
"Is that so? Why don't you just tell me about it mom, You know how impatient I am when it comes to surprises."

"You better see it yourself. Trust me darling, you're going to love it."

"Okay mother, I'm on my way."

Jolene hung-up and sighed.

"Sorry Liz, something came up and mom wants me to head home right away."

"It's okay Jolene! You go quick and don't worry about me. Don't forget to tell me about the surprise later!"

"Alright then, see you soon."

The young heiress of the Paterson Empire drove home. By the way she arrived, she had already thought of countless surprise possibilities.

"Mom I'm home!" she shouted while entering the villa.

"Welcome young lady. The old lady is in the kitchen." Said her nanny.

"Really? Her highness the Empress Dowager is in the kitchen? Well that's a first."Jolene said as she kissed her Nanny's cheek.

"Yes, she is checking the food herself. After all, today's guest is not an ordinary person."Her nanny whispered.

"So it's a guest. Why didn't I see anyone in the living room?"


"He's in the Study with your father and brother. Go in, he was eagerly waiting for you."

Jolene rushed to the Study, knocked on the door a couple of times then stepped in."Father, who's the gue…"

Her eyes widened in surprise, she covered her mouth with her hands as she suddenly became very emotional. @@
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