3 years ago, "H" University.

 "Hey! Slow down Jolene! Let's take a break."

 "Edward You old man! Why don't you just stay home if you can't even walk anymore huh!?"

 "What!? who's the old man? I'm barely a couple of years older than you."

 "Whatever you say "old man", let's just sit on the grass over there and enjoy this sunny day!"

 "Well you know that anywhere is fine with me, as long as it's beside my future wife to be."

Their eyes met in complete silence as he tenderly held her hand. Her cheeks turned red while struggling to avoid his enchanting eyes. She took a step back, lowered her eyes, and in an alluring trembling voice, she said

    "Are you deliberately trying to embarrass me? You know how uncomfortable I feel when you say such things."

Inflamed by the sight of her blushed cheeks, he couldn't help but to tease her even more

 "I'm just stating the obvious. You can tell that I'm speaking the truth just by looking into my eyes, can't you? Besides, it's the only way to silence this mean mouth you have, since you don't like it when I kiss you in the open."

 His teasing provoked her pretended anger "You idiot, don't do that again or else I'll…."

Before she could finish her sentence, he grabbed her arm and pulled her closer to his wide chest in a passionate, tight hug. She almost fainted as she got gradually drunk by the soft smell of his light perfume. Her stubbornness seemed to fade away along with her self-control. She longed for his hug for a long time, she just couldn't resist it anymore. It felt like a sweet dream, and she didn't want to wake up.

 "Hum, did you change your hair shampoo?"

His words were like a morning alarm, she suddenly opened her eyes, broke free, and gently pushed him away.

"I feel so embarrassed; I can't believe that I let my guard down again."

Ed laughed continually at her expected reaction; he suddenly paused and thought deeply.

"It scares me…the way I love this girl. But what scares me the most is the possibility of her not being a part of my life anymore.. Jolene, I really love you."

She spotted a grassy area, headed there quickly while shouting 

"Hey Eddy! Stop spacing out and come quickly, I found a nice spot."

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