(Kurokiri POV)

Several days after Mibako’s arrival at “White Fog and Black Swamp Forest”.


An alarm goes off in my room all of a sudden.

“Now, the intruder this time is… the guy that the Fox Princess was referring to?”

Simultaneously with the alarm, I catch a glance at the open monitor to ascertain the intruder who has made his way into the second level.

The man is roughly 18 years old, holds a spear in his right hand that appears to be fashioned from iron, and sports leather armor.

His visage presents a decent image, with no prevalent cause for concern. However, should anyone take a closer look at him, an ominous atmosphere pervades his demeanor.

[Bumo? Bumooooo!!]

Having spotted the intruder, the Minotamist pounces on the man, swinging an axe in his hand. However,

[Don’t… interfereeeeee!!]

The spear in the man’s right hand spasmodically thrusts out as his entire body begins to glow. After colliding head-on with the Minotamist’s axe, the spear fractures the axe and then pierces the Minotamist’s head, killing it instantaneously.

[Fufufufu… Mibako… wait for me… I’ll save you now…]

Without even a glance at the Minotamist’s carcass, the man advances deeper into the second level.

“Oh, I see. No wonder the Fox Princess doesn’t want to deal with this at her own place. The risk is too significant,” I remark, observing the man’s attack power and reaction speed. But well, if this is the case…


“What is it?”

At my call, Chirito comes up to me. By the way, he and Mibako seem to be on good terms, and when the two of them are together, they exude a sweet atmosphere that causes me to want to puke sugar at the sight of them.

Rear explosion.[i]

And that’s not all, you know.

“Uncover this guy’s skills and everything, then you deal with him.”


I issue an order to Chirito.

“Don’t you want to show Mibako your good side?”

“That’s… what I want to do but.”

Chirito is distressed.

“Then give it your all. Between the second and first levels lies the battleground. It is the Black Swamp Waterfall. If you need anything, just let me know. I will prepare it for you.”

Leaving those words, I depart from the place, leaving Chirito behind.

Incidentally, to speak the truth, I don’t think he needs any assistance.
(Chirito POV)

Currently, I am in a specially set up ring at Black Swamp Waterfall. Although where Mibako and Kurokiri-san are watching from is not clear to me, they are probably observing me from somewhere.

I recall the ability of the man I witnessed earlier.

He is a human and his occupation is a tracker. His equipment is standard and his level is only 4. Yet, the problem lies in his skills.

The guy possesses the following four skills: ≪Designated Tracking≫, ≪Tracking Proficiency Ⅰ≫, ≪Obstructive Crushing≫, and ≪All-Out Thrust≫. These skills are evidently specialized for pursuing Mibako and eliminating those who hinder the pursuit.

Among these skills, the most problematic is ≪Obstructive Crushing≫. This is a skill that boosts the status of the user’s body in proportion to the strength of the obstacle when the user is interrupted during the pursuit. Unless something is done about this, the situation will be very challenging.

I mean, his titles include not only ≪Tracker≫ but also ≪Obsessive Man≫ and ≪Obsessive Love≫. Not to mention many others. And if you combine that with what was going on in the monitor earlier…

Yeah. I can’t lose.

“Is this… a waterfall?”

And it appears that the man has reached here.

“My bad, but for Mibako’s sake, I can’t allow you to pass this point. You’ll have to die here,” I declare, leveling my dagger in the man’s direction.

“Ah? For Mibako? Why would you… no, I don’t care. Whoever you are, if you interfere with the love between me and Mibako… I’ll just kill youuuuu!!”

As the man activates his ≪Obstructive Crushing≫, he rushes at me, glowing with light.




Since the knowledge of your fighting style and status is known to me, I can forecast your moves as much as I want!

I deflect the man’s spear and strike his hand, prompting the spear to slip off his grasp, followed by another kick to the abdomen.


Due to the difference in status between a Kirijin and a human as well as my recent training in physical techniques, he is sent flying away.

In the process, I pick up the spear and toss it into the waterfall pool.

“You… do you know what it means to meddle in someone’s love life…?”

“A person’s love life… huh? Your way of being in love, that can’t be classified as love, it’s nothing but an abominable possessiveness!”


That’s right. What this man harbors in Mibako is sheer possessiveness.

I tell the man what I have heard from Mibako over the past few days.

About why Mibako became a Kitsunejin.

It seems that Mibako and the man were originally close friends who went plunging into the Fox Princess’ dungeon with their other friends, but during the dungeon exploration, Mibako and her friends had an altercation with other explorers and fell into a tight spot, in which point in exchange for them to be rescued by the Fox Princess, Mibako became her servant.

