The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 13 Karina: Highlight a Fairness

In his previous life, Hardy made money by playing games.

At that time, the social environment was not good, and any job that could make some money was exhausting.

It’s not as easy as making money by playing games.

Moreover, when you play games to make money, you don’t have to look at the boss’s face, you don’t have to look at Party A’s superior face, and you don’t need to deal with complicated corporate interpersonal relationships. How comfortable it is.

The only drawback is that when you treat games as work, you lose a lot of fun.

While others are studying how to combine the professional skills of warriors to be more powerful and make PK more refreshing, Hardy is studying how to combine the skills of warriors so that they can do missions to spawn monsters at a low cost and repair plate armor less often.

Others study the basic theories of magic in order to understand the nature of magic and make magic more powerful.

Hardy, on the other hand, is studying which magic is easy to learn, has good lethality, and does not require the consumption of casting materials, thus saving money.

In short, Hardy's magic swordsman at that time was a pure monster spawning tool and a guild fighting tool.

As for the game experience, it is there. Whenever a guild battles, you can always make a lot of money.

After all, he has rich combat experience. Although the combination of skills and magic is not suitable for PK, he is not without attack power.

He joined the union war as a mercenary, and every time he killed two or three elites of the opposing union, he always received a large bonus.

However, union wars occur relatively rarely. After all, death will cause experience loss and "bad" equipment. After a union war, regardless of winning or losing, both sides will suffer huge losses.

If the two player unions don't have particularly great hatred, they will not start a full-scale war at will.

Therefore, doing missions to clear monsters is the daily routine of a gold-seeking warrior like Hardy.

Now he is reborn, and Tianhu starts.

Naturally, you have to change your way of living.

Nightmare Knight, like Magic Warrior, is a composite profession, but the intensity of the profession is completely different.

The simplest comparison is that one is riding a horse and brings his own mount; the other is walking.

We know that the two professions are fundamentally far apart.

Not to mention the subsequent growth curve.

And the Hardy thieves are rich.

Sometimes, money can be converted into fighting power.

Forget it, Hardy's connections are quite strong.

Get to know the future hero and the holy girl, and grow up together.

Lord Virginia VI also seems to take good care of the Hardy family. Now a very powerful former member of the Brave Team, a beautiful succubus, has attached himself.

There's no better way to start.

If you don't play well, then you are just a loser. You can't blame the sky or the earth.

Riding an ordinary packhorse, Hardy quickly arrived in the city. After walking around, he found two books on the basic theory of magic in the only bookstore in the city and bought them with a lot of money.

A lot of money indeed.

The two books cost him three gold coins.

Ordinary people can't afford this money.

This is also the reason why many children from ordinary families, even if they have magic talent, find it difficult to become spell casters.

They can't even afford books, and no one is willing to teach them how to become spell casters.

It is a purely physics career, and children from poor families still have some hope of changing careers.

After awakening your talent and becoming a low-level professional, you only need to work for the nobles, or become a mercenary, earn some money and food, slowly take care of your body, and after a period of training, you can become a good professional.

It's just that such lucky people are only a few after all.

Hardy returned to his home study with two books, sat down, and started reading eagerly.

When he learned magic in the game, he just swallowed it wholeheartedly, just looking for a result, and just cast spells directly according to magic spells, gestures, or magic mobilization routes.

Highlight the simplicity.

But now after reading the magic theory for a long time, a lot of knowledge about magic in his mind was connected in an instant.

Just snap your fingers, and two fireballs will float in the air, simple and freehand.

In fact, this is also because he has a lot of experience in casting spells. He has already understood the basic theory and it is engraved in his bones.

Now we just need a system to connect them.

He read very seriously until in the evening, Lillian's knock on the door woke him up.

"Is it already this time?" Hardy looked out the window and stood up.

He kept the sapphire necklace in a wooden box.

At this time, Lilian took a dress and waited for him to change into it.

After looking at himself in the mirror and seeing that there was no problem, he said: "You can eat dinner by yourself first, I will solve it at Karina's house."

Lillian bent slightly and asked with a smile: "There is a ham at home that seems to be going bad. Can we eat it?"

"You will easily get sick if you eat spoiled food. Just take a piece of ham that is fine and enjoy it. It will be your extra meal today."

Lilian smiled sweetly: "Thank you, Master."

For ordinary people, it is a very happy thing to be able to eat a few pieces of meat every month.

Hardy mounted his packhorse and ran slowly towards Karina's home.

In fact, Karina's home is not far from here, otherwise they wouldn't be able to play together.

Soon we arrived outside Karina's house, which was also a manor, larger than Hardy's house.

The guard at the door saw Hardy and took the initiative to invite him in.

After all, Hardy often came to Karina's house to play in the past, and the guards all knew him.

This banquet should be a small gathering of relatives and friends, which can be seen from the number of carriages parked outside the door.

After Hardy entered, he walked around a pavilion square and entered the hall from the main entrance of the castle.

It was brightly lit by candlelight, and the floor was paved with special smooth black stone slabs, shining with dazzling reflections.

There was a group of more than a dozen people in front of him. As soon as Hardy walked over, he was spotted by Karina in the center of the crowd.


Karina screamed happily and came out of the crowd. She was wearing a beautiful white dress with many beautiful patterns and silk threads embroidered on the corners. At first glance, this dress looked extremely expensive.

She ran closer with her skirt in hand and smiled excitedly: "You are finally here. Ryan and I have been waiting for you for a long time."

"Sorry, I was temporarily tripped up by some trivial matters." Hardy took the initiative to admit his mistake and presented the box: "Happy fifteenth birthday. From today on, you are an adult woman."

"Thank you." Karina took the box, her lake blue eyes were full of stars and extremely charming. She asked happily: "Can I open it and take a look?"

Hardy made a sign of invitation.

The box opened, and the elegant sapphire necklace came into view.

"It's so beautiful, I like it very much." Then she waved to the side: "Susan, come here and help me take off the necklace from my neck."

A plain-looking maid came next to her, helped Karina untie the ruby ​​​​pendant from her neck, and then helped Karina put on the sapphire necklace.

With milky white skin and azure transparent gemstones, for a moment I didn’t know whether Karina’s collarbone was more charming or the sapphire was more eye-catching.

Ryan also came over at this time. He gave a thumbs up: "Karina, you will look even more beautiful with this necklace."

By the way, Ryan gave a pair of sapphire earrings, which were already worn on Karina’s ears.

"Thank you. I like the gifts you both gave me."

As she spoke, Karina blushed with excitement. She stood up on tiptoes and kissed Ryan on the face, leaving a red lip mark.

Then he brewed it in the same way, leaving the same 'graffiti' on the same place on Hardy's face.

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