The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 218 I come with an army

Early the next morning, Hardy came out of the room.

Then he saw Ni Cai squatting by the door, leaning against the wall.

The pretty girl looked haggard at this moment.

It's not about appearance, her face shape and complexion are still very good.

When Hardy said haggard, he meant mentally.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Ni Cai looked over and looked at Hadi, her eyes full of weirdness and admiration at the same time.

Having a girl stay outside all night and listen in the corner all night, Hardy felt quite embarrassed and said, "Thank you for your hard work."

"No, Your Excellency is working harder. You have been working all night. You should get more rest."

Hardy frowned subconsciously. This Nicai seemed to be a bit yin and yang, but after careful consideration, it didn't seem like it.

But he didn't care anymore, he was refreshed and quite comfortable now.

He smiled, waved his hand and went to the main hall to have breakfast, and at the same time asked the servant to bring breakfast to the three people.

After all, both Madam Sissi and Alice should be too lazy to move now.

When Nicai saw Hardy leaving, she stood up, and then she found that her legs were not only numb, but even weak.

It doesn't take much effort.

After waiting for a while while holding on to the wall, she moved her legs with some difficulty and entered the room.

There was a strange floral fragrance permeating the room. She had smelled it many times before, so she naturally knew what it smelled like.

Then he saw two women lying side by side on the bed.

Madame Sissi was already in a deep sleep, and Alice was still awake, but she also had a listless expression. If she hadn't looked so good, outsiders would have mistakenly thought that she was seriously ill.

"How do you feel?" Nicai asked curiously.

"He is an animal...animal!" Alice complained angrily: "He is not human. Neither of us can beat him. The little wolfdog is really powerful, and the male dog's earned."

After finishing speaking, Alice also fell into a drowsy sleep.

Ni Cai sighed softly.

After Hardy had breakfast in the main hall, he went to the temporary command post.

Not long after, the messenger from New York City came in with a middle-aged man.

"Your Excellency Hardy, this is Your Excellency Kamath Rommel who will succeed you."

Hardy stood up, exchanged aristocratic courtesies with the other party, then sat down again and said: "I have notified my subordinates in advance to take over the city defense work. I wonder how many soldiers and horses Mr. Rommel has brought here?"

"Three thousand!" Rommel was not handsome, but his temperament was quite calm, which was in sharp contrast to the previous Naché Blanche.

Hardy said: "There are too few people. There are nearly 100,000 people on the other side."

"Can't Mr. Hardy defend it?" Rommel said with a smile: "What's more, you don't have your troops to help with the garrison?"

Hardy showed a surprised expression: "Why do our French soldiers have to be under your jurisdiction?"

Rommel was stunned for a moment: "Aren't you and Ms. Jeanne going to New York City to explain the cause of Blanche's death?"

"Yes." Hardy nodded.

"Are you still going there with thousands of people?" Rommel said with a smile: "It's better to stay..."

"Yes, we are going to bring thousands of people there." Hadi said with a smile: "Self-proof... I understand your Aijaka routine."

Hearing this, Rommel's eyes became melancholy.

"Sir Hardy, you want me to die."

"We are allies and will not harm you, don't worry." Hardy smiled brightly.

"Can we really go there without bringing soldiers and stay to defend the city?" Rommel asked sincerely.

Hardy waved his hand: "If we don't lead the troops there, I'm afraid that Sissi and I...Ms. Jeanne will commit suicide if we don't live for three days!"

"It sounds like the Senate is like a bandit den..." Rommel said this, and suddenly smiled bitterly: "Yes, this kind of thing is too common. As expected, the people of the Jeanna family can see it so clearly and powerfully."

As he spoke, he sat down opposite Hardy: "Can you give me a pen and paper?"

Hardy pushed the pen and paper on the table.

Rommel picked up the pen and wrote some incomprehensible and strange words on the white paper, which were obviously code words.

Then he handed the blank paper to Hardy: "If you go to New York City, please give this paper to my father, Arianna Rommel. We are willing to be your friends and let you stay in New York City." time, life will be happier and more comfortable.”

Hardy looked at the middle-aged man in surprise, and then took the note: "Okay, it will be delivered. I hope our friendship will last forever."

"Yes, our friendship will last forever." Rommel laughed.

The subsequent handover of city defense took two days.

Subsequently, Hadi left the city of Kexilan with 500 cavalry and about 2,500 infantry regiments.

Rommel stood on the city wall, looked at the retreating troops, and sighed: "You are so young at such a young age. If I can go back alive, I will definitely have a good relationship with him."

The adjutant next to him was very surprised when he heard this and asked urgently: "Is it dangerous for us to stay here?"

"There are about 100,000 Northern troops outside. Do you think there is any danger?"

"Then we should let Mr. Hardy's soldiers stay to help with defense."

Rommel sighed: "If I dare to force him to stay, we may not survive tonight. Do you believe it?"

"Is he so bold? This is our Aijaka Empire."

"Of course I'm brave. Blanche died so quickly and there are no clues yet. I can only let him prove himself. I don't want to be the second Blanche."

After saying that, Rommel shook his head and got off the city wall.

He now has to find a way to defend this city of Kexilan. His own strength of three thousand troops is far from enough, so he must call for reinforcements.

Fortunately, the Rommel family still has some connections.

Hardy took three thousand troops and did not go directly to New York City. Instead, he went to the French Allied Forces Camp and stayed for two days.

In the past two days, he met with Andrew from Kaldo several times, and after discussing many matters, he felt relieved.

After that, a thousand men and horses were gathered into the army.

Four thousand men and horses, followed by a logistics team of about 600 people, set out for New York City in a mighty manner.

The city of New York is not too far from the city of Kexilan, and it only took three days for the army of four thousand people to arrive.

When an army of four thousand men descended upon New York, the city was horrified.

The three gates were tightly closed, and they relaxed a lot until they discovered that the army was stationed outside.

Then someone knowledgeable saw the angel flag with a blue background, and then used a hanging basket to release the messenger from the city wall and came to ask what was going on.

After all, they had not received any news that a large army from any region was coming here.

The messenger only stayed in France's camp for less than half an hour before he rushed back to New York City and handed the information to the New York Presbytery.

At this time, a meeting was being held in the New York City Chang Yuan Yuan. They were discussing which army the troops outside the city belonged to.

It's scary to be so ignorant.

Then after hearing the report from the messenger, more than a dozen elders, large and small, were stunned.

In the end, the Teutonic elder laughed: "Look, look, I told you not to treat others as idiots, but you didn't listen. Now they are here, but they are here with an army."

And the expressions of several elders were quite ugly.

Chapter 0217 is blocked.

I have applied to lift the ban, but I don’t know when it will be lifted. Alas.

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