The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 204 The Hope of the Gray Orcs

It would take at least five days to mobilize two thousand infantrymen from outside to take a long way to Kexilan City.

Infantry is not as fast as cavalry and cannot move as fast.

But the Northern Army did not take time out so quickly. After all, tens of thousands of prisoners of war, even if they were processed at the fastest speed, it would still take several days to dig and bury them all.

What's more, the Northern Army did not dare to do such a terrible thing.

At this time, there was joy and laughter in the northern army camp.

The commander-in-chief of the Northern Army, Ste Niemi, was looking at the map. There were a group of generals in front of him, all talking and laughing.

As long as the war is won, it is easy to make a fortune.

Tens of thousands of people were held captive, and the ransom they paid afterwards would make them laugh out of their dreams.

And among these generals, there are also a few gray orcs.

They saw the humans around them smiling and grinned themselves.

In fact, there are a large number of gray orc warriors in the heavy armored regiments of the Northern Army.

As long as the heavy armor is worn and the sealed helmet is worn, outsiders can hardly tell whether the heavy armored soldier is a human or an orc.

Moreover, the Northern Army has been promoting slogans such as orcs are human beings and orcs' lives matter.

Although the gray orcs are not disciplined, the northern government has spent a lot of effort to reform them.

Now the gray orc warriors in the north are able to attack with their human companions instead of running around and rushing around.

The combat effectiveness is quite strong.

After a while, Ste-Nimi looked away from the map, looked at the generals in the commander's tent and said: "Our victory this time is inseparable from the efforts of the orc brothers, so I personally make the decision and give them I don’t think anyone has any objection to a higher reward.”

Everyone shook their heads.

The military pay of gray orc soldiers is only about one-half of that of normal human soldiers, and if it is increased, it will not exceed the level of human military pay.

"Commander, we have also captured a group of gray orcs from the south." At this time, a general said: "Would you like to absorb them into our army?"

"Of course." Ste-Nimi thought for a while and said: "It just so happened that Deru Tinma also came to our rear and asked him to give a speech to his colleagues. It would be more effective and could awaken people. The numb minds of our orc brothers.”

All the generals thought this was a good idea, and several gray orc generals were trembling with excitement.

They also wanted to hear speeches from their own people.

The order was quickly issued from level to level.

More than 10,000 gray orcs who were captured were collectively escorted to the rear and placed in a large cottonwood farm called Memphis.

This manor was once the territory of the Southern Faction, covering an area of ​​about 65,000 acres.

At its peak, there were 20,000 orcs working here, and each gray orc had to manage about three acres of farmland, which was extremely hard.

Therefore, it is very easy to place 10,000 gray orcs here.

The captured southern gray orcs looked around curiously. Everything in this farm was familiar to them, and the scent of kapok was engraved in their bones.

But the treatment they received was unfamiliar.

Serious food, no deliberate beating or abuse.

Only when you disobey, you will be beaten, but the beating is not miserable or painful, it is just a lesson.

As long as they obey orders, the humans who look after them will become very polite.

On the seventh day after their captivity, they were gathered together and sat in a spacious field.

In front of them, a temporary high platform was built.

Although they had some doubts, under the constant suppression and abuse from the southerners, they did not dare to ask or say anything.

Not long after, a small guard composed entirely of gray orcs came from a distance, escorting a carriage.

They looked at their compatriots in amazement.

Unlike them, the gray orc troops were neatly dressed, upright, and in high spirits.

There is a huge difference from mud guys like them.

Why are they so 'proud'?

This is the thought in the minds of almost all the Gray Orc captives.

Soon after, the carriage stopped next to the wooden platform.

Several people who looked like human officers gathered around.

After that, a gray orc stepped out of the carriage.

This gray orc is wearing beautiful clothes, the kind only nobles can wear.

He was very clean and his clothes were neat. He was completely different from his fellow tribesmen who were shirtless and only wore a towel around their waists.

This gray orc's body is full of knowledge.

After he came down, he shook hands with several human officers.

Several human officers were very respectful to this gray orc.

Such a scene shocked these gray orc captives in the south.

There seems to be a strange emotion sprouting in the hearts of these southern gray orc captives.

At this time, the gray orc, who was full of knowledge, walked up to the high platform.

Many gray orcs saw his appearance clearly.

He is a pure gray orc, and judging from the aesthetics of a gray orc, he is very handsome.

A magician set up a loudspeaker magic circle behind the gray orc and then went down.

"Fellow compatriots, relatives, and brothers, I'm glad to see you here." The gray orc's voice was full of enthusiasm: "I am Delu-Tingma, a gray orc who came to the north a few years before you. .”

"I was once a slave. I was best at growing melons. I was squeezed and abused by the slave master every day." Delu Martin's voice began to become sad: "I never thought about whether this was right until One day, the original owner sold me to the north. The human brothers in the north broke the shackles around my neck, cut off the chains on my feet, and gave me a house and a piece of land."

The captured gray orcs felt incredible when they heard this, and even suspected that they were dreaming.

"At that time, I thought the northerners were playing tricks on me, a poor thing. How can there be any human beings who sympathize with the gray orcs?" Delu Martin said with a cry in his voice: "But all of this is true. Come on. Only after I came to the north did I know what dignity is, what freedom is, and what a human being is!”

"I personally have been liberated and become a 'human being.'" Delu-Martin raised his arms and shouted: "But there are still thousands of my compatriots who are still tortured in the south and treated like dogs. There is no trace of them. dignity."

"This is wrong." Delu-Martin roared: "No one is born a dog, no! My compatriots should not be so."

Voices full of emotional outbursts echoed across the vast farm.

The captured orcs' eyes were shining when they looked at this compatriot, and many of them even stood up.

"So, I have a dream..."

Drew Martin's voice suddenly stopped!

An arrow hit his eyebrow... A few seconds later, his body fell onto the high platform.

The human officers and gray orc guards nearby rushed towards the assassin frantically.

A human officer from the north.

"James Earl." An officer shouted angrily: "Are you sick? Why are you killing people?"

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