The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 55 Stay away from Dongfang Yu temporarily

Hai Xiaotang was stunned when he heard the news.

It was also at this time in the previous life that my grandfather went on a trip to visit his comrades, but he accidentally fell and was injured and had to be treated in the hospital for a long time.

And his body was not as good as before and was getting worse.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have died without respite later because of her being sentenced to death.

Although she would not be sentenced to death again in this life, she could not let her grandfather fall and get injured.

Hai Xiaotang immediately asked: "Grandpa, are you leaving now?"

"Yes, the car is ready and will set off in a moment. If I don't go, I'm afraid I won't have time to spend with my old comrade, and I don't know how long he can hold on." Hai Zhiyuan said sadly.

Hai Xiaotang immediately ran upstairs, "Grandpa, wait for me, I will go with you!"

Hai Zhiyuan was surprised, "What are you going to do?"

"Anyway, just wait for me. I'll come right away. I don't want you to go alone. If you sneak away, I'll go directly to find you. Anyway, you have to wait for me!"

"You kid..."

"Grandpa, remember to wait for me!" Hai Xiaotang hung up the phone and went to look for her ID and bank card.

She grabbed a few changes of clothes and went out directly.

Downstairs, Zhang's mother saw her hurriedly going out and was confused, "Miss, where are you going?"

"I have something to do and I'll go out with grandpa."

"Where are you and the old lady going..."

Hai Xiaotang didn't answer her question, she had already run away.

Hai Xiaotang drove to the Hai family's old house and happened to catch up with Hai Zhiyuan who was about to leave by car.

The car door has been opened, and the driver is about to help him get into the car.

"Grandpa——" Hai Xiaotang hurriedly carried his luggage over.

Hai Zhiyuan was carrying her luggage and couldn't help laughing: "You really want to go with me?"

Hai Xiaotang smiled and said: "Of course, I have nothing to do anyway, and I don't trust you to go alone."

Hai Zhiyuan shook his head: "You don't have to go, Cheng can just go with me. You are already married, how can you go out casually?"

Ah Cheng is Hai Zhiyuan's driver and bodyguard. Although he will go with him, Hai Xiaotang is still worried.

In the previous life, Cheng also followed him, but something happened differently.

Hai Xiaotang went over to hug the old man's arm and said with a smile: "Grandpa, Dongfang Yu is going on a business trip tomorrow. It will take a long time. I'm bored at home, so let me go with you."


"Really!" Hai Xiaotang nodded fiercely.

Hai Zhiyuan believed her words immediately.

Because he thought there was no need for her to lie. If Dongfang Yu didn't go on a business trip, she would definitely be reluctant to leave City C.

Hai Zhiyuan smiled happily and said: "In that case, you should go with grandpa. It might as well go and meet your grandpa Tao. He hugged you when you were a child, but he liked you and said that he would like you to be his grandson-in-law in the future. …”

Speaking of this, Hai Zhiyuan looked gloomy, "I hope he can get through this difficulty, otherwise I will never see him again in the future."

Hai Xiaotang heard Hai Zhiyuan talk about Grandpa Tao.

When the two of them were young, they had always fought side by side and saved each other's lives. It was a life-long friendship.

It can be said that they are each other's best comrades and friends.

That's why her grandfather was so anxious and worried because Grandpa Tao was critically ill.

Hai Xiaotang couldn't stop him from visiting his old comrades, so he could only go with him.

Moreover, she also wanted to stay away from City C and Dongfang Yu for a while.

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