Her sweet voice brought him back to earth.

  "It's indeed a nice place, how come I have never noticed it before?"

  "It's probably because you're such a dummy, now let me sit properly"

Jolene sat on the green grass, leaning her back on a tree. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath as the gentle breeze moved her long black silky hair.

 "As much as I love your hair, it's really bothering me right now since I can't see your pretty face clearly."

Her eyes were widely open to face his extremely close face.

"Don't you think that you're being too close? Do you have a death wish?"

Edward smirked and said, while putting his head on her lap, like a child seeking his mother's comfort.

" I won't bother you anymore, as long as you allow me to chill in your arms."

She couldn't refuse what she secretly longed for. Ed giggled at the way her face looked when she forcibly tried frowning her eyebrows. He breathed in, covered both his eyes with his arm and sighed.

 "I love you"

Then added, in a shakily sincere voice

"So much, I love you so much."

Jolene could barely breathe as her heart beats went wild. She said, while gently brushing his hair with her skinny white fingers.

 "I really hated you the first time I met you. You were teasing me all the time and driving me crazy, not that you stopped doing that anyway. To be honest, I can't remember the exact time I started falling for you. All I know is that I have already fallen too deep, and there's no going back now"

A tear of joy run down her smiley face. He held her hand and kissed it deeply.

 "Babe don't cry, you know how those tears are my weakness point. Although I won't deny that a part of me is extremely happy to see how much you love me."

He gently wiped her tears with his thumbs and placed a soft kiss on her forehead. Jolene felt Edward's warmth and love, moments before she got startled by a familiar voice.

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