The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 203 Not everyone can shoulder the responsibility

Smoke and rain were flying, and the city of Kexilan was gloomy and gloomy.

A few days ago, there were screams under the city, and the defenders above the city wall watched helplessly as the Northern Army slaughtered their comrades-in-arms.

When they got to the back, they didn't dare to stick their heads out to check the situation.

Because I couldn't bear it, and because I was ashamed.

But they really didn't dare to open the city gate. Kexilan said it was a city, but in fact it was just a pass with a slightly larger population.

With a population of less than 120,000, it cannot support an army of tens of thousands.

Not to mention opening the city gate a few days earlier...the Northern Army is watching closely. Once the city gate is opened, the other side will dare to attack.

At that time, the Southern Army was still in chaos, and even because of the chaos, it was difficult to close the city gate that was opened at that time.

At this moment, the lord of Kexilan City, Bentley Hughes, was so worried that his hair turned white.

He was quite old and not in good health. He was frightened by yesterday's situation and lay directly on the bed, sighing.

Can't even eat.

In his opinion, it was only a matter of time before the Northern Army broke into the city, and sooner or later he would have to be stabbed.

However, it is the most terrifying moment when the knife does not fall.

He looked at the cloudy sky outside the window and sighed again. He felt that his heart was congested, and it seemed that his throat was so uncomfortable that he almost couldn't breathe.

At this time, the door opened and it was his eldest son, Timmy Hughes.

He walked in with a happy face.

"Father, there is something important. We can be saved."

Upon hearing this, Bentley Hughes immediately sat up from the bed and asked urgently: "What's the situation? Where did the savior come from?"

His complexion suddenly improved.

"A very young man has come outside, claiming to be a vassal of the Jeanna family, and wants to see you."

"Where did they get the support from? Wait, Jeanne?"

"He came from behind."

Behind, Jeanne... After being stunned for a while, Bentli suddenly came to his senses and said hurriedly: "You invite the person to the main hall, I will tidy up my clothes and appearance, and I will go see him immediately."

Timmy nodded, turned around and went out.

Bentley stood up immediately, tidied up his appearance, and then went down to the main hall.

Then there, he saw the young man he had met more than a month ago.

Sissi - the young general, or young lord, beside Jeanne.

He remembered that Jeanna's family had gone with the army, but now they could come back?

"Your Excellency, aren't you locked out?" Bentley asked in surprise.

Hardy looked at the elderly lord for a while and said, "We opened a logistics route from the west, went directly around to Gardes City, and then came back here."

"In other words, do you have enough power?"

Bentley was ecstatic.

He wouldn't care if the other lords' armies were still viable.

But if the people of Jeanna's family have enough military strength, that's another matter.

Moreover, the fact that the Jeanna family can still maintain sufficient combat effectiveness despite being at a huge disadvantage shows how powerful they are.

"We in France currently have more than 10,000 elite troops, and another 3,000 elite troops have come from China to support us. They will probably arrive in a few days."

Hearing this, Bentli took a deep breath, stood up, and said sincerely: "I remember you, Lord Hardy. Now, as the lord of Kexilan City, I beg you to help us defend. "

Hardy raised his eyebrows slightly, that was what he meant before he came.

The city of Kexilan cannot be lost, or it cannot be lost temporarily.

The March defense line has not yet been truly established, and it will take time. The Northern Army must not be allowed to break through to the rear of the Southern Army, otherwise Hardy's logistics supply line will also be controlled by the enemy, and things will be in trouble at that time.

"I plan to send two thousand troops to assist in defense." Hadi thought for a while and said, "You don't need to worry about military rations and the like. I just hope that we can be given greater autonomy."

Ben Teli nodded vigorously: "Okay, I will listen to you. My Lord's Mansion can also be used as a command post for you."

"That's not necessary." Hardy waved his hand.

"No, no, no, please accept it." Benteli said seriously: "We still have about 400 city defense troops here, and they are also under your management."

"What about you?"

Bentley Hughes showed an embarrassed expression: "We plan to retreat and return to New York City."

In other words, fleeing in fear of fighting.

But it doesn't matter if he really pursues it. If Hadi helps him defend the city and takes down the city lord's palace for use, it will be a disguised form of giving the city to Hadi to manage.

Many times, when the aristocracy does things, they only look at the results and not the process.

As long as Kexilan is defended, who will defend it and how it will be defended can be discussed.

Hardy was lost in thought.

He has a lot to think about.

Bentley-Hughes looked at him nervously.

After about ten seconds, Hardy asked: "What about the materials and money in the lord's mansion?"

"It's up to you." Bentley-Hughes said without hesitation: "We only take away some clothes and basic living expenses."

"Deal." Hardy stood up and said, "I hope you can live happily in New York City."

"Thank you very much, Mr. Hardy." The old lord Bentley was so moved that he almost cried when he heard that Mr. Hardy agreed: "The Jeanne family is indeed a role model for all nobles."

Then in less than two hours, Bentley-Hughes left the city of Kexilan with his family.

In fact, they had wanted to escape for a long time, but no one had given them a 'break' before, so they did not dare to escape.

Afraid of being dealt with by military law.

It's okay now. If someone helps defend the city, they can 'send' the city out.

The Ajiaka Empire is vast and sparsely populated, and the Hughes family has several territories connected together. Kexilan City is the territory they least want.

There are not many products, but it is still a key military town.

They feel they cannot shoulder such a huge responsibility.

Hardy soon settled in the Lord's Mansion, and then took Mrs. Sissi over.

Women, if they can sleep in a house, they generally don't want to sleep outside.

Besides, the conditions here are very good. You can take a shower every day, unlike in the wild where bugs crawl onto the bed from time to time, and there are more than twenty maids to serve you.

She once again lived the life of a noble lady.

I was so moved that I took two female players to have afternoon tea for two days in a row.

Kaldo's commander-in-chief Andrew also came over after hearing the news and met with Hardy.

"As expected of the Jeanna family, they were able to take control of a city so quickly." Andrew was deeply moved while eating tender beef stewed with potatoes.

He also grew up wealthy. Although he is more resistant to roughness than women, it does not mean that he does not want to live a comfortable life.

He was about to vomit after eating military rations before.

"The Jeanna family has a good reputation, so they all believe that we will defend this place." Ha said.

"Now that Kexilan City is in our hands, things will be easier to handle after that." Andrew smiled: "Originally, we were worried that the southern military would counterattack, but now, they absolutely dare not."

Hardy nodded.

Thanks to the 'incompetence' of the Hughes family, one of the weaknesses of the Confederate Army now fell into Hardy's hands.

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