The Binary World

74 The Dancing Cavern Part-2

Zeus jumped up as he bit back a swear as the place as the ground where he was standing broke as a pair of claws appeared from underneath only to be cut by Sylphy as an agonizing scream was heard, Zeus landed on Sylphy's shoulder before he used her like a spring board as he plunged the sword part of his weapon deep inside the head as he vaulted over the beast using his weapon as a leverage as he drop kicked the head of another destroying it effectively, before jumping back and resuming his position back in the circle.

Tarasque dropped her tabar hard enough to crack open the carapace of the creature as she spoke with a snarl, "There is no end to them, we will be overwhelmed by them if it goes on."

BarabrianLady then suddenly shouted at the top of her voice, "Over there I found a huge rock we can take refuge on it at least we will be safe from the underground assault."

ForestHuntress gritted her teeth as she spoke, "Easier said than done sis, we are being swarmed on all side."

As crackle of lightning was heard as a group of Antlions were electrocuted to the point that their insides melted causing their death as Zeus spoke, "Push to the right, move to the right, or else we will die."

Sylphy used her shield to protect herself, before slashing an Antlion killing it, it was madness to them, as the endless sea of creature descended upon them, not to mention that at first it seemed too easy to them the creatures at the forefront were simply weaklings easily killed by a simply good hit, but as time went by more and more stronger started appearing but their high numbers tired them, all they could here was the chattering noises, all they could see was an ocean of black with red highlights and all they could smell was a nausea inducing acidic smell which seemed to simply make them feel as if they are standing in a room where thousands of onions were cut at the same time.

The rock jutted out from the ground with its end raised up like a cliff, they climbed on top as such making it the only route through which they could climb up, as such they will at least not be overwhelmed on all sides, they slaughter their way to the rock as they stood on top of it near the edge, the tanks at the front as they acted as defensive walls while the damage dealers worked their magic on the creatures.

Zeus send a brief glance towards CelestialMaiden as she spoke, "Celes, you are at our rear as such keep an eye on the cliff I do not want any unwanted surprise."

CelestilMaiden frowned at that as she spoke, "Leave that to me."

BlizzardQueen grunted before she spoke with a smirk on her face, "Zeus let us go with the combo we are practicing."

Zeus looked back at her wide eyed before he gave a small smirk mirroring her as he spoke, "Let's do it."

With that he jumped back as he stood shoulder to shoulder with BlizzadQueen, as they took a deep breath while raising their staff as they spoke in unison a magical circle formed in front of them, "Tempest Cyclone", "Hell Fire Blaze".

The air distorted as it spun to form a giant tornado which was soon joined by the stream of reddish flame with blackened edges surrounding it, it as a towering inferno rose as BlizzardQueen shout at the top of her lungs as she spoke, "Scatter!!!!"

The tornado of fire split it five as it began rampaging in the closed cavern, burning any unfortunate being close enough to it, as BlizzardQueen spoke, "Quick come near me, if you stray far enough from me then you will get seriously injured."








Multiple enemies were burned by the torrential fire as they were turned to ash causing the group to cheer at the sight as Sylphy spoke with a smirk, "Now that is how you clear mobs."

Their cheering came to an abrupt end as the ground shook and the large rock on which they took refuge started to collapse including the surrounding area which caved in, the group quickly held on to each other as Azi used fly to momentarily make them stay in the air, but it was for naught as the combined weight of them was too much for her spell but as she was about to fall everyone's vision turned white monetarily as the found themselves crowding on top of a narrow rock that was jutting from the wall of the cavern as Zeus leaned on the wall as his vision swam making him feel nauseous, as he was about to fall off the ledge he was caught by TacoGirl and ForestHuntress as they pulled him to safety as TacoGirl spoke with a frown on her face, "Are you alright Zeus?"

Zeus shook his head as he replied back groggily at her question, "No I am not, I just used every last bit of my Mana Points to teleport us to safety the sudden drain caused my HUD to behave erratically to the point I felt nauseous and thank you for the save."

As he was made to stand by leaning on the wall properly he found bottle of Mana potion shoved in his mouth as he drank it, he felt a cool sensation akin to getting a bottle of cool water in the middle of a scorching desert, as his vision became normal he gave a small smile towards Sylphy who had helped him to drink from the bottle.

As Zeus gave his thanks Azi let out an alarmed exclamation as she spoke, "Look below, what are those things?"

As the others peered into the darkness they heard various sounds and death rattle of Antlion, as something that looked like snake was having a giant feast with all those Antlions that fell down as BarbarianLady simply left out a sob as she spoke, "All those sweet sweet Exp and loot lost, wu wu wu wu.", as she faked cried at that her friends simply snorted as TacoGirl simply swatted the back of her head.

Celestialmaiden frowned at the scene as she spoke, "So how do we cross over to exit now, the entire floor has collapsed."

Zeus sighed at that as he spoke, "Well I can try and teleport but I would need a few Mana Potion bottles again, not to mention I have a cool down of about an hour before I can use it again, also the distance is large it will be tough, and we might end up falling on the pit."

BlizzardQueen frowned at that as she spoke, "Can you not teleport multiple times?"

Zeus nodded at that as he spoke, "Of course I do, but unfortunately there is a small window in which I can Teleport at least 5 times if I miss the window the skill enters a cool down period not only that it takes a large amount of MP if I were to carry all of you, even then I doubt I can make two jumps in succession but I can try making multiple trips but, well it would also take some time and this platform does not look to stable."

Azi sighed at that as she spoke, "Well we have to climb across the wall it seems what a chore.", causing other to sigh at that.

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