Seeing that both of them were a little curious, Hardy briefly explained the matter.

In the middle of the sentence, Karina exclaimed and asked: "What, the mother is the daughter of the Jeanne family?"

Now, it was Hardy's turn to be shocked: "You don't know?"

"Neither father nor mother told me about this." Karina looked confused: "I thought mother was just the daughter of a wealthy businessman in Boris City."

"Didn't Mrs. Sissi even tell you about Ms. Ainoline, your grandmother?"

"I said it, but I didn't say her identity."

oh! Hardy got it.

Karina then showed an expression of realization: "No wonder I was able to win the position of saint. I thought that my father's identity as a bishop played a big role. It turns out that my grandmother is so powerful."

"The influence of a bishop in a border territory is not so great that he can influence the candidates for the office of the saint." Hadi smiled bitterly: "Hukaluo City was the fiefdom of your mother before she was married. By the way, she was still here yesterday. Stayed for one night.”

Karina's face was full of regret: "I wish I had known that my mother was also in this city. I will definitely take time to meet her. I miss her so much."

At this time, the female magician next to her asked in shock: "In other words, Karina is not only a saint, but also a princess?"

The archers and shield warriors next to them also had expressions of surprise on their faces.

Hardy nodded: "Indeed."

Karina looked at the people around her and found that the people in the brave team looked at her differently.

Ryan and Hardy, on the other hand, are still the same.

At this time, Ryan suddenly asked: "How is my mother?"

Hardy was quite embarrassed. He hesitated and asked, "Do you know Sophie's hidden identity?"

"I know." Ryan replied with a wry smile: "I understand, mother is indeed not worthy of you."

When the members of the Brave Team heard this, they had expressions of disgust on their faces.

Karina looked confused. She was a little unhappy. She felt that the two men she valued most were hiding something from her.

And what does it mean to be unworthy? She thought of a possibility and pursed her lips unconsciously.

Hardy waved his hand and said, "That's not what I meant. Sophie went back to her hometown."

"Well, she ran away from the devil...why did she go to that place?"

Hardy thought for a while and said, "She thought I was very poor and said she wanted to go back to her hometown and use the money she had saved to start a business for me. I couldn't persuade her."

"That's good." Ryan said this and breathed a sigh of relief: "As long as she is not hungry, she is still very strong and there will be no safety issues."

Then he felt a little embarrassed.

I always feel like I don’t dare to look at Hardy.

Because in his heart, he sold his brother to his mother for destruction.

He knew very well what kind of creature a succubus was.

Because he also has half of the succubus blood.

It's just that the hero's blood is stronger and can suppress the other half's succubus blood into submission.

That's why he doesn't have any succubus characteristics or habits.

At this time, Karina interjected: "Hardy, tell me, how did you become the lord?"

Hardy told the story of his arrival in Boris City, and the five of them listened with rapt attention.

When they heard that Hardy led 600 heavy cavalry and crushed more than 3,000 enemy infantry regiments, the five of them were amazed.

"Then Ms. Ainolin canonized Hukaro City to me."

The team of five people all breathed a sigh of relief. Although Hardy said it simply, they knew it was a thrilling story.

If it were them, they would never be as 'perfect' as Hardy.

At this time, Malok came in from outside and said: "Master, the town has been suppressed. I gathered them all in the center of the town."

"Then let me go and announce something. You guys need to rest first?"

Karina stood up: "No, Ryan and I want to watch you and watch you show off your power up there."

When she spoke, she had a sweet smile on her face.

Ryan also patted his butt and stood up, nodded in agreement: "I'm also curious about what my brother will be like after he becomes a lord."

Hardy smiled and followed Malok out first.

The five members of the brave team quickly followed.

Hardy stood on the high platform of the central square.

Several charred corpses were still floating in the air, and the place was filled with a pleasant smell of barbecue.

Hardy looked at the townspeople below.

These townspeople were very frightened. There were more than a hundred heavy cavalry around them looking at them, and they became even more frightened.

At this point they already understood what they had done.

They lowered their heads for fear that the leader would see them unhappy and pull them out to scare the monkeys.

"If you kill a mayor who colludes with the demons, you don't have to be so afraid."

There was no anger in his voice.

The townspeople looked up and looked at Hardy in surprise.

"But this time, the hero and the saint are the guarantees. If they take action, you are qualified to take action. If this happens again and you dare to take action privately, no one can protect you."

"Remember, I am the lord here. I am the only one who can execute the vassals and officials of the territory. I will not do it next time."

"The land in Qili Town is very fertile. If you dare to cause trouble next time, I will kill a group of people and replace them with another group. There will be absolutely no problems. Remember them all. Don't think that the law does not punish everyone!"

"Thank you to the hero and the saint. Without them, at least half of you would have died."

The young man's voice sounded very young, but there was a unique majesty in it.

The townspeople subconsciously looked at Ryan and Karina not far away, their eyes full of gratitude.

Hardy continued: "Malock, come up here."

Malok took off his helmet and walked to the high platform.

Hardy pointed at him and said to all the townspeople: "Now, he is your new mayor, remember this face."

Malok was stunned for a moment, then trembled all over.

He immediately knelt down and swore directly that from now on, he would be loyal to Hadi and Hukaro City.

Hardy patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Do a good job, I hope you can run Chili Town again."

Malok nodded vigorously.

Their family has only had a small manor for several generations.

Now, finally there is a territory.

Still a town.

Hardy jumped down from the high platform at this time and looked at Malok on top. He was talking about the comfort measures he would take as the mayor. He was so excited that he even stuttered a little.

Ryan and Karina walked over.

"Very handsome." This was Karina's comment.

"It's quite majestic." Ryan patted Hardy on the shoulder and said, "It's time for us to leave. If we don't catch up, we will most likely lose the demon general."

Hardy thought for a while, took out an angel emblem from his clothes, and said: "This is my personal emblem. It is very useful near the Hukaro territory, and it also has a certain influence near Boris. After all, it is also the emblem of the people." The coat of arms of the Na family, if you encounter any trouble, just take it and go to the noble officials for help."

Ryan answered: "Okay, thank you."

"We are all brothers, no need to be polite."

"You are brothers, so what am I to you?" Karina asked.

"Brothers and sisters." Hardy smiled.

"Brother~~brother!" Karina called out cutely.

Very charming, very seductive.

Ryan and Hardy shuddered subconsciously and had goosebumps all over their bodies.

The other three members of the brave team were so frightened that they could not close their mouths when they saw Karina's charming appearance.

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