Edward went back home after a long tiring day at work.

"Edward? you're home earlier than usual, are you feeling sick?" said Mrs. Hann.

"No" he answered in a low tone.

She followed him and added

"Why don't you join me and your father on dinner tonight? It's been ages since we had a meal together!"

"I'm not hungry"

He replied while going upstairs.

There was a deep sorrow in her eyes. Being ignored and avoided by her only son was more than she could handle. The caring and loving Edward was no longer the same, and it was all her fault.

She made daily attempts to make his heart soften, but it was all in vain.

"Are you still angry with me ? aren't you willing to forgive your own mother ? being treated like this by you is too much, don't you think so?" she said with trembling lips.

Edward left without uttering a single word.

His indifferent behavior increased her distress and grief, but she could never complain. She believed that her irresponsible actions were the reason for the radical change in his attitude. therefore, taking all the blame and bearing the consequences was the least she could do in such a case.

Ed lay on his bed after taking a long bath. The heavy weight on his chest made it difficult for him to breathe. Although he behaved in such an unpleasant way, his feelings were the complete opposite of his actions.

"The trip was a mess, I don't want to do business with these people anymore"

Said Mr. Hann while looking at his wife who was busy removing his tie.

"Your eyes are all red and puffy, have you been crying again?"

He held her close and sighed

"It's okay, someday he'll understand that what you did was for his own sake. you're not the only one to blame after all."

His words made her burst into tears. She cried loudly while hugging him so tight.

" You're the only one who saw the worst of me and yet loved me unconditionally. I was and I'm still a mess. I'll always be indebted to you my dear husband."

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