
"Don't be silly, you're everything to me my dear wife. I'll take a shower then join you in bed, you sleep first."

His words cheered her a little bit, and her pretty hazel eyes fell into sleep quickly after that.

Before getting married into a rich household, Anna's mother was from a poor family. In her early youth, she was in a one sided love relationship with a handsome guy from the same social class, but things didn't work out for her. Shortly after marrying a wealthy man, the husband died because of a sudden heart attack, leaving a huge fortune to his wife and daughter.

"Mom, I can't find my new earrings!" Anna shouted as she barged into her mother's bedroom.

"Don't you know how to knock! should I start teaching you manners all over again?" her mother yelled angrily.

"Okay I'm sorry just stop screaming my ears feel like exploding. Anyway, I can't find the new earrings you bought for me! I've searched everywhere but they're nowhere to be found!" she said while touching the back of her neck.

"What! do you know how much did they cost me! are you a fool?!" The mother replied.

Anna thought for a while before she spoke anxiously "Maybe they got stolen by someone. No.. I'm sure someone stole them!"

"Stolen? Who dares steal things from me! Call all the maids here, I'm gonna find the thief and teach her a lesson!"

Anna felt relieved. She smirked and said " Yes mother, I'll call them right now."

After a long time of scolding and insulting the maids, Anna's mother randomly accused one of them then reported the robbery to the police.

Anna was watching a movie in her room when she received a text message.

<Everything is ready, let's have some fun tonight> @@
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