<perfect, I'll be there tonight>

Anna texted back with a wicked smile on her face.

Later on that night, she went to a famous club downtown to drink and have fun with her friends.

"Anna! you look amazing as usual!"

said her friend Sofie.

"Cut the crap Sofie, is the stuff good this time? I hope it's worth the huge amount of cash I spent on it" Anna whispered.

Sofie leaned closer and hushed "Let's find out later in my place"

Anna was drinking and dancing nonstop. A guy approached her and grabbed her by the arm.

"This place is so wild and full of perverts, it's definitely where a slut like you belongs"

She angrily looked to around to see the one who dared insulting her. Suddenly, the frowned face turned into a smiley one.

"At least a slut is more daring than a coward such as yourself, Chris."

provoked by her words, Chris was about to slap Anna in front of everyone, but a friend of his interfered right in time to stop him.

"Chris Where have you been? and who's this hot chick? Are you keeping the good ones only for yourself?" said Mark.

"Ugh ! another clown has joined, I'm leaving. Oh by the way Chris, my birthday party is going to be in the Plaza Hotel. Don't forget to come" said Anna.

"And why would I come to such a low party?" Chris replied.

"I don't know. To meet your one sided love maybe?" She laughed loudly as she passed by them.

"I'm afraid that I won't be able to control my feast if I see this whore again." said Chris while taking a sip of his drink.

"Come on man! I would definitely try getting into her pants if I were you. I mean look at those curves! and her personality! She's like a wild cat who needs to be tamed." Mark said while staring at Anna.

"Aren't you engaged already? what would your fiancée say if she hears you talking like a sexually aroused pig?" Chris said while putting his wine glass on the table.

"My fiancée is all pure and innocent. I can't show her this twisted side of me. I do love her, but there's no harm in having a one night stand with a hot girl such as Anna. It'll be all good as long as my sweet fiancée doesn't figure that out." Mark talked while putting off his cigarette.

"As long as the one you love doesn't figure that out huh.." Chris murmured while checking Anna's figure.

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