The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 1017 What does it mean if you live together?

Yunshan is actually quite afraid of her father.

But since she was a child, her father was not strict with her and rarely taught her any lessons.

So Yunshan's eyes immediately turned red when she saw her father's stern look.

"Yun Shan, come here and answer your father's questions honestly, otherwise you will never be able to be with Wei Zhijie." Yun Mu's voice also had a hint of anger, "If you want to be with him, you must let us know everything."

Yunshan looked at them in surprise, "Mom and Dad, do you agree that brother Zhijie and I are together?"

"Who agreed? Come here and tell me exactly what you have done during this period!" Father Yun's sharp gaze frightened Yunshan so much that she couldn't help but tremble.

But in order to be with her brother Zhijie, she decided to cooperate with them.

She believed that if her parents knew that she was living a good life and that brother Zhijie was also very kind to her, they would understand their feelings and approve of them being together.

Yunshan immediately went over to sit across from them and told them everything that happened after running away from home.

Father Yun and Yun Mu both looked bad after hearing this.

Father Yun asked coldly: "So during this period, you did nothing. You only eat Wei Zhijie's things, use Wei Zhijie's things, and live in Wei Zhijie's things, right?"

Yunshan felt that her father's words seemed wrong.

"Dad, brother Zhijie and I have decided to get married. Shouldn't we live together?"

"You have no name or status, and neither of your parents recognizes you. What does it mean for you to live together?" Yun's father tried hard to resist the urge to slap her, "Yunshan, how did your father educate you when you were a child? Girls need to know how to Self-respect and self-love, don’t be attached to anyone, have you forgotten?”

"Dad, why don't I respect myself? Brother Zhijie and I really love each other. What's wrong with us being together? It's because you don't understand us and you insist on opposing us. If you can understand us and don't oppose us, I You will be happier if you are with brother Zhijie."

"Then tell me, why should we oppose you?"

Yunshan said sadly: "You think I stole my sister's fiance, so you are against us. But the person Zhijie loves is me, and we don't want to hurt my sister like this. Besides, isn't it a good thing that my sister is separated from him? , they don’t love each other, and everyone should be happy when they are separated. Now that I am married, why are you still unwilling to forgive me? "

Yunshan's reasons are always so justified.

If Wei Zhijie just doesn't love Hailan and he breaks up with Hailan and then gets together with Yunshan, then that won't be a big problem.

The problem is that the two of them are together behind Hai Lan's back, and they haven't told Hai Lan yet, and they are still trying to keep deceiving her. This is deliberately delaying Hai Lan's future.

And no matter how much Wei Zhijie and Yun Shan claimed that their relationship was true love, or how much they swore that they had never thought of hurting Hai Lan, they could not hide it from their eyes.

They have lived for half a hundred years, can't they still see the intentional betrayal of the two of them?

Not to say it too harshly, it was just because she was still their daughter and they had to save some face for her.

But Yunshan showed no sign of introspection at all, she was completely unrepentant!

"Yunshan, you are not young anymore. Do you know what the path you have chosen means?" Father Yun stared at her and asked seriously.

Yunshan raised her head in confusion and asked puzzledly: "What does it mean?"

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