The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 122 A world-class love generation gap

The female magician has indeed never encountered such a situation.

Generally speaking, the most important part of everyone's soul is themselves.

If you can have one-third of your soul thinking about other people's affairs, you already love someone very much.

This special situation only occurs in women who have just been mothers for a year or two.

Due to certain rules, mothers will have unconditional doting on their children in the first few years.

Of course, this situation is not absolute.

After all, occasionally there are mothers who kill their children.

But no matter what, two-thirds of the souls are other people, which is indeed an amazing thing.

"When I saw Hadi crushing two-thirds of his soul, I was so heartbroken that I couldn't sleep for several days. Why was he so stupid?" Karina's eyes were filled with tears.

"That's why I couldn't see the love for you in your eyes yesterday!" The female magician suddenly realized.

She thought that Karina herself was hot.

So that’s what happened.

"But even so, Hardy will still treat us as friends, but there is less of two points of passionate love. It doesn't matter whether he loves me or not, I just love him as always. It's that simple."

Karina's eyes were obviously filled with tears, but her expression was unexpectedly firm.

This contrast between being sad and frail, yet heroic, coupled with that majestic face, is so beautiful.

The female magician gradually became fascinated by what she saw, and her little heart was beating wildly.

She thought she had understood the complicated feelings of these three people.

It even feels very romantic.

If the current Hardy knew about this, he would immediately stay away from the hero and the saint.

Damn, two love brains.

This Hadi is not that Hadi.

As a person in the information age, he doesn't have much fondness for love.

There's no way, love in the information age is so damn dirty, it's all about profit calculations.

Far inferior to the aristocratic silver party in this world.

Although the aristocratic Yin Pao has a chaotic relationship, his heart is very pure, which is a pure relationship between a man and a woman.

The next day after I sobered up, I lifted my pants and realized that what everyone was like before would be the same after.

Although Hardy does not accept such a pure relationship between men and women, and it is easy to get sick, but it is still much better than love in the information age.

After leaving the affairs of Chili Town to Malok, Hardy returned to Hukaro City.

Then he lived a peaceful life again.

Practice swordsmanship, exercise your body, and learn magic theory every day.

If you have time, go to your library and read books.

Very pleasant.

The construction of the drainage canal has brought great convenience to the entire city of Hukaro.

At first, the citizens of Hukaro City were not very optimistic about Hadi's move, but after the test of two heavy rainstorms, the citizens agreed with Hadi's approach.

Drainage channels are really useful.

In the past, heavy rains of this magnitude would flood the entire city of Hukaro for at least two or three days.

Seriously affecting citizens' travel and commercial activities.

But it's different now. When the rain stops, you can go out and do some activities. There's no longer the strange smell after rain. This is a real improvement in the quality of life.

"No wonder he can become a lord at such a young age. He is indeed a capable person."

Such arguments began to gradually spread in Hukaro City.

Hardy's image has changed from a 'tyrant' to a wise one.

After recuperating at home for about a month, Hardy explained the next matters to the housekeeper and Rogge, and then took a dozen light riders to King Boris City.

Calculating the time, the royal family's recruitment order has been issued for a month. Even the border lords should have arrived at the Royal City of Boris soon.

On the way to Boris with his Qingqi, Hardy unexpectedly met Xixi.

At this time, Bing Xixi was in high spirits and was slowly patrolling the business road with more than 20 light cavalry.

When he saw Hardy, he took the initiative to salute and said with a smile: "Your Excellency Hardy, are you going to Boris City?"

"Yes." Hadi rode closer and said with a smile, "You did a good job. There have been more caravans on the trade routes recently than before."

With more caravans, Hukaro City can collect two or three more gold coins in its monthly business tax, which is a good thing.

Xixi smiled proudly.

Although his upgrade is slower now, his overall strength is growing steadily.

After acquiring the territory, he opened the second 'Management' panel.

There are various bonus facilities that can be built on it, and there is a metric value of 'popularity' that can be used as a reference. With the help of this thing, he, a host who is not very good at management, can manage and keep the entire small territory in order.

The army has also reached the upper limit of one hundred people, and even its training level is almost reaching its peak.

And now what restricts the territory's 'growth' is area and population.

The problem is... the 'master' he chose is Hadi. If he betrays Hadi, all this will cease to exist.

The management panel will also be closed.

Therefore, he needed Hadi to grant him a higher title and a larger territory.

"Sir Hardy, this time you go to King Boris City, you should be able to get to a higher level."

Hardy smiled bitterly and said: "It's not that easy. You are already very lucky to be promoted to Viscount."

"I believe you can do it."

"I don't believe it myself." Hardy shook his head, then smiled and said: "Let's go now, and we'll talk later when we have time."

"Okay." He bowed casually.

Hardy waved his hand indifferently: "You don't have to be so polite."

After that, he rode away.

Xixi looked at Hardy's retreating back and said with admiration: "He is worthy of being a lord who fought on the battlefield. He speaks and acts straightforwardly, and does not have the trouble of beating around the bush like other nobles. He is very much like us modern people."

There was also a chorus of praise in the live broadcast room.

Then there are a group of female netizens licking the screen, not licking Xixi, but licking Hardy.

When Hadi arrived at the city of Boris, after showing his coat of arms, he entered the city through the military passage.

After entering the city, he subconsciously slowed down his horse and headed slowly.

But then he frowned slightly.

More than half a year ago, the city of Boris was very lively.

Even near the military passage, there will be many pedestrians and traders.

This is also the reason why Hardy slowed down his war horse, fearing that the horse would step on people.

But now, Hardy saw that there were not many pedestrians coming and going on the street.

The few people there were in a hurry and even a little scared.

What are you avoiding?

With such doubts, Hardy came to the vicinity of Jeanna's manor and saw the prosperous scene.

Hardy doesn't need to report. His face is the best pass in front of the guards of Jeanne Manor.

As soon as he arrived at the gate of the manor, he was allowed to go.

Hardy dismounted, asked the guards to lead the horse to the stable, and then pushed open the main entrance of the castle.

After the heavy wooden door was pushed open, noisy sounds burst out.

Hardy saw a dozen big men sitting in front of a long dining table, noisy.

Blame each other.

Hardy came in, but they didn't notice it.

However, Madam Sissi, who was sitting in the main seat, saw him.

She smiled and pointed to the empty seat closest to her side.

This is reserved for Hardy.

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