The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 615 When did the engagement happen?

Chai Xiyang went to work after hanging up the phone, but for some reason, he felt a little restless.

In my mind, I couldn't help but recall the figure of Qiao Ning's firm departure.

He found that Qiao Ning had really changed.

Qiao Ning used to be very timid and weak, but now she still looks so petite, but she no longer feels weak.

Especially her eyes became more determined, no longer shy and evasive like before.

It seems that the hardships she has endured in the past few years have really sharpened her mind.

Chai Xiyang thought wildly and found that he couldn't work anymore, so he got up and walked out of the study, intending to take a rest.

Chai's father happened to be going to take a rest, and the father and son met in the corridor.

Chai's father suddenly asked him: "Xi Yang, you are quite old now. You are almost 30 years old. When did you and Miss Lin get engaged and find a date to get married?"

Chai Xiyang burst out laughing, "Father, I am already 30 years old, haven't I just passed 29? Besides, a man is only 30 years old. I am still young at this age."

Chai's father sighed and said, "If you are healthy, I don't care how old you are when you get married. But your serious illness a few years ago really scared me. I have always been very uneasy and worried that something would happen to you again. Miss Lin She is your savior again, you two are interesting to each other, and her bone marrow matches yours, so why should you hesitate. Marry her quickly and have more children without wasting any more time."

Chai Xiyang knew that his father was afraid that he would suddenly become ill and die, leaving the Chai family with no heirs.

Indeed, it was the best choice for him to marry Lin Xiner.

If his disease is passed on to the child, maybe Lin Xiner can save the child's life. The more children you have, the more secure you will be.

In fact, he thought so too, but for some reason, it was difficult to get over the last step.

Maybe it was because the relationship between him and Lin Xiner was always so bland... so he didn't have much passion.

But there is no denying that she is indeed a good choice at the moment.

Anyway, Chai Xiyang let the matter of marriage take its course, and he didn't worry about his physical condition, because he was really healthy now.

Qiao Ning did find a hotel to stay at.

It's just a small hotel. It only costs 30 yuan to stay a night, and you don't need an ID card to register.

It was late at night, so she took a towel, toothbrush and toothpaste and went to the public bathroom to wash up.

The bathroom was dark and small. When Qiao Ning entered, she happened to pass by a middle-aged uncle.

The man was naked from the waist down, with a pair of big pants underneath. As soon as he saw Qiao Ning, he looked at her with lewd eyes.

Qiao Ning closed the door directly, cutting off his sight, but she felt scared in her heart.

However, her face was very calm. Her life had hit rock bottom, and it was useless for her to be afraid. She could only choose to face it bravely.

Qiao Ning quickly washed up, opened the door and quickly returned to her room.

She locked the door behind her and pressed it against her with a chair, then relaxed and planned to rest.

But sitting on the bed, looking at the lights outside the window, Qiao Ning couldn't sleep.

This bustling city has a population of tens of millions.

There are people from every class, and they form a hierarchical pyramid. Each class is a barrier that is difficult to cross.

In the past, Qiao Ning did not have a happy family even if her mother did not love her, but her life had always been very comfortable.

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