The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 217 He is an animal

After Hardy came out of the command post, he told Mrs. Sissi about this.

After hearing this, Madam Sissi was so angry that her front armor expanded a bit.

Quite an eye-catcher.

Then she looked at Hardy and asked in surprise: "You don't seem angry?"

Hardy smiled, picked up a glass of wine, and said, "Why should I be angry?"

"They just stole your work!"

"Wrong, I robbed their results." Hardy pointed to the west direction: "Mrs. Sissi, have you forgotten? We occupied a large area over there, and now Kaldor's transformation magician We should use earth and stone techniques to connect them all. It will be completed in about half a month."

"That's right."

Mrs. Sissi drank some wine, her face turned red and she was a little confused.

She looked at Hardy, her eyes always shining, like the brightest star in the night sky.

"Then when we go there, will the elders explain?"

"Of course." Hardy said with a smile: "The city of Kexilan was not our real target in the first place. Its function is to prevent the Northern Army from moving south and buy us time."

"Then going to the Elders Council to explain is also to buy time?"

Hardy nodded: "Now the eastern front relies on us for defense. In fact, the top management of the Ajiaka Empire is very shameless. Our voice among the people should also be louder, which makes them very troubled. After all, our home court is so The two foreign armies have taken away the credit and popular sentiment, and they also need to face shame. Now that they have seized the opportunity, they will naturally find a way to suppress our reputation."

"I can understand this." Mrs. Sissi nodded and said, "But if we go to the Elders Council, wouldn't it be a sheep entering the tiger's mouth?"

"We are going, but we didn't say we won't bring troops there." Hardy smiled sinisterly.

Mrs. Sissi was stunned for a moment, then her eyes flashed: "You are so bad, I like you so much!"

As soon as these words came out, the two female players next to them stood up at the same time, walked out, and locked the door from the outside.

Hardy looked in the direction of the door and then at Madame Sissi.

At this time, Mrs. Sissi was particularly gorgeous and charming.

She was also wearing a close-fitting nightgown, which was very astringent.

Maybe it was because she had had a little drink, but her eyes were wandering and a little hazy.

This half-awake, soft and pitiful posture is particularly alluring.

"Do you really like it?" Hardy asked with a smile.

Madam Sissi rolled her eyes at him coquettishly.

Hardy understood immediately, walked over, picked up the woman, and rushed to the special battlefield right in front of him.

Outside the door, Alice and Nicai were chatting.

"Nini, let's make a bet. Can the two of them make it happen tonight?" Alice asked.

Nicai leaned against the wall, thought for a while, and said, "Probably not. Madam Sissi is actually quite traditional."

"No matter how traditional it is, it can't beat an outstanding little milk should be called a little wolf dog."

"It's a bit suspenseful, but I still think it won't be that fast." Nicai smiled and said, "After all, I can see that Mrs. Sissi still loves her husband."

"Then let's make a bet. I can succeed, but you can't. The bet is just one silver coin."

"Okay." Ni Cai subconsciously brushed the long hair between her ears with her hands.

As soon as she finished speaking, a strange sound came from inside.

The two people outside the door looked at each other, and then laughed at the same time.

"You lost!" Alice stretched out her hand to her good friend: "A silver coin."

Nicai put a silver coin in Alice's hand.

Then neither of them spoke anymore.

After all, in this environment, everything always feels weird.

After staying for a while, Nicai felt really upset and said, "Let's go and guard somewhere farther away."

Alice leaned her back against the wall, shook her head at her, and said: "Our monthly salary is one gold coin, which would be hundreds of thousands in real money. You may not value this money, but in reality, can I?" It’s up to now to save the money for wealth and freedom. I don’t want to leave, because if something happens to them, my good life will be gone.”

Nicai really doesn't value the money too much, but what she values ​​is the experience of daily settlement.

She shook her head helplessly, walked a little further, and came to a corner balcony in the corridor. There were tables and chairs here, and she sat down here.

The autumn night was quite cool, but Nicai didn't feel that cold.

After all, professionals are definitely more adaptable to the natural environment than ordinary people.

She sat on a chair and looked at the beautiful starry night sky.

In big cities in the information society, stars can no longer be seen due to light pollution.

But here, the stars are hanging densely in the night, which is beautiful.

But Nicai didn't have much appreciation, and now she felt quite confused.

Madam Sissi's 'thing' had a great impact on her.

Because she can easily empathize with Madame Sissi.

Everyone is a wealthy lady and they are all beautiful.

It’s also quite traditional.

In addition, the marital status of the two is also similar, and the husbands are both busy.

Everyone has their own career.

She had always thought that although Mrs. Sissi, who was very similar to her in every aspect, was quite ambiguous with Hardy, she would not fall into the trap so quickly.

The result... was much faster than she expected.

"People, do you think too highly of yourself?"

Instead of blaming Mrs. Sissi, she re-examined herself who was very similar to her.

"Could it be that I also have such thoughts hidden in my body?"

Thinking of this, Ni Cai felt a little shy and couldn't help curling up her body and burying her head in her arms, as if she wanted to use this method to hide herself from the world.

I don't know how long it took, but she seemed to have figured it out and stood up again.

"Gotta go switch classes with Alice."

Then she walked back to the door, only to find that...Alice was missing.

Only the door remained ajar.

She even vaguely heard Alice's voice coming from inside.


If it was just a mental shock just now, now it is a three-dimensional shock.

She stood blankly for a while, and finally sat down slowly with her back against the wall.

"Why don't you love yourself so much, Alice?"

"You are a college student."

"What's so good about NPCs?"

"No matter how handsome he is, he shouldn't be like this."

She kept mumbling quietly to herself.

Any sound became strange background noise in her ears.

The time seemed long, and it seemed very long.

It was daybreak, and those annoying background sounds finally disappeared.

She sat on the ground with her legs crossed, looking through the window at the white fish belly on the horizon, and sighed quietly.

This was the night that tortured her most.

Mainly mental.

She wasn't physically tired, but her mental fatigue was enough to make her feel like she was about to die.

So sad.

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