The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 54 Leave him alone and walk away

He definitely wouldn't have invited her before.


"Look at my mood!"

"Are you in a good mood today?"

Dongfang Yu didn't answer. He didn't know what happened today to waste so much time on her.

Hai Xiaotang stared at him and continued to ask: "Why are you inviting me to dinner?"

Dongfang Yu raised his eyebrows: "Can't I treat you to dinner?"

"Don't you hate me very much? Don't you wish you could never see me again?" Hai Xiaotang said directly, "But you are very unusual today."

Dongfang Yu couldn't help but darken his expression, "I'm treating you to a meal. Why are there so many problems?"

Hai Xiaotang smiled lightly, remembering her past life.

How many times had she waited for him to eat at home, but the wait was in vain every time.

Even if she made an appointment in advance, he still had a reason not to go home. Anyway, she was a person he could treat as he pleased.

Because she is the one who loves the most, so he must be confident.

So now that he wanted to invite her to dinner, he thought she would definitely accept it and be happy?

Hai Xiaotang chuckled, but felt inexplicably angry in his heart.

What does he mean?

Pity, or charity? !

The meal was served quickly. Dongfang Yu picked up the knife and fork to cut the steak. "Eat quickly. I only have 30 minutes to eat with you. I have to go to a meeting later."

It was indeed a charity, I thought she would be grateful.

Hai Xiaotang glanced at him indifferently, stood up and sneered: "I'm sorry, I have something to do and I have to go ahead. You can eat it by yourself."

Dongfang Yu suddenly raised his head, his black eyes sharp, "What do you mean?"

Hai Xiaotang smiled: "Literally, you eat slowly by yourself, bye!"

After saying that, she turned and left.

Dongfang Yu was stunned for a moment, then gritted his teeth and growled, "Hai Xiaotang, stop!"

Hai Xiaotang seemed not to hear, and left firmly without looking back.

Dongfang Yu couldn't help but squeeze the knife and fork tightly, and a sudden anger surged in his heart!

Damn woman, what does she mean? Deliberately retaliating against him and teasing him?

Damn, this is the first time a woman has left him and walked away alone!

What made him even more angry was that he specially took her to buy clothes and invited her to dinner. He did so much... but she didn't appreciate it at all!

Dongfang Yu felt all kinds of anger and irritation in his heart. In his opinion, Hai Xiaotang was a ungrateful woman!

She would never expect him to treat her any better in the future!

Thinking of this, Dongfang Yu's face turned gloomy. He stood up suddenly and left without intending to eat!

After Hai Xiaotang walked out of the restaurant, he took a taxi and left.

She knew that Dongfang Yu would be very angry if she was so disrespectful, but she was not afraid of him, and he deserved it!

In short, she didn't want to eat with him at all, let alone accept any of his kindness or charity.

She doesn't care!

Even if he falls in love with her now, she doesn't care!

Anyway, she doesn't care about anything about him anymore...

In her previous life, it was enough that she had him all in her life. In this life, she doesn't want anything to do with Dongfang Yu.

Yes, she will never have him in her life again, forever...

Hai Xiaotang returned home in silence, but as soon as he entered the house, he received a call from his grandfather.

Hai Zhiyuan said that he was going away for a while because a very good comrade of his was passing away. He wanted to accompany him through the last period of his life, which would take about ten days and a half, so he told her.

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