The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 1071 Only lost one pound

For relaxing exercise, Hai Xiaotang chooses yoga. Yoga not only makes the body soft, but also makes the mind peaceful.

If it weren't for the fact that yoga had almost no effect on losing weight, Hai Xiaotang would have wanted to just do yoga.

In this way, Hai Xiaotang began her weight loss journey.

Every time she comes out of the gym, she is sweating profusely.

In the blink of an eye, a month passed.

Hai Xiaotang went to weigh herself confidently, thinking that she would lose at least five or six pounds. After all, she was really persistent and very tired.


"Why did you only lose one pound?!" Hai Xiaotang stared at the electronic scale and screamed in surprise.

Dongfang Yu came over to take a look and said calmly: "This is normal."

Hai Xiaotang grabbed his collar and shook it, "How can this be normal? How hard I work, I run for forty minutes every time, I have to exercise for almost an hour and a half a day, and I only eat one for every meal A bowl of rice, but in the end, I only lost one pound! Tell me, where did all the sweat I shed go, and why didn’t I lose any fat? "

Dongfang Yu was choked to death by her.

He held her hand down and said, "Hai Xiaotang, calm down, this is really normal."

"How can this be normal? I have only lost one pound, and I haven't drank water yet. If I drank water, wouldn't it be a pound less?" Hai Xiaotang was so sad and angry that he wanted to throw Dongfang Yu away.

"Calm down, this is really normal." Dongfang Yu comforted her amusingly, "You have been adapting to exercise for the first half month, so the effect will be a little worse in the first month, but this is to lay the foundation. Your physical fitness is much better now. , it will be easier to lose weight later. And since your weight base is small, the natural effect will be slower."

"You want to lie to me again..."

"What, you don't believe me?" Dongfang Yu pinched her nose, "The two months we bet have not come yet."

"Okay, I will trust you for one more month!" Hai Xiaotang stared at him dangerously, "If you don't lose weight, I will, I won't eat!"

"I'll lose weight, really." Dongfang Yu smiled confidently, which made Hai Xiaotang feel more at ease.

But the speed of weight loss is really slow...

Like all the girls in the world, she wishes she could lose dozens of pounds in one breath!

But you can’t eat meat in a day, and naturally you can’t lose weight in a day.

Hai Xiaotang could only grit his teeth and continue to move.

Still do 20 minutes of high-intensity warm-up exercise first, then run for 40 minutes, then 20 minutes of stretching...

You can find a variety of warm-up exercises to do, and you can do them in turns every day. This way you will not get bored easily and your body will not easily develop resistance.

Running really needs to be a solid 40 minutes, at least 30 minutes or more.

Although many exercise methods can help lose weight, Hai Xiaotang just wants to lose excess fat. The method with the quickest results and the easiest method to master is running.

Dongfang Yu didn't let her just run because running alone was useless. When the human body exercises, sugar is consumed in the first half hour, and fat is consumed in the latter part.

If she only ran, she would lie down for the first half hour, but the exercise would be in vain because she was not burning fat.

So before running, you have to do some other non-boring exercises to burn sugar.

Then is the time to focus on running to lose fat. You must also do stretching exercises afterwards, otherwise the muscles will easily become stiff.

"I know, it will grow muscles!" This was the answer when Dongfang Yu asked Hai Xiaotang to do stretching exercises for the first time.

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