The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 123 I personally support the Southern faction

Mrs. Sissi is still so beautiful and bright.

Although the big men at the table were noisy, there were always people who would peek at her from time to time.

Hadi followed her instructions and sat down.

As soon as I sat down, I felt the faint fragrance entering my nose.

He smelled it and said subconsciously: "The elven morning flower perfume?"

Mrs. Sissi was stunned when she heard this: "You know?"

This thing is very rare in the Alopa continent, and Madam Sissi only recently received a bottle from a noble lady.

"My father was in the perfume business for a while and taught me about perfume for a while."

In fact, Old Hardy is quite capable, knowledgeable and well-informed.

The only drawback is that it does not have strong individual strength.

"Has he smelled this perfume for you?"

Generally speaking, if you have never smelled this kind of perfume, you can't explain it by just talking about it. You can only know it by smelling it yourself.

In other words, old Hardy used to be able to get his hands on the morning scent.

This is an incredible network of people.

No wonder a genius like Hardy can be cultivated.

Hardy smiled and said, "I still have a few bottles at home in Hexi County."

"Sell them all to me!" Madam Sissi's eyes glowed with gold, she took Hardy's right hand behind her back and said urgently: "I'll pay a high price."

No wonder Mrs. Sissi is so excited.

Things are rare and expensive, and the price of everything from the elves will skyrocket when shipped here.

Not to mention perfume, silk, fine ceramics, things that the elves don't have much.

Moreover, I heard that the women of the Elf royal family also use Dawn Flower perfume, which makes the ladies of Alopa have an extremely crazy attitude towards this perfume.

"There is no need to pay a high price." Hardy said with a smile: "Sell it to Mrs. Sissi at the cost price. It just needs someone to pick it up, which will take some time."

Although the morning flower perfume is valuable, it is only kept in the ordinary warehouse of the Hardy family, not in the secret room.

Just ask someone you trust to pick it up for you.

"It's okay." Mrs. Sissi said happily: "I can wait. I owe you a favor this time, Hardy."

When she finished saying this, she suddenly realized that the surroundings had become quiet.

She turned around and saw that all the big men were looking at the two of them.

Some have ambiguous eyes, and some are very jealous.

Mrs. Sissi calmly let go of Hardy's hand and said, "Your Excellencies, you have been arguing for so long. Have you reached a conclusion?"

A bald middle-aged man said first: "Mrs. Sissi, let's put this matter aside for now. Is this young man next to you the legendary Black Knight, Mr. Hardy?"

Hardy didn't wait for Mrs. Sissi's introduction, and took the initiative to nod and said: "It's me. Who is this Your Excellency?"

"I'm Lin Shane from Aston. I heard rumors about you a few months ago. It's very impressive."

"Thank you for the compliment." Hardy nodded slightly in return.

"Since Mr. Hardy is so powerful, we might as well listen to his opinion?" Baldhead said with a smile.

Smiles flashed in everyone's eyes.

This bald-headed Lin Shaien plans to praise and kill Hardy.

Hardy naturally noticed it. He chuckled and said, "I just arrived. I don't know what you are talking about. Can you tell me."

"A war is breaking out in the Ajiaka Empire. Should we support the South or the North?"

When Hardy heard this, he subconsciously replied: "Of course it is the party that supports using gray orcs as a labor force."

Southern style!

The look in the eyes of many lords when they looked at Hardy changed and became much gentler.

Even the hostility of the middle-aged bald lord has faded.

"Boy, have your own opinion." The middle-aged bald man gave Hardy a thumbs up.

Mrs. Sissi frowned slightly and said: "But Hardy, we should give the gray-skinned orcs enough respect and the right to survive. In addition to their appearance, they also have emotions, anger, sorrow, and joy. They are no different from us."

"Mrs. Sissi, you are so kind. This is a good thing." Hardy said calmly: "But we have to understand that whether we are supporting the south or the north, in the final analysis, we still want our French country to get enough It’s all about profit.”

Everyone looked at Hardy curiously.

They supported the Southern faction mainly because they felt that the Northern faction's propaganda was too disgusting.

The Northern faction believes that grayskin orcs should enjoy the same rights as their civilized counterparts.

There is the right to be a free citizen, there is the right to be a noble, etc.

More than a hundred years ago, the human race and the gray-skinned orcs were beaten to a pulp, and the human race was almost wiped out.

If it weren't for the weapons and armor technology of the human race, which developed rapidly during the war, the gray-skinned orcs would still use wooden weapons or bronze weapons. Otherwise, it would not be easy for the human race to defeat the gray-skinned orcs.

After all, the gray-skinned orcs are very powerful, and their average strength level is much stronger than that of humans.

After more than a hundred years of recuperation, the human race has not yet returned to its peak population level.

Are you about to mentally surrender to the gray-skinned orcs?

Hardy looked at everyone and continued: "The goal of the Northern Faction is very clear, which is to liberate the gray-skinned orc slaves. But there is a very fatal problem."

"what is the problem?"

"The number of humans in the Aijaka Empire is less than 60 million." Hardy sneered: "But the number of gray-skinned orcs is nearly 300 million. In other words, on average, each person in the Ajiaka Empire has The human race has five gray-skinned orc slaves. Whether they are children or old people."

Everyone listened quietly.

Hardy continued: "The strength and prosperity of the Ajiaka Empire are also based on the hard work of slaves. If it is like the northern faction, they liberate all the gray-skinned orcs, let them step on the magic loom, and then return it to As free citizens, what do you think the consequences will be?"

"Will they produce more goods?" Mrs. Sissi said cautiously: "After all, after becoming free people, most of the things they produce belong to them."

Ha shook his head: "No, they will lie dormant for a while. After they get the advanced weapons and magic tools from the Aijaka Empire, they will have civil strife and want to get land. In the end, the Ajiaka Empire will only have a small number of people." The human race may be driven out of Aijaka.”

Everyone was sweating coldly when they heard this. Just thinking about that scene made them feel a little scary.

"Of course, those people from the South are not good people either." Hardy said with a smile: "They are exploiting the gray-skinned orcs like that, and they are still desperately carrying out slave hunting activities from the Great Rift Valley of Dongzhou. As Ai The number of gray-skinned orcs in the Jaka Empire is increasing, and sooner or later they will be attacked."

"Then what benefits can we get from the Southern Faction?" Mrs. Sissi asked.

Hardy thought for a while and tapped the table with his fingertips: "Money, a lot of money, the Southerners are very rich. In fact, when it comes to the essence of this Civil War, it is still money. The Northerners don't have many gray skins in their hands. The orcs, most of the gray-skinned orcs, are in the hands of the southern faction, about 90% of them. They are jealous that the southern faction can make a lot of money, so they started the war. The liberation of the gray-skinned orcs is nothing more than an excuse. .”

"So support the Southern faction and we can knock out a lot of money hard."

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