The Binary World

73 The Dancing Cavern Part-1

Zeus: "Well we have to be cautious while travelling inside a hidden pathway most of the time this are traps."

Sylphie nodded at that as she spoke, "Yes like that cave from EarthRim, it was nasty it was full of traps and what not only to have nothing in return at the end of the cave only an 'Easter egg' so many people raged at that including me."

Azi nodded at that with a small smile on her face as she spoke, "Yes I remember that, one of the toughest and frustrating dungeons which did not even have a single reward at the end unfortunately I was unable to play because of personal reasons."

Tarasque with a short smile on her face spoke, "Well me too."

Zeus: "Me three."

CelestialMaiden: "Me four."

At that others laughed at that all except BlizzardQueen who spoke with a huff, "Will you guys stop acting so carefree, we have yet to see any enemies and I am sure we are lost."

ForestHuntress spoke curiously at that, "What do you mean by that sister?"

BlizzardQueen huffed at that as she replied, "I have already seen that particular rock before and I am seeing it again so it definitely means we are going in circles."

TacoGirl rolled her eyes as she spoke, "You and your paranoia we are going fine."

BlizzardQueen growled at that as she spoke, "I may be paranoid but I am not wrong."

Seeing a heated debate about to break Zeus intervened as he spoke, "Stop it ladies, why not be a bit cautious and let us mark the route using a bunch of chalk that I have inside my inventory."

BarbarianLady: "Why are you carrying a bunch of chalk Zeus?"

Zeus shrugged as he spoke, "Well to avoid things like this normally I would have not use them on any dungeon but since Blizzard raised a concern about us getting lost well prevention si better than cur."

ForestHuntress simply huffed at that as she spoke, "Whatever you are simply wasting your resources.", to which Zeus simply smiled at her.

Sylphie looked at the chalk in Zeus's hand with a frown as she spoke, "Will it even work? It is not like real life, what if the thing gets deleted after we move from this place."

Zeus ran his hand through his hair only to be stopped by his horn as he sighed at that, 'Damn I forgot about those tiny stubs called horn on my head', he then cleared his throat as he spoke, "Well no idea but we will see it if it works and I believe no harm is done as such.", at that most of them nodded at his answer currently satisfied by it as they started walking again.

Almost a little over half an hour later BlizzardQueen jumped up in joy as she pointed to a certain direction as she spoke with a triumphant smirk on her face, "See see I told you that we are moving in circles."

ForestHuntress looked at her feet as she let out a tired sigh before she spoke, "Yes yes you are right and I am wrong happy now."

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BlizzardQueen simply smirked at that as the others stood by Zeus as he spoke, "Seems like BlizzardQueen is much more aware of our surroundings than us."

BlizzardQueen puffed up her chest at that as she spoke in arrogant manner, "Of course I am you, and now you can kiss my hand and bow before me."

Barbarianlady snorted at that as she held her hand before kissing it while bending her knee as she spoke, "You are so impeccable your majesty.", others simply laughed at that as Zeus spoke while shaking his head at that, "BarbarianLady, if you are trying to emulate British Royal etiquette then that particular etiquette is usually followed by male not female and Blizzard next time do not bend your hand at the wrist like that, it should be straight."

ForestHuntress snorted at that as she spoke, "Like you know all those things?"

Tarasque gave a small smile at that as she spoke, "Remember a couple of years ago Her Majesty the Queen of Britain visited USA?"

At that most nodded as Azi smirked at that as Tarasque spoke, "Well because of security reasons it was not publicized but she spend a night at the Osprey Manor."

At that those who did not know had their jaw almost touch the ground as Sylphie looked at him with a dazed expression as she spoke, "What are you?"

Zeus looked a bit miffed at that as he spoke, "I am a normal teenager nothing more and nothing less", not before he gave Tarasque a slight disapproving glare, he never liked to be put into spot light like that.

BlizzardQueen shook her figure at him as she spoke, "When did it happen Zeus? And how did I not know?"

Zeus gave a tired sigh as he spoke, "It was when she visited Washington and sorry but I was told not to let others know about it."

BlizzardQueen huffed angrily at that as she spoke, "You could have told me later on."

Zeus shrugged as he replied nonchalantly at that, "Well it slipped my mind, but we do not have time for that, we have to get out of here and this place is a freaking maze and if we do not proceed carefully we will be lost."

BlizzardQueen him a stink eye at that for trying to divert the conversation as Azi spoke, "Well Zeus is right it is better to focus on the thing at hand then waste time, we can chat about his experience in real life later on while we are sitting on some cozy chair not while trying to find our way inside the thrice damned dungeon."

Sylphy nodded at that as she spoke, "Well we could but the real question is, where are the mobs? We have yet to face any of them."

CelestialMaiden nodded at that as she spoke, "So true but most importantly even the entrance has closed after we entered this place, I hope that we do not have to commit suicide just to get out this place."

Zeus: "Well ladies you do not have to worry about, I have already mapped the entire area by now and I can safely say that there are places we have yet to look into."

BarabrianLady looked at him with a frown, "How did you map the area?"

Zeus gave a smug smile in return, "I picked the cartographer skill although it is only level 2 barely it is still enabling me to make maps."

TacoGirl: "So what are we waiting for let us venture forth."

Another hour later most of them were on the verge of their insanity, they walked, then walked and walked something more as ForestHuntress finally snapped at that as she spoke angrily towards Sylphy, "You it is all your fault, if you had not found that thrice damn hidden doorway we would have already conquered this dungeon instead of hours wasting in a maze."

Azi sighed at as she spoke, "Chill out girls, we will work something out so there is no need to worry."

Soon they arrived into a new area of the dungeon, the normal tunnel like structure gave away to a much larger area which looked bigger than even a football stadium, as the group marveled the cavern, suddenly the entrance through which the entered the place collapsed, as loud chattering of creatures was heard, as Tarasque cursed out aloud, "Shit!! It is an ambush get ready!!"

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