The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 119 Old friends are happy to meet each other

The other three members of the Brave Team all looked at Karina in surprise.

The last magician to join the team has been in the team for half a year. In their impression, Karina is a very reserved girl.

Except for Ryan, it is difficult for others to get close to her, let alone men, even women find it difficult to touch her.

There is always an invisible divine repulsion on her body, which implicitly isolates herself from contact with other people.

But what do they see now?

Karina actually took the initiative to kiss another boy. Although it was just on the cheek, it also damaged their previous understanding of Karina's holy image.

But what was even more exaggerated later was that after she kissed the boy, she turned her face away and let the boy kiss her cheek, but Ryan was still laughing and didn't care at all.

Although France had a kiss on the face, the problem was...that was Karina, the next saint appointed by the Temple of Light.

"Maybe he's a younger brother, or an older brother or something."

The female magician glanced sideways at the two slightly lost men next to her and raised a possibility.

"But I heard from Ryan that Karina is an only daughter." The shield warrior said disappointedly.

The archer pursed his lips and looked at Hardy with envy.

The female magician sighed. In fact, she was quite jealous.

She herself is quite good-looking and has a good figure, depends on who she is compared with.

Charm-wise, Karina overpowers her across the board.

Regardless of appearance, temperament, figure, height, family background, etc... he is taller than her.

He has good character and is very kind.

Even the strength is much higher than that of a magician like her.

Everything is a bit higher, but overall it's much higher.

Does such a perfect girl really exist in the world?

But there is one right in front of me.

It's no wonder that all the men in the team like her.

If the female magician hadn't liked Ryan, she felt that she would have fallen in love with Karina.

It's just that she doesn't think Karina will like the boy in front of her. The relationship between the three of them should be more like friends.

Because she couldn't see the 'love' for Karina in that black knight's eyes.

Female magicians have this keen intuition.

Only in this aspect, she felt that she was better than Karina.

On the Hardy three's side, the atmosphere was quite harmonious.

Ryan looked at Hardy in surprise: "Why did you become the Nightmare Knight?"

As a brave man, Ryan naturally knows what the Nightmare Knight is.

Hardy was stunned for a moment, vaguely feeling something was wrong: "Don't you know I became the Nightmare Knight?"

"We have been pursuing the demon general's affairs and have almost no time to pay attention to other things."

"Then how did you recognize me just now?" Hardy believed that these two people would not lie in this regard.

Ryan chuckled.

Karina said sweetly: "No matter what you become, we can all recognize you."

Hardy was slightly moved at first, but then felt that something was not right.

I have changed my inner self, but they did not recognize him and still regarded him as the original Hardy. Is this an error?

Now Hardy is even a little moved, but rationally he doesn't want to be moved.

He looked into the distance and asked: "Okay, let's talk about business. Why did you come here? And you killed the mayor's family in my territory."

"Your territory?"

Ryan and Karina were both quite surprised.

"It seems we have to have a good talk." Hardy turned to look at Malok: "You take the knights to the central square, protect the bodies of the mayor and others first, don't let others destroy them, and at the same time suppress those who are looking for sympathy and making trouble. By."

Malok nodded and immediately started to dismantle the horse.

And Hardy said to Ryan and Karina: "Let's find a quiet place, have a good talk, and exchange information."

"no problem."

Then the three of them walked side by side.

Karina stood in the middle, holding a boy in her left and right hands.

Karina's mind is very broad, almost the same size as her mother, Mrs. Sissi, so Hardy felt something soft and waxy massaging his left arm, which was quite comfortable.

The other three members of the brave team were a few steps behind and looked at the three people in front of them with strange expressions.

Several people soon came to the center of the square. Hardy looked at the charred corpses still hanging, and then at some of the townspeople watching in the distance. There was still anger on these people's faces.

They entered the mayor's house, which was already in a mess.

Most of the things were moved away by the mob.

Very clean.

Hardy looked around, then directly removed the door panel, threw it to the ground, and said, "Everyone, sit down."

Karina smiled: "It sounds like you are the master of this place."

"I am really the master here." Hardy said with a smile: "Now I am the lord of Hukaro City."

The five members of the brave team were very surprised and confused.

What is the concept of lord? Apart from the royal family, they are lords. They can be said to be the upper echelons of power in the pyramid.

Although they are a team of brave men who have the right to kill evil first and then punish them later, when they meet the lord, they still have to give face.

Ryan scratched his head in confusion: "We have only been away for more than a year, and you have become so powerful?"

Karina's face was filled with joy. She was really happy for Hardy's achievement.

"Tell me about you, why you want to kill the mayor." Hadi smiled bitterly: "About half a year after I took over Hukaro City, I heard the news about the townspeople's rebellion. You don't know what this means to me. , how scary is it?”

"We don't want to either." Ryan said helplessly: "We are just here to hunt down the demon generals. The mayor's whole family has had an affair with the demons, and they have done a lot of human sacrifices and summoned demonic evil things. Our original intention was to kill the mayor's family and burn them with fire to perform an exorcism ceremony, but we didn't expect that the townspeople had endured too much violence before, and when they saw us taking action, they followed suit."

I see.

"So have all the demons in Qili Town been cleared out?"

"It's cleaned up." Karina sat cross-legged on the ground. She held her chin and smiled: "I used light magic to detect it."

"Then there's no problem. Since the mayor has an affair with the demons, they deserve to die. That's right."

At this time, the shield warrior next to him couldn't help but ask: "Your Excellency, do you believe us so much? What if we tell lies..."

"It's Ryan and Karina that I believe in."

The shield warrior was stunned for a moment and said, "Sorry."

Hardy ignored him and asked instead, "Since we are all here, it is rare for us to meet each other. Come with me to Hukaro City to live for a while. My family is very big now."

Ryan and Karina were quite moved, but soon they both looked embarrassed.

Finally, Karina said: "There will be a chance in the future. Now that we have caught the tail of the demon general, we cannot lose him. We will come back to you after we kill the demon general."

"Does that mean you are leaving?" Hardy was a little disappointed.

"We still have some time, why don't you tell us how you became the lord."

Karina's eyes were full of curiosity.

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