The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 208 The car is in good condition, waiting for the good season

Hadi separated from Bing Xixi at the entrance of the Lord's Mansion, and then entered the City Lord's Mansion.

I have to say that Bentley Hughes is not only rich, but he also knows how to enjoy himself.

Everything in the lord's mansion is luxurious and convenient.

Even the maids, most of them are pretty little beauties.

Hardy came to the large balcony on the third floor of the Lord's Mansion, where Mrs. Sissi was having afternoon tea with two female players.

It is the nature of Lady France to enjoy afternoon tea.

Hardy sat down and looked at the beautiful woman opposite.

She still had her hair tied up, revealing her white jade-like swan neck, and was wearing a dark purple lady's dress that was tight and tight.

The shoulders and the northern hemisphere are exposed at the same time, like white fat tofu.

It was originally a cloudy day today, but for some reason, there seemed to be a beam of light slanting down from the sky and falling on Mrs. Sissi's body, making her beautiful and 'bright', as if an angel had descended to earth.

"You're finally here. I've been waiting for you for a long time." Mrs. Sissi looked at Hardy, her eyes sparkling.

She looks very much like a girl.

"Mrs. Sissi, are you not worried about the situation outside?" Hardy asked.

The army is approaching, but someone with such a big heart actually dares to drink afternoon tea.

"I believe you." Mrs. Sissi answered without hesitation.

I have to say that it is quite satisfying to be trusted wholeheartedly by a great beauty.


Madame Sissi took the initiative to pour a glass of wine for Hardy. When she brought the wine, she leaned over slightly and Hardy felt two balls of fruit, as if they were about to press on the tip of his nose.

Then she sat back and said, "Actually, you don't have to work so hard. Spread things out more. Subordinates are there to use them, not to look at them."

In fact, what she said has another meaning: Then you will have more time to spend with me.

Hardy seemed to understand and smiled: "Once the business is done, there will be more time in the future."

"Same." Mrs. Sissi held her cheek with her right hand and stared at the boy: "Hardy, do you think I am more beautiful, or Karina?"

Upon hearing this, Hardy subconsciously replied: "Of course it is you, mature and charming."

He is not a fool, so he naturally knows how to answer.

Then Madame Sissi laughed, very happily.

At this time, Ni Cai quietly stood up and gestured to Alice. The two of them quietly left the balcony. When they left the room inside, they gently closed the door for them.

Hardy noticed their little behavior, but said nothing.

Mrs. Sissi didn't seem to notice.

Her eyes had been falling on Hardy, and besides, her strength was actually average, so of course she couldn't detect the movements of the two professionals.

"You are talking more and more sweetly now." Mrs. Sissi cupped her chin and narrowed her eyes angrily, "I remember you called me aunt before."

"Have it?"

"Yes, I remember it very clearly."

For women, this kind of 'insult' is something they will never forget.

But Hardy couldn't remember it. He never bothered to remember such 'little things'.

"That was my fault. I punished myself with two drinks."

Hardy drank two glasses of wine in a hurry.

At this time, Mrs. Sissi also drank one more drink.

When you drink too much of this wine, you talk a lot.

Mrs. Sissi talked about the past.

Starting from the first time Hardy visited Minter's house, she told the interesting things she knew, and told interesting stories about Hardy and her daughter.

Hardy, on the other hand, kept listening and responding from time to time.

Many times, when a woman speaks, a man does not need to express his opinion, you just need to listen.

It will be better if you can echo it at the right time.

After a woman has finished talking, she will naturally have a certain degree of favorability towards you.

This kind of behavior is a high bonus in the eyes of women, and is referred to as an "empathic man."

It’s easy to get drunk if you talk and drink at the same time.

She didn’t know how long she had been drinking, but Mrs. Sissi felt a little dizzy. She stood up and said, "I can’t do it anymore. I’m a little dizzy. Alice, come over and help me..."

Then she realized that no one responded to her. She turned around and saw that the two people had disappeared.

"Do you need my help?" Hardy also stood up and asked.

"No need." Mrs. Sissi waved her hand.

Then she looked at her feet. It seemed that she was drunk. She put her feet into the legs of the chair and tried to walk.

As he moved, his feet stumbled. He was already unable to stand even after drinking, but now he jumped forward.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Hardy stepped over and hugged Mrs. Sissi. With a little more force, he hugged her in his arms.

The two of them were so close together that they could hear each other's heartbeats.

Hardy's heartbeat was steady and slow.

But Mrs. Sissi's heartbeat was like the running of a nimble deer, very fast and very rhythmic.

"People outside...will see it." Mrs. Sissi lowered her head and murmured quietly.

Hardy hugged her gently, turned around gracefully and walked into the room instantly.

Madame Sissi's heart beat faster.

She looked up, blushing.

I don’t know whether he was drunk or ashamed.

"I...I can't..."

Hardy knew what she meant.

She is still worried about her relationship with her husband. After all, she comes from a traditional background and is not so quick to... have sex with others.

Hardy did not force her, but some interest was charged.

I have to say, the foundation is very good.

About ten minutes later, Hardy left, leaving Mrs. Sissi with a red face in the room.

Two female players came in from outside. When they saw Mrs. Sissi's appearance, they all chuckled.

Then Nicai stretched out her palm towards Alice: "I didn't do it, you lose, please pay me quickly."

Alice took out a silver coin and handed it to Nicai.

She was still a little dissatisfied: "How is it possible that Hardy can endure such a beautiful woman? It was just the last time, but can he endure it this time? Is he worse than a beast?"

"It doesn't look like that." Nicai shook her head. She was a married woman and knew a little bit about this.

"What's going on?" Alice was confused.

At this time, Mrs. Sissi came to her senses. She looked at the two female players and said angrily: "What are you talking about... Hardy and I are very innocent, and you still use me to gamble, which is too much." Alright."

Looking at the coquettish Madam Sissi, the two female players were amazed.

The woman who had already given birth to a child was so shy that she actually looked so girlish.

What a monster.

As for Hardy, after collecting the interest, he started to do business.

It is not safe to just take players to fight day and night. After all, the Northern Army is not a vegetarian. It is more appropriate to have a backup plan.

He thought for a while and asked the guard to call Simon over.

"I have a task here that I need you to complete." Hardy said with a smile: "You must use the latent advantage of your Atonement Society!"

I was almost sanctioned, but I just wrote that the car was in good condition and that I was seventeen years old.

I was reported and put on the blacklist.

Fortunately, the editor saved it.

Tsk, tsk, so strict.

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