The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 209 Everyone has a use

Simon's face was full of surprise.

Although they have been under Hardy for some time, Simon and his subordinates have never been entrusted with important tasks since the expedition.

Just follow the army everywhere, and occasionally join the battle in formation.

It was very, very easy, so easy that not a single member of his small team had been reduced.

Of course, although they didn't use much fighting, Hadi didn't treat them badly in terms of military pay and food.

Everyone can eat well, be well fed, wear warm clothes, and even have some spare money saved to send home.

But that's not all Simon wants.

At the very beginning, the Society of Atonement was composed of a group of people who did not have enough to eat and no warmth to wear, launching a final struggle against the world.

After they settled down, they had enough food, clothing, and a place to live... But people's desires will increase.

After achieving a stable life, they wanted to go further.

Want more money, more fields, a better life.

This is human nature.

Simon had always thought that because they had openly opposed the aristocratic relationship in the past, Hardy had accepted them but also marginalized them.

I thought this would be the case until the end of the war.

But he never expected that he would now receive an important task assigned by Hardy.

"Sir, what do you want us to do?"

Hardy said: "Next, we will find ways to continuously attack and arouse the enemy's army, slowing down their siege. But even so, it will only delay time. I need you to find ways to lurk until the enemy In the rear, destroy their food, grass and supplies only once. As long as the destruction rate exceeds half, retreat immediately to save your own life, do you understand?"

After thinking for a while, Simon nodded firmly.

Their Atonement can do this.

"This is the mission fund for you." Hardy pushed a heavy bag in front of Simon: "There are one hundred and fifty gold coins in it. How to use it is up to you."

Simon was stunned and swallowed subconsciously.

As a poor man, this was the first time he saw so much money.

"Too many, Mr. Hardy."

Simon didn't dare to take it.

Hardy laughed: "High risk, high reward. This is my personal philosophy."


Hardy continued: "In this mission, someone will definitely die. This is inevitable. Pensions, settlement expenses, etc. all need to be resolved by you personally. Do you understand?"

Simon was stunned for a moment, and then he said seriously: "Sir Hardy, our lives are not valuable, but if you think our lives are valuable, we will remember this favor."

After that, he picked up the bag and turned to leave.

"Quite proud." Hardy chuckled and continued to deal with military affairs.

The current strength of the troops in Kexilan City is only about 3,000, but this is enough.

Although it is very difficult to attack a city, there are too many enemies.

An army of at least 70,000 people was watching eagerly outside the city.

The garrison of three thousand people is still too few. If the enemy is determined to break through here, they only need to add tens of thousands more reinforcements, and three thousand people will not be able to defend it.

This is also the reason why Hardy wants to harass the enemy Xixi. As long as it can be delayed until the March defense line is completed, coupled with reinforcements from France and Kaldor, the strategic depth will be truly opened.

Even if the southern faction cannot bring in many reinforcements, the coalition forces of the two countries can still hold on for a long time.

Hardy spent the afternoon dealing with military affairs. In the evening, he stretched himself and thought about going back to have a drink with Madam Sissi.

At this time, the guard came in and reported that it was a messenger from New York City who wanted to see him.

"It came pretty quickly."

Hardy muttered subconsciously.

In his guess, New York City would send someone over in a day or two at the earliest.

"Invite him in."

Hardy responded casually.

Soon a young man walked in.

This person is quite familiar to Hardy, Nache Branch.

Known as the future star of the Ajiaka Empire.

As soon as he came in, he had a hurried face, and then he asked: "Sir Hardy, please write a document about the previous battlefield situation and give it to me to read."

Is this a head start?

Hardy frowned slightly: "Your Excellency Blanche, in what capacity do you issue orders to me?"

"Of course he is the current frontline commander."

Upon hearing this, Hardy smiled: "Is this an order from His Excellency Teutonic Lord?"

A strange color flashed in Naché Blanche's eyes: "This is natural."

"First of all, please show me your appointment letter." Hardy stretched out his hand.

Nache Blanche shook his head and said: "This does not require a letter of appointment, just a verbal order."

"Do you think I'm stupid?" Hardy looked at him: "How can such an important thing be a verbal order?"

"Now is a critical period, special things should be done." Naché-Blanche said seriously.

Indeed, special things can be done.

Hardy smiled again: "So, you are just a temporary commander and a member of the Ajiaka Empire. You want to order me, the deputy commander-in-chief of the French coalition, do you think it is possible?"

"Then at least give up the command of Kexilan City."

"Okay, how many troops do you bring?"

"Five hundred people."

"You want to defend the city of Kexilan with 500 people?" Hardy looked surprised.

Nace Branch said matter-of-factly: "Of course you have to help with defense."

"Sorry, then I can't give up the command of Kexilan City." Hardy looked directly into the opponent's eyes, with a bit of disdain on his face: "You want the command, okay! I will withdraw my troops and go back Defend our established defensive line.”

"It doesn't have to be so extreme, Mr. Hardy." At this time, Naqie's face was already filled with anger.

Hardy shrugged: "The original contract was for us to support you, not to help you take the lead and fight to the death. Rather, we France and Kaldo are already very interesting. When the situation collapses, I still helped you hold the eastern defense line, preventing the Northern Army from advancing forward, what else do you want?"

Naqie took a deep breath: "Of course we know, but there is no direct conflict between this matter and the transfer of command."

"Yes, of course." Hardy said calmly: "I am France's general and lord. Why do we have to obey the direct dispatch of your Aijaka Empire? You can ask us to do things, but you cannot give direct orders. Do you understand?"

When Hardy spoke, he had already stood up.

His face already showed dissatisfaction at this time, and his awe-inspiring temperament directly made Naqie feel suppressed and extremely uncomfortable.

"Then I will go find Ms. Jeanne. I believe she will give us a fair answer to the Ajiaka Empire."

After that, he turned around and left.

Hardy smiled. Naché Blanche's behavior seemed silly, but in fact it was a rather clever trick.

It seems unreasonable for him to want command, but what if he gives it a try?

What if it succeeds?

It is said that people from the Maga family are the best at this method.

The so-called extreme pressure.

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