The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 810 Zhou Li is related to her by blood

"Can you find photos of Zhou Li when she was young?"

Dongfang Yu was puzzled, "What's it for?"

"Look, does she look a bit like Lin Xiner?"

Dongfang Yu looked carefully, and sure enough...

He immediately understood what Hai Xiaotang meant, smiled and said, "Let someone check it now!"

Soon, they found photos of Zhou Li when she was young.

Although the photo is very old, it can still be seen that she was really youthful and beautiful when she was young.

She also looks very similar to Lin Xiner...

After comparing it, Chai Xiyang was in disbelief. He didn't expect that the person who murdered Qiao Ning and Yifan was actually Lin Xiner!

It should be her, he abandoned her, she must be holding a grudge. She probably planned this trip to E City, to take him away and then let Zhou Li murder Yifan.

By the time he learned everything, it was too late!

He didn't expect that woman to be so vicious. A coldness flashed across Chai Xiyang's eyes. He wished he could kill her right now!

Qiao Ning was also shocked, "Is it really Lin Xiner who is plotting to kill us?"

"As long as it is confirmed that Zhou Li is related to her by blood, we can be sure that it is her!" Hai Xiaotang said.

"This is easy to handle, I'll make arrangements now!" Chai Xiyang said immediately.

He can't wait to find the murderer and bring him to justice!

Even if that person is Lin Xiner, he will never be merciful!

He will not let go of anyone who hurts Qiao Ning and Yi Fan.

Chai Xiyang teamed up with the police and immediately launched a plan. They first asked the doctor to notify Lin Xiner to come to the hospital for examination, and then obtain her blood for DNA testing.

Lin Xiner had been resting at home because of Zhou Li's failure. She was not in the mood to go to work. She quietly waited for news at home every day.

She didn't dare to act rashly, for fear of being noticed if she wasn't paying attention.

She didn't know what Zhou Li's current situation was, nor what Chai Xiyang's current situation was.

Although she wanted to know everything, she understood that not asking anything now was the wisest choice.

But when the hospital called her to change her dressing for a review, she couldn't help but go.

She only knew roughly that Chai Xiyang's child was in the hospital now.

Maybe you can bump into something when you go to the hospital...

Lin Xiner came to the hospital and went for a review. When the new nurse was changing her dressing, she accidentally broke her newly scarred wound, and blood immediately flowed out.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." The little nurse apologized hurriedly and brought some cotton to wipe her.

"Be careful!" Lin Xiner said a little impatiently.

Normally she would not care about this, but after coming to the hospital she felt a little absent-minded and a little irritable.

After finally changing the medicine and making sure that her wound was recovering well, Lin Xiner left.

But she walked very slowly, deliberately inquiring about the surrounding situation.

Then she saw several police officers walking past her...

Lin Xiner felt a little uneasy. Her intuition told her that the presence of these police officers in the hospital must be related to this incident.

Seeing the policeman walking away, Lin Xiner resisted the urge to follow him and turned around and went home!

Regardless of whether Zhou Li was caught or something happened, she wouldn't care about it.

This failure almost exposed her and she couldn't do anything more. As long as Zhou Li doesn't confess her, these things will be forgotten in a few years.

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