The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 616 Just like that, she was discovered

At any rate, it can be regarded as being at the front end of the pyramid.

However, an accident happened and she fell directly to the bottom of the pyramid.

She once thought that her life was unfortunate enough, but she never thought there would be an even more unfortunate time.

Especially after she saw the vastness of the world and was thrown back to the bottom, it was impossible for her to be calm in her heart.

What's more, she felt very lonely, as if she had been abandoned by the whole world.

Yes, God abandoned her to the dark corner of the world, intending to let her fend for herself.

If she doesn't stand up on her own, she will really die on her own...

However, how can it be so easy to stand up? Otherwise, hundreds of millions of people struggling on the edge of survival and life would have stood up long ago.

So she is just a grain of sand among them, and there is nothing special about her.

However, her heart was unwilling. She is not willing to be defeated by God like this, and she is not willing to fall like this!

Qiao Ning looked around this shabby little hotel, smelling the musty smell in the air, and firmly told herself that she would definitely stand up.

One day, she will definitely stand on her own two feet!

But Qiao Ning also knows that this road will be long. At least for now, she has to solve the problem of survival.

So the next day, before dawn, Qiao Ning left the hotel and went looking for work.

What she needs now is a job that can provide her with food, clothing and accommodation.

While Qiao Ning was looking for a job, Hai Xiaotang and the others were still looking for her everywhere...

But even if everyone is in City C, trying to find someone who can't be contacted is still like finding a needle in a haystack.

In this way, Qiao Ning disappeared for a month.

No one knows where she went and she hasn't contacted anyone.

She just disappeared without a trace.

Did Chai Xiyang really not expect that Qiao Ning would be so arrogant that she wouldn't look for them even if she was sleeping on the street, and wouldn't ask anyone for help even if she was struggling in life?

Looking out the car window at the hurried people rushing for life, Chai Xiyang was a little confused about Qiao Ning's persistence.

But since she insisted, he didn't want to care about her.

But for some reason, he couldn't help but search the crowd every time, as if he could suddenly find her.

And then he really just... discovered her!

With just a glance, Chai Xiyang was stunned!

"Stop—" he suddenly shouted, and the driver quickly stopped the car and asked doubtfully, "Master, what's the matter?"

Chai Xiyang didn't answer, and just looked at Qiao Ning, who was wearing an inflatable doll costume on the roadside and handing out leaflets.

Even though the doll costume is inflatable, wearing it on such a hot day is still unbearable.

Qiao Ning was sweating profusely. She wiped it casually and continued to hand out leaflets to passers-by with a sweet smile.

But no matter how sweet her smile was, no one looked at her.

Everyone took the flyers and left in a hurry, and some even ignored what she handed over.

"Sir, come in and have a taste. All dishes in our store are discounted at 10% today, including the main dish, spicy crayfish."

"Miss, do you need something to eat? All dishes in our store are discounted at 10% today..."

Every time he distributed a flyer, Qiao Ning would seriously invite the other person to come into the store for dinner.

But no one paid attention to her. Everyone walked in a hurry without stopping.

Until a pair of shiny leather shoes stopped in front of her eyes...

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