The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 12 Others led me into trouble

Seeing Hardy slap himself in the face, Ryan sighed: "You know you're afraid now?"

"It's not that you're afraid of your father. It's a matter of death, so what!" Hardy sat down and said helplessly: "What I'm afraid of now is myself."

He really didn't expect that his XP system was so weird.

He actually likes women with horns on their foreheads and long heart-shaped tails that swish around.

What kind of quirks are these?

Let people know about it, but the club will die.

Sure enough, only when you face your own dark side, you will be horrified to discover how... boring you are.

Why do you like these things?

After thinking about it, I must have been taught badly by netizens in my previous life.

Yes, blame them!

They post pornographic pictures in groups, forums, post bars, and wherever they can appear all day long.

Message boards that do not support pornographic pictures can still draw one for you using a dot matrix.

It is mixed with all kinds of strange pairings, humans and animals, animals and animals.

Over time, his XP system became strange.

After throwing the black pot away, Hardy suddenly felt much better.

Ryan couldn't help but asked: "Don't you really want to kidnap my mother?"

"Well, watching her prepare breakfast, she has a kind of virtuous temperament, and I suddenly have some thoughts in this regard." Hardy looked like he was looking for fun.

Ryan took a deep breath and looked at his gay friend with the eyes of a beast: "Are you still human? She is so much older than you."

"But your mother is young, she looks only two or three years older than me." Hardy defended: "Besides, all the elven women are more than a hundred years old before they reach adulthood, but which man doesn't want to develop with them?" Make a good memory?"

"Such an analogy sounds reasonable, but it doesn't seem quite right." Ryan scratched his head.

The profession of brave is essentially a special job transfer for warriors. In terms of intelligence, don't be too demanding.

Hardy said: "I personally feel like this, as long as you look young and beautiful, age doesn't matter."

Ryan's expression became very strange, and his eyes looked like he had seen something dirty, with a sense of disgust.

But after a while, his face became serious and he said slowly: "Since I can remember, my mother has never been so happy."

The former Brave disappeared when Ryan was very young.

As long as Ryan can remember, his mother's expression has always been cold and lonely.

Even in front of his own son, there were not many smiles.

But today Sophie is smiling all the time.

Hardy nodded, and he also noticed that Sophie was particularly radiant today.

Ryan looked at his good friend: "So, what did you do right?"

Because he became a Nightmare Knight?

Hardy thought for a moment and said: "I am also a professional now. Last, it must have been the night before. Sophie saw it and was very happy."


Ryan frowned: "What's so happy about this? Karina and I are also professionals, and we haven't even seen her smile..."

Because your two professions conflict with her race.

The brave man specializes in killing demons, and the priest's holy light can restrain dark creatures. She will be happy if she can.

In other words, he occupies the ‘light’ of the Nightmare Knight profession.

"Forget it, let's not mention it." Ryan said sourly: "It's Karina's birthday party tonight. Do you want to give me any gifts?"

"Still thinking about it."

"Don't forget it, otherwise she will really cry." Ryan stood up and said with a smile, "I'm going to prepare the gift first."

"Aren't you going to eat the pastries made by Sophie?" Hardy asked in surprise.

"That's for you to eat. If I really want to stay here, she will dislike it."

Ryan waved and left, his back looking very desolate.

Hardy suddenly felt that he looked like a dog.

Not long after, Sophie came over carrying a woven straw basket. She looked around and asked, "Where's Ryan?"

"I'm leaving, I guess I went to Karina to cry." Hardy imagined the scene and couldn't help laughing.

Sophie glanced angrily, then took the food out of the basket.

These are some very delicate pastries. Let’s not talk about whether they are delicious or not. The appearance of the red, green and milky white cakes will make people’s food tastes wide open.

"Let's eat something first."

Then she sat next to him, supported her chin with one hand, and looked at the boy lovingly.

The pastry tasted really good, and Hardy was very happy eating it.

"Don't you want to eat?" Hardy asked.

It's weird to eat it alone.

Sophie shook her head: "I ate last night and was very full."

Sophie has a habit of eating late night snacks?

No wonder she looks very fat and voluptuous.

This is the body shape that men like most.

Hardy was not the kind of coquettish person. While he was eating pastries, Sophie came to the side, said something to Lillian, and then started walking around the castle.

Then I saw her directing Lilian to do things.

When Hardy finished finishing the pastries, he noticed that the decorations in the living room had changed.

And the entire space layout looks much more pleasing to the eye.

Sophie came over, took the straw basket in her hand, and said with a smile: "I'm going back first. After Karina's birthday party, we'll meet at the same place. Although you have rich combat experience, some of your actions are obviously... Ye Luzi needs to be corrected."

Hardy nodded repeatedly.

He did have a lot of combat experience in the game in his previous life, but he really had no systematic training.

At that time, when he was playing games, he had to take into consideration both gold earning and game progress. When he got into the game, he was so nervous that he had no time to slow down and experience the content of the game.

Naturally, there is no way to learn swordsmanship and practice magic from NPCs like other 'experience parties'.

Seeing that Hadi agreed, Sophie left happily.

Lilian came over and whispered: "Master, I can see that Ms. Linde is very good at managing internal affairs. Why don't you marry her? She is definitely a good wife."

Hardy looked Lillian up and down and said with a smile: "Actually, you are not bad, don't belittle yourself."

Lilian is actually very beautiful, but compared with Sophie, there is still a slight gap.

The main difference lies in temperament and aura.

Lilian smiled and said: "When will the master ask me to sleep with you, please come and praise me again."

In most cases, the young head maid does have the responsibility of warming the bed. This is a well-known secret.

Since witnessing Hardy's transformation into the Nightmare Knight, Lillian has obviously become much more passionate and bold.

Such changes are not a bad thing.

"Then tomorrow night." Hardy responded casually and went upstairs.

The head maid didn't take it seriously. She had been serving Hadi for several years. She could tell if her master was joking.

Hardy entered the study, then entered the secret room, and took out a gem necklace from a pile of treasures.

From his perspective, it's quite elegant.

Look outside the door again... It's not even noon yet, and it's still early before the evening banquet. What are you going to do next?

Hardy thought for a while and decided to go to the bookstore in the city and buy some magic books.

His basic theory of magic is actually not reliable.

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