The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 224 It doesn’t hurt to sell my father’s land


Of course not!

Hardy is not a licker. Soul and memory are related to a person's biggest secret.

How could it be shown to anyone casually?

Even the goddess of light would not make such a request. How dare you, a 'little' elf!

Hardy shook his head, stood up, and said, "It's late at night, Ms. Morning Star, take a good rest."

After that, he left.

Looking at Hardy's walking back, Philair pursed her lips, feeling a little aggrieved.

But she didn't say anything, because she felt that Hardy seemed really angry.

The soul is important, but the memory is even more important.

In fact, Philaire also knew this, and she would never make such a mistake.

But when she saw Hardy looking at her with nostalgia, she was really curious about what he thought of her.

How do you view yourself.

The late night silver light was flowing on the earth. The elf hugged his legs and seemed to feel a little cold.

She rested her chin on her arms. After feeling aggrieved for a while, the emotion dissipated.

Then I thought about whether I should apologize tomorrow.

After all, the other party is really angry.

Hardy actually didn't think too much about it. A man's anger goes away just as quickly as it comes.

By the time Hardy returned to his tent to rest, he had forgotten about it.

It doesn't matter after all.

Time comes the next day.

Madam Sissi, in her capacity as the head coach, formally held a meeting of generals.

Although the tent was packed with people, it was quiet.

The quality of General France is much better than that of the Ajiaka Empire.

After all, they all come from traditional military aristocrats.

"Next, let Victor Jeanne serve as deputy commander. He will take your three thousand people and continue to move forward to join our other army at the designated place to ensure the numerical advantage there." Jeanne pointed. Map on the sand table: "I will mark the specific marching route on the map. Victor Jeanne only needs to know it. The others will follow his Silver Wing Silver Corps. After replenishing supplies, we will set off in two days."

All the generals nodded.

As long as the top management knows the strategic intentions and strategic goals in the war, it will be fine.

Others know too much and can easily leak.

Victor gave a military salute and accepted the task.

At the same time, he watched with relief as his sister, a girl who had always had a soft personality, finally grew into a qualified head of the family.

This heroic feeling is quite similar to their mother's style, but it is softer and more approachable than her mother.

"Then Third Prince, do you want to go to the front line or to the logistics?"

The third prince thought for a while and said with a smile: "Let's do the logistics. My current status is not suitable for appearing on the front line."

Mrs. Sissi looked at the third prince strangely, then smiled and said: "Congratulations, you will get enough military exploits."

The third prince understood what the other party was talking about and said happily: "Thank you very much."

In fact, Hardy taught Mrs. Sissi to ask this question.

If the third prince chose the front line, then the third prince should have died inexplicably somewhere on the battlefield.

If you choose logistics, it means that the third prince can strive to be a part of his side.

The third prince also understood what Mrs. Sissi meant.

Decisively chose to follow in the footsteps of the Jeanne family.

Then Mrs. Sissi talked about some general issues and let the generals solve the rest by themselves.

Then the meeting adjourned.

Hardy did not return to his tent, but chose to ride out alone.

In fact, we didn't go very far, we were in a small forest outside the camp.

He did not enter the woods rashly, but used his spiritual power to sense it. After seeing no ambush, he walked in.

Although his spiritual perception is not as good as that of a mage, it is not difficult to 'scan' out ordinary people.

If there were a large number of ambushes inside, Hardy would immediately turn around and leave.

But only one person was scanned.

Hardy walked in.

Soon he came to the center of the grove, where Hardy saw an old man wearing rich clothes.

Arianna Rommel.

Although the other party is sixty years old, his blue eyes are still piercing.

"Sir Hardy, I've finally waited for you." Ariana said with a smile.

"Sorry, our coach was holding a military meeting just now, which delayed us for a while." Hardy said as he walked over.

Ariana's eyes moved and asked: "Do you have any ideas?"

"I don't have any ideas yet."

For the time being... Ariana heard this, and an anxious expression flashed across his face, and he said: "Sir Hardy, we have already thought about the reward."

"Please say."

Hardy smiled.

He could tell that Ariana was in a hurry right now.

In the original guess, Arianna would have to think about it for at least five or six days before giving an answer.

But now we are here on the third day, why?

Because of the arrival of reinforcements.

This gave Ariana the illusion that Hardy might give up cooperation with him and lead the army to storm New York City.

That's why I rushed over to contact Hadi.

Seeing Hardy's indifferent and very calm smile, Ariana became more and more sure of her guess.

He took out a map from his pocket and handed it to Hardy.

After Hardy took it, he looked at it for a while. It was Aijaka's map, and then he drew a long line with a red stripe.

The Ajiaka territory on the other side of the line borders France.

"You mean, these lands will belong to us France in the future?" Hardy asked, raising his eyebrows.

This map is very interesting. It is almost the land that Hardy and Andrew decided to 'pry' away from Aijaka.

Arianna nodded and said: "The Ajiaka Empire is too big for us to control."

In fact, the resources of that land are quite good. Louisian County, after crossing the mountains to the west, is a large plain of fertile land. It is also the largest county in the Aijaka Empire!

However, because of the high mountains, the connection with the mainland of Aijaka is not very close.

By the way, that land was also the fiefdom of the Rommel family, so it was normal for them to 'sell' it.

Hardy looked at it for a while and said, "It's not enough!"

"Your Excellency, this is the biggest concession I can make." Arianna said awkwardly: "If we give up more territory, even if our family becomes a royal family, we will not be able to sit on it for long."

Hardy shook his head and said: "You only saw the threat from the Senate, but you ignored the Northern Army."

Northern Army?

Ariana was startled. Indeed, he had forgotten to consider the bunch of shit in the north.

"The Northern Army will not give up." Hardy sneered in the north direction: "Once we take these lands, the Northern Army will not let you go. In their eyes, you are traitors. At the same time, They won’t let us go. And our French forces are limited now. It will be difficult to fight against the Northern Army alone, which is gaining momentum, so we have to bring in a partner to share the pressure, and you have to give him a little sweetness."


Arianna suddenly had a flash of inspiration: "Kardo?"

Hardy nodded slightly.

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