(Ichiko POV for the whole chapter)

Slightly less than three years before the present.

“An enemy attackkkkk!”

After crossing the sea, I landed on the continent of Africa. While I am there, I have adopted a kind of mercenary business as a means of obtaining traveling expenses and information, and I am now operating as a bodyguard in a certain village but…

“Ah. Not again.”

This is already the third time this week alone that the adversaries have raided the village. There are many of them. Although I am supposed to receive precious metals as a remuneration, I have a feeling that this is out of proportion to the amount of work I am required to carry out.

Nonetheless, since it is my profession, I am going into combat.
“With this, I think it is settled.”


I penetrate the heart of the monster that has assailed the community with the long sword in my grasp. All of the monsters that assaulted the settlement on this occasion have now succumbed.

After stripping the monsters of their usable parts, I head for the village chief. This number of monsters is indeed out of the ordinary, so I have to inquire about the source of the phenomenon.

“Chief. I have finished defeating the monsters. But where on earth did so many monsters spring from?”

“Oh, Ichiko-dono. Thanks as always.”

“Forget thanking me; I’d like to know where they originated from.”

The village head offers his thanks, but I prompt him to explain the story.

“Oh. Even we do not understand what is going on here. For one thing, there exists no labyrinth in the vicinity. As for the monsters, we have never encountered them until now, and they have emerged out of nowhere in the past few weeks.”

However, based on the content of his reply, it seems that the village head likewise has no grasp of the present predicament.

Nonetheless, this inception has happened within this past few weeks, so this may be a possibility. And given my precedent of transmutation to a half Demon King, it is by no means improbable.

“Oh? Has Ichiko-dono figured out what’s going on?” the village head asks, perhaps noticing the look on my face. I suppose I should be truthful with him.

“Yes. Though this is only a possibility.”

“Is it okay if you share it with me?”

“I don’t mind. But as I said before, it’s just a possibility.”

“I understand.”

The village head leans forward slightly to listen to what I have to say.

“Then let me be frank with you. It is likely that a new Demon King has risen in the vicinity of this village.”

“!? W-what does that mean…”

The village head directs a bewildered expression at me.

“It means literally what it sounds like. A new Demon King has surfaced near this village, creating monsters and invading this village for whatever reason, be it the location at hand or another reason. That is the most plausible scenario.”

“T-that’s not possible…”

With a look of incredulity on his face, the village chief opens and closes his mouth. But considering the circumstances, this is the most likely explanation.

“Unfortunately, this is the strongest likelihood. Besides, the birth of a new Demon King is by no means unprecedented; it has been confirmed several times in the past year or two.”


The village head is wearing a countenance like it’s the end of the world.

But well, as long as I am here, I have no intention of allowing this village to be wiped out.


“What is it…”

“I’d like to discuss it with you. If it’s a newly born Demon King, maybe we can work something out?”


Thus, with the village chief, I have a series of consultations with him about measures to be implemented to address the Demon King that is assaulting this village.

And what has been finalized is:

・Create weapons and armor with the materials of the monsters that attacked the village.

・Training the villagers in combat.

・Confirm the location of the dungeon.

After these three things are done, while the villagers are defending the village, I will single-handedly charge into the dungeon and subjugate the Demon King. This is the plan.

“Please, Ichiko-dono! Will you please save this village!

“I understand. Therefore, let’s first build up the strength of the entire villagers.”

With these words, the days of training have begun.
Several weeks later. Following the completion of their training under my supervision, the villagers have grown strong enough to defend the village on their own. Even so, the Demon King has been sending out monsters against this village.

From my viewpoint, I had expected that after so many defenses, the Demon King would cease to play a hand, yet it seems that the Demon King who strikes this village harbors exceptionally firm feelings for this village.

However, the location of the dungeon is clear to me now, and unless they decide to stop messing around, I’ll simply have to subjugate them as I initially planned.

Now, first of all, let’s review the preliminary information garnered by the villagers, shall we?

・The name of the Demon King is the “Distinguishable Warrior Who Isolates the Species”.

・The name of the dungeon is “Island of the World’s Discrepancy,” and there is a kind of barrier around the dungeon.

・The main monsters that have been confirmed are deer and plants. Monsters that resemble golems and have primarily barrier and slashing skills.

・The barrier surrounding the dungeon is only lifted when the monsters within the dungeon exit it.

I see. I was right in raising the degree of expertise of the villagers for a dungeon like this. Under these conditions, the village will be attacked at least once, no matter how you look at it.

“Well then, I shall be on my way.”

And so, having prepared my equipment, I set out for “Island of the World’s Discrepancy” as well.

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