The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 811 It’s the end!

In some ways, Lin Xiner is a very smart woman.

She knows how to give up and when enough is enough.

If the plot to kill Qiao Ning and the others succeeds this time, as long as she spends a little more time, she will definitely be able to marry Chai Xiyang.

And Qiao Ning's death will not be traced to her.

But I didn’t expect to fail both times!

But it doesn't matter if she fails, she won't continue to take revenge on them, because she still has a way out and other ways to go.

She's not at the point of desperation yet, so she has to stop!

As long as this incident is over, she will be fine.

And she also believes that she will be able to escape safely this time...

However, she was too optimistic.

The next day, there was a knock on her door!

Lin Xiner opened the door in confusion and found that it was Chai Xiyang standing outside the door.

He stared at her with dark eyes, without any warmth.

Lin Xiner blinked in confusion, "Why are you here?"

But Chai Xiyang suddenly pushed her, walked in and stared at her coldly and said, "You know, something happened to my son a few days ago! It was the day after you asked me to accompany you to E City!"

Lin Xiner was stunned and panicked.

She didn't understand why he suddenly came to tell her this...

But she still tried to calmly ask, "What does this have to do with me? Do you blame me for not letting you accompany me to E City?"

Chai Xiyang sneered, "You don't seem surprised that I have a son."

Lin Xiner's face suddenly stiffened.

Damn it, she actually forgot that she didn't know that Chai Xiyang had a son!

Chai Xiyang's eyes suddenly turned cold, "So you are the one who wants to murder my son and Qiao Ning, right?"

Lin Xiner's eyes suddenly opened wide, a flash of panic flashing in her eyes.

But she quickly hid her emotions and her eyes were filled with tears, "Chai Xiyang, what do you mean? You came to me suddenly and wronged me inexplicably. What on earth do you want to do? And what are you talking about? I I don’t understand it at all!”

Chai Xiyang stared at her gloomily and laughed sarcastically, "Lin Xiner, your acting skills are so admirable! It's been so long, and I haven't seen your true face at all! You are such a snake-hearted woman, this time I will definitely I won’t spare you!”

"What on earth are you talking about!" Lin Xiner shouted excitedly, "Chai Xiyang, don't accuse people unjustly. I haven't done anything. You are so inexplicable today!"

"Stop pretending-" Chai Xiyang raised the document in his hand, "You will know after reading this!"

After saying that, he slammed the thing on her.

Lin Xiner's face turned pale when he was treated so rudely.

But staring at the documents on the ground, her premonition became worse and worse...

"What is this?" she asked coldly, "I'm not interested in seeing it. If you go out, I won't welcome you here! Chai Xiyang, I didn't expect you to treat me like this now. I was wrong about you before!"

"Haha -" Chai Xiyang felt as funny as hearing an international joke, "Lin Xiner, I was the one who made the mistake. And your fate has come to an end! I will not let you go!"

Dropping the threat, he turned and left.

As soon as he went out, several policemen walked in.

"Lin Xiner, you are suspected of two murders. Come with us now and return to the police station for investigation!" a policeman said sternly.

Lin Xiner's pupils instantly expanded infinitely——

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