The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 223 Can I only read about myself?

The next day, Hardy walked out of the tent and practiced the fire phoenix sword technique for an hour before receiving a secret letter from Kexilan.

Simon and the men from the Atonement Society had already lurked behind the enemy's rear.

There were even a few people who snuck into the Northern Army and became soldiers.

The general movements of the Northern Army are now basically under the control of the Atonement Society.

Hardy looked at it and felt his scalp numb.

The Atonement Society's average combat effectiveness is really not very good, but its ability to lurk and gather intelligence is indeed good.

It seems that I made a very right choice by accepting them before.

And Bing Xixi still led the player group, using various methods to harass the Northern Army's scout team and dismantle the hidden posts.

At this time, the Northern Army has also begun to hire players.

What they discovered was that only players seemed to be able to play against players.

So until now, the enemies we face day and night are almost all players.

Although they still had a huge advantage, 'casualties' began to appear.

Many players were killed by enemy players and began to lose experience, levels, and equipment.

Then this is why Hardy gave them two hundred gold coins.

Repair the damage after the war!

Because Xixi will purchase standard equipment for the players before the fight, the players will not actually lose the equipment.

What they lose is experience.

The experience value of these losses was converted into coins based on a more scientific 'estimate' based on the current commodity prices and gold prices.

As long as you send a screenshot of how much experience you lost to Xixi, those players who "died" can get compensation.

In this case, the players under Xixi's jurisdiction have no worries when fighting.

On the other hand, the players on the opposite side have been fighting with passion until now. The more they fight, the poorer they are. Gradually, they no longer have much thought.

After all... you have to pay for the equipment yourself, and there is no compensation for the lost experience. Even the dozens of silver coins given by the northern faction at the beginning were not enough to cover the loss.

And as long as Xixi continues to fight like this, the opponent will collapse sooner or later.

After seeing the news, Hardy thought for a moment and gave Bing Xixi another fifty gold coins.

Let the secret messenger take him there.

He originally thought that nothing special would happen today, but as a result, a messenger came from a distance, carrying an angel flag with a blue background.

Looking again, there was a large army following behind the messenger.

Reinforcements from France have finally arrived!

The two armies converged... Before, France's army only surrounded the three gates of New York City, but now it surrounded all four directions: southeast, northwest, and northwest.

Not a fly can fly away in New York.

The coach's tent was full of people.

In addition to the previous generals, this time the 3,000-man army also brought nearly twenty young generals.

The person who led the team this time was the third prince Blake Bolan.

Of course, he is the coach in name, but in fact the real coach of the reinforcements is Victor Jeanne.

That is, Mrs. Sissi’s eldest brother.

At this time, the new generals looked confused. Aren't they here to reinforce the Aijaka Empire? How come they became the capital of the southern faction surrounding the Aijaka Empire?

Especially Victor, he couldn't help but ask: "Sister... what's going on with Coach Jeanne and Mr. Hardy?"

"Let's discuss this matter tomorrow." Hardy clapped his hands, and some guards brought in the table and the fine wine and food: "To celebrate our successful meeting, Madam Sissi decided to hold a simple banquet. There can't be too much wine, but the win is Great atmosphere. Cheers!”

Everyone smiled and raised their glasses.

As Hardy said, this was just a simple celebration party.

No one was drunk or anything like that.

Half a glass of wine is not enough to soothe your throat.

Soon the generals dispersed and returned to their camps and tents to rest.

Especially the generals of the reinforcements, they were indeed exhausted from nearly a month of forced marches.

Now that I have friendly troops helping to take care of me, I naturally want to have a peaceful sleep first.

Hardy couldn't sleep, so he found a big tree in the camp, sat down with his back against it, and read up on the basic theories of magic to consolidate his basic knowledge.

Not long after, he heard footsteps. Someone was walking towards him. The steps were slow but light.

He looked up and saw that it was the elf Philare.

At this time, the full moon was hanging high, the sky and the earth were covered in silver light, and the vision was very good.

Fairy Elf walked not far in front of Hardy, with the moon behind her.

Originally, this was nothing, but the problem was... Philaire was wearing a white silk nightgown.

This kind of clothing is normal during the day, but once it is backlit, it becomes a little transparent, and the outline of her body is clearly visible.

The slender figure caught Hardy's eyes.

Hardy did not pretend to be a gentleman and turned away, because he had seen this body many times in his previous life and had used it many times.

At this time, I saw that there were not many erotic thoughts in it, but only nostalgia.

Philaire didn't know that she was exposed. She stood in front of Hadi and said, "It's rare to see you not sleeping at night or dealing with military affairs. Are you so free?"

"A lot of people and talents have come here, and they can share a lot of my work." Hardy smiled.

He's not the kind of person who does everything himself.

As long as the results of things do not deviate too far, he is a high-level person who will delegate work and power to his subordinates so that they can be trained.

For example, Bing Xixi, or someone like Simon.

Philaire put his hands behind his back and looked down at Hardy.

She had to admit that this human boy's appearance was at the top level even among elven men.

Not to mention that this young man has a vigor that elf men don't have.

"Actually, if you want power, just follow me and catch the unicorn. The position of honorary elder of the elves is indispensable to you." Her tone was soft, not as if she was persuading people to get rich, but as if she was saying something. A very common thing: "You don't have to work so hard, and you don't have to fight with others."

Hardy shook his head: "The elves are quite xenophobic. I am still aware that the position of honorary elder does not have much real power. It is the highest status that non-elves can achieve."

When Philaire heard this, she knew that Hadi was very familiar with her race, so she stopped trying to persuade him.

She walked to Hardy's side and stood side by side, leaning against the back of the tree.

It’s just that one is facing east and the other is facing southeast.

"I'm very curious. You definitely know me." Philaire turned to look at Hardy: "And you are very familiar with me. Who are you? Why do you never appear in my mind?"

Hardy was stunned for a moment, then closed the book and said, "You are mistaken, Ms. Morning Star, I am not familiar with you."

"You are lying to me. I am the daughter of the divine blood, the World Tree, and I can sense if you are lying."

Hardy was silent. In her previous life, Philaire had never confessed her identity.

"You're not talking, are you?" Philaire's beautiful green pupils were fixed on Hardy's face: "Just look at what's about me, okay?"

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