Following that incident, the man erroneously assumed Mibako became a Kitsunejin to save him because she held feelings for him. Apparently, he was under the misconception that by defeating the Fox Princess, Mibako may be reverted to the human race, therefore he has grown more aggressive in his endeavors to conquer dungeons than before. In reality, even if the Demon Kings die, their kin will not be restored to human beings. (This has already been proven and publicized from the reports of Ryo onee-chan and the others who are on the continent.)

So far, though, there was no problem that arose. The problem is what comes after this.

The man gradually begins to stick around Mibako all the time, both inside and outside the dungeon, and he has developed to regard everything around him as an adversary. Furthermore, since he was protecting Mibako, he started demanding various things from her. Eventually, when Mibako asked him to stop pestering her, he became enraged and sought to lock her up, inflicting pain to the point that it would kill her.

Mibako was terrified. Should this continue, she would suffer more harm than death, and even inconvenience those who were trying to assist her.

Therefore, Mibako consulted with the Fox Princess and things have progressed to the present situation.

Of course, this is from Mibako’s perspective. The reality varies in many ways. Even so,

“I’ll say it again. Your yearning is purely possessiveness. So, for Mibako’s sake, I’m going to have you die.”

“Shut uppppppp!!”

The man lunges at me unarmed. The momentum is incomparable to the previous one, and his right hand is suffused with a strange light.

It is likely that the effect of ≪Obstructive Crushing≫ is being exerted at its peak level and that ≪All-out Thrust≫ is being utilized as well. Nevertheless,

“My eyes will not deceive me!”

You can’t mislead my eyes even if you employ a status-increasing skill in front of my ≪Ability Analyze≫. Because my eyes are displaying your heightened status.

There is no sense in hiding your skill in front of my ≪Skill Analyze≫. My eyes have already discovered that you own such a skill.

It is also fruitless to conceal your combat style from my ≪Title Analyze≫. With my eyes, I can view the titles that represent your existing fighting style.

And my ≪Personal Analyze≫ shows that the man’s occupation has now shifted from ≪Tracker≫ to ≪Prisoner of Delusion≫.

In other words, his conduct has been acknowledged by the creator of the system of skills. The man’s behavior demonstrated nothing of affection, but self-serving desire.



Assessing the man’s speed, I evade his attack by the narrowest of margins and deliver a cross-counter attack that sends him tumbling to the ground.

Then I approach the man, who has fallen down and is immobilized.


“I won’t wait.”

I put an end to his life with a stab.

(Kurokiri POV)

Two weeks later.

When mine and Chirito’s levels both rose by one at the time, and the establishment of the 5th level was done, etc, everything was settled.

“Kurokiri-san. May I have your time?”

“What is it?”

Chirito comes to my room.

His face wears a serious expression as if he has made up his mind about something.

“The reason you can’t let the Kitsunejin child born between Mibako and me out of the dungeon is to prevent information leakage to the Fox Princess, right?”

“Yes, that’s right. And fundamentally, I don’t intend to send them out to the first level or anything. This is also for Mibako’s own safety.”

With an expression that suggests that it is a matter of course, I tell him in an indifferent manner.

“I understand. Then I will declare it here and now.”


Chirito straightens his posture. And then,

“I will be more powerful than you so that Mibako and my children will be free to go outside, regardless of your will.”

He has clearly conveyed his intention to rebel against me. There is not a single sliver of hesitation in his gaze.

Yeah, this is fascinating. And I welcome the idea of you becoming stronger, even if it’s slow. Therefore, I reply to him.

“Do it if you can.”


“By the way, what did you mean by ‘children’? I did indeed order you to have a baby with her but one is enough though?”

“Eh, well. That’s…”

“…Chirito-kun. By the authority of the Demon King, you’re going to confide in me a little bit about that unreservedly.”

“You’re exercising your Demon King authority right now!? Um, the truth is… When I used my skill, I found out that… they are twins in Mibako’s body… Furthermore, one is a Kitsunejin and the other is a Kirijin.”

“Oh, I understand. Mibako’s ≪Life Detection≫ and your ≪Personal Analyze≫ helped you to identify the babies in her. Hahahaha.”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“Hahaha. This is really rear explosionnnnnnn!!”


[i] Rear explosion is a term used to refer to jealousy and ressentiment towards those who lead a fulfilling life in the real world and to curse them to death.

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