don't you help Laozi to set me up?"

     "Paying the money and the shares with one hand, Uncle Li, what do you think I can do for you?"

    Fang Ziyang made a willful and angry expression, "Also, don't mention my dad now! I said that I was wronged about the video hot search, but he didn't believe me, thinking I was shirking nonsense. , I'm so mad at me, since he doesn't care about me, I'll deal with it myself."

    The young master of the Fang family is self-willed and reckless. This behavior is too normal. However, he has a conflict with his father, so he will add obstacles and the logic is smooth.


    Li Zhiren was puzzled, "What does this have to do with the sale of your shares?"

    Obviously, his mind didn't turn around for a while.

    Although it's true that Li Zhiren is Fang Yandong's nemesis, but in fact he does not have the corresponding IQ, and he competes with Fang Yandong... It's just a war of words in the company because of more shares.

    However, although there is no actual harm in the war of words, it can be annoying if it occurs too many times.

    Fang Ziyang doesn't mind that Li Zhiren's pig's brain is too slow, after all, no one would have thought that he could act willfully to this point.

    "Why doesn't it matter? Selling shares is of course asking for money, didn't I say, I didn't bully anyone at all, the video on the Internet was taken out of context, someone must be deliberately smearing me, my dad doesn't believe it I, then I can only make up my own mind..."

    Fang Ziyang made a hateful expression,

    "The normal means can't solve it, then I will go to the hacker to help me restore the complete video, and then let the lawyers send lawyer letters to those who slander and slander me! I will I don’t believe that money can’t solve this matter! If Dad doesn’t help me, then I will sell the shares!”

    What a prodigal.

    Li Zhiren was dumbfounded. He knew that Fang Ziyang was defeated, but he really didn't know that Fang Ziyang was defeated to such an extent.

    I just sold my shares to my father's rival?

    Li Zhiren:…

    He suddenly felt that his son, who changed new cars and yachts every month, was pleasing to the eye.

    "This method is good, if you really haven't done it, find a hacker to find the full video, then the hot search issue will be easy to solve, better than a public apology. At that time, our group image will not only be It will not be damaged, but will gain some positive popularity.”

    Li Zhiren nodded, agreeing with Fang Ziyang's words, no matter if the prodigal family spends money, this is the fundamental way to solve the problem.

    Although this video hot search is a personal grievance, but because of the gimmick of "Fang's group's young master", the group has also been implicated, and the stock has been affected. Especially today Fang Ziyang also posted a provocative Weibo, which pushed the group to the forefront.

    So no matter how to apologize and solve it, there is no better explanation than this is a misunderstanding!

    Since Fang Ziyang himself said that he would ask the hackers to restore the complete surveillance video, Li Zhiren was inclined to believe that Fang Ziyang was wronged, and this wave of operations was too hard.


    Li Zhiren suddenly thought of something and slammed the table,

     "Why didn't Fang Yandong expect to resume monitoring to deal with public relations before, when did he have such a watt?!"

    Yes, after two days of worrying about it, all of them ignored the most important point, which is to call out the complete monitoring. Don't care if Fang Ziyang is really bullying others, this is the correct way to solve the problem first to understand the truth.

    The old guy finally got his head around.

    Fang Ziyang was very happy, with a stunned expression on his face.

    Then he thought of something, his face turned bad, "Uncle Li, what do you mean by that? You mean that my dad deliberately left this thing and didn't care about me harming me?"

    Will be willful and willful, and the family will return to the bankrupt. Fang Baobao is still a good son who protects his father.

    Li Zhiren: “…”


    Although he doesn't like seeing Fang Yandong, he still admires Fang Yandong's ability to handle affairs. Over the years, the group has prospered under the leadership of the other party.

    Since Fang Yandong is strong, how could Fang Ziyang's bullying video be handled so badly all of a sudden?


    Why did Fang Yandong do this? Why let the gaffe develop seriously? What's the benefit of doing this to Yandong?

    Li Zhiren can't figure it out for now.

    But it does not deny that he suddenly discovered this very interesting secret, Fang Yandong's love for his young son, I am afraid there is a problem.

    Li Zhiren is the last one who is holding back the company's strategy, but he is definitely the first to make small moves.

    "Oh, what are you talking about, little nephew, I just said it casually, why did you make up for it."

    Li Zhiren quickly hit haha,

    "I didn't say that your dad deliberately let this go and leave you alone, I just think how your dad lost the chain at a critical moment, and you are his own son, he actually let you believe it if you don't believe it. Outsiders, it's really too much..."

    Fang Ziyang looked better when he heard this.

    A good son who loves his father can't stand being spoken of badly about his father.

    But what my uncle said was so reasonable, even a good baby had to murmur a few words.

    Fang Ziyang agrees,

    "Uncle Li, you are right, although I am always in trouble, but he is my father, how can you not believe me? , but with my dad, the reputation is better than mine, no matter what Fan's fault is, they all believe in my brother. In the end, they don't believe me when they come to me."

    "Uncle Li, you said that my brother and I are both biological and sons. Why is my father so partial? If it weren't for the blood test, I would doubt if my dad picked it up."

    From childhood to adulthood, Fang Yandong seemed to dote on him, but compared to his brother, there were still many gaps.

    The speaker has no intention, but the listener has intention.

    They are both biological, one father, one mother, why do they like it differently?

    Even if it is eccentric, it will not be so perfunctory about the hot search video, right? If you don't get it right, it will ruin your future.

    There must be something wrong with this.

    Li Zhiren was bubbling with bad water in his heart, digging up Fang Yandong's gossip secrets, he liked it the most.

    "Alright, alright, don't think about it, you kid, let's solve the hot search video first, and then talk about other things, you can't let things go any further. I'll say hello to the company's lawyer team later. , you just contact them directly."

      There must be a **** storm!"

    If he really wants to do it with Fang Yandong, he is still very cowardly, he just wants to hold the shares and share more money.

     "Okay, I know, Uncle Li, don't worry, I will definitely not tell my dad in a short time."

    Fang Ziyang agreed with satisfaction.


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