The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 228 Acting is the basic quality of politicians

The Senate in New York City was in a gloomy mood.

Thousands of French troops were surrounded outside, showing no signs of leaving.

Then Arianna Rommel, the only one who could 'negotiate' with France's army, was assassinated.

If there is no inside story about this, no one will believe it.

Dracula Teutonic looked at the fan-shaped venue below and said, "The French army outside has been here for several days and shows no sign of leaving. What do you think?"

There was silence in the Senate.

What do you think?

How can you see it!

There was a large army outside besieging the city, but because the population was too small, they were unable to mobilize troops from other fronts to help.

Even important senators were assassinated in broad daylight and are now seriously injured in bed, with their lives and deaths unknown.

Everyone smelled something ‘big’.

How else can I watch it!

They are now in a fog, unable to see clearly what is going on this time.

Many people always like to imagine that those in power are very powerful.

But in fact, they just have a lot of information and connections, so they can see the context of the matter clearly.

But once they themselves are in the fog, it will be very difficult to expect them to use their wisdom to 'come out'.

In essence, they are no better than ordinary people.

It’s more about taking advantage of the ‘platform’ or the current of the ‘era’.

The more they feel that something big is coming, the less they dare to act rashly.

The same goes for Dracula Teutonic.

He had always believed that the entire southern part of the Ajiaka Empire was in his hands, but now, he felt more and more powerless.

His younger brother Alcado Teutonic disappeared during the war and his whereabouts are unknown. He was not found in the prisoner of war list sent by the Northern Army. He was probably in danger.

This made him feel tired.

The power of the Teutonic family is not just the power of him alone, but the power of the entire family.

He made great achievements in politics, while his younger brother Alcado Teutonic was quite powerful in the military.

The alliance between the two parties is the main reason why the Teutonic family is so powerful, and even why he can sit on the throne of the Grand Elder.

But now... without his younger brother Alcado, the senior officials of the Southern Faction gradually don't value his words so much.

"Now we must make an appropriate decision. We must let the French army outside withdraw. Otherwise, the voice of our Senate will become lower and lower, and the time will drag on for a long time. We want to command those feudal nobles in the future. , it might be difficult.”

Teutonic voices echoed in the palace.

But no one answered.

Almost everyone understands this, but it is difficult for them to come up with a suitable solution.

Seeing that no one paid attention to him, Dracula sighed inwardly, and he continued: "I met Hardy, the lord of France's fiefdom. He is a person who can communicate, but his only shortcoming is that It’s greed for money.”

All the elders showed interested expressions.

The reputation of the Black Knight has spread to New York City.

Moreover, Hardy’s deeds were so widely spread.

The Nightmare Knight is as tall as the city wall. If he charges from a distance, a local small earthquake will occur. Generally, a shorter city wall cannot stop him and will collapse upon impact.

New York City is a giant stone wall that can temporarily block the charge of the Black Knight.

But no one dared to go out and fight him.

And such a person actually has a 'weakness', which arouses the interest of the elders.

By taking advantage of this weakness, even if you can't recruit him, you should still be able to establish a good relationship with him.

Dracula Teutonic stood high and took in everyone's expressions.

He knew very well what these people were thinking, but he didn't care. Instead, he continued: "Being greedy for money is a good thing. We can buy him off with money. So I personally donated fifty gold coins, and I hope you can all donate some gold coins." , collect a large sum of money and send it out to persuade Hadi to withdraw his troops, what do you think?"

This is indeed a good idea.

Problems that can be solved with money are not problems.

Compared with the northern faction, they in the south have more money.

Lots of supplies.

But another senator shouted: "Your Excellency Teutonic, I support your decision, but in whose name will this money be sent, can you tell me?"

The faces of all the elders were stern.

Yes, the naming rights of this donation are also very important.

Will affect Hardy's first impression.

"Of course it's the Elder Council..." Teutonic said.

But before he could finish his words, he was interrupted.

A guard rushed in from outside. Under the surprised eyes of the senators, he walked to Dracula's side and whispered in a low voice.

There was so much sound that no one except Dracula Teutonic seemed to be able to hear it.

Then a look of surprise appeared on Dracula Teutonic's face.

When many senators were confused, the main gate of the Senate was forcibly pushed open.

A young man led a dozen family guards and quickly broke into the Senate.

Everyone looked over and found that they knew this young man.

Ariana Rommel's second son, Abd Rommel.

The young man had an angry look on his face, even a bit sad and angry. He led his guards and rushed directly to the podium, glaring at Dracula Teutonic.

"What do you mean, Rommel boy?" Teutonic felt offended and angry, and almost cursed.

Abd Rommel angrily threw a short blade to the ground and looked at Teutonic with tears in his eyes.

"Your Excellency, Grand Senator, please explain what this weapon is about!"

Dracula lowered his head, looked at the short blade that was still stained with blood, and his pupils shrank.

There was no mark on the short blade, but its style and production process were obviously those of the Teutonic blacksmith shop.

It stands to reason that this kind of production technique is only known by the Teutonic family.

Someone framed it!

This is also the thought of many elders after seeing the appearance of the short blade.

Then they started gloating.

I wish the youngest son of the Rommel family would fight Dracula and then both die.

This way they will lose two opponents.

A lot of information went through Dracula Teutonic's mind. After a while, he said: "Younger son of the Rommel family, a short blade doesn't mean anything. We are not the only ones who have such weapons. Teutonic Family.”

Once the weapons are made, in addition to arming their own private soldiers, they will of course also be sold.

"Father has been trying to find a way to communicate with Mr. Hadi for the sake of the Aijaka Empire." Abdul said sadly: "But just when there was a result, someone actually assassinated him. This is an insult to a man who cares about the country. In return?"

Roars of grief and anger resounded in the Senate.

Everyone frowned.

At this time, a general rushed in and said, "At least three thousand of France's men have retreated."

Everyone was in an uproar.

All eyes fell on Abd Rommel.

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