The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 229 Opportunities only come to those who are prepared

Everyone's eyes fell on Abdul.

After hearing that France had withdrawn three thousand troops, Abdul's expression showed no surprise.

He glanced around the crowd and said in a sad tone: "The proverb of the elves is right, good people are not rewarded. Our Rommel family is a pioneer knight, we have no messy identity, and we have always adhered to the knight's creed, no matter when and where. The interests of the Aijaka Empire are given priority. Even though Hadi was driven away from the tent the day before yesterday because of your wrong plan, he still ignored his identity, put down his dignity, begged, begged, and finally met Hadi again. Your Excellency struck up a conversation."

"Then Hadi promised to withdraw three thousand soldiers first to show his sincerity. As long as the conditions we gave are in place, he will leave Aijaka immediately."

But...Abdu wiped away his tears and burst into tears.

After crying for a while, Abdul finally controlled his emotions. He sniffed and said with a cold face: "It is true that the assassination weapon can be purchased from other places, but the assassin is a master-level rogue. There are People with such abilities can only be the private armed forces of big nobles and big families. I strongly request the elders to give our Rommel family an explanation, otherwise..."

Dracula Teutonic felt that something was wrong. He frowned and asked, "What else do you want?"

"What can I do!" Abdul said with a sarcastic look on his face, and his eyes were full of resentment: "If the Senate cannot give us an explanation for the Rommel family, then we will find a way to give ourselves an explanation."

After saying that, Abdul turned and left, leaving his cloak fluttering behind him.

Dracula Teutonic roared from the high platform: "Rommel, if you insist on causing chaos, I will use my power to expel your family from the Senate."

Abdul stopped, turned around, and said sarcastically: "Why, instead of dealing with the real murderer, he came to intimidate victims like us. Your Excellency, the Grand Senator, you are really fair and just."

"I will naturally make a decision regarding your father's matter." Dracula Teutonic said with dignity: "But the sacred Senate Hall is not a place for you to act wild."

"Being wild!" Abdul laughed loudly: "It turns out that our family's coming to seek justice is actually a wild behavior in your eyes. Good... very good!"

Abdul's eyes turned completely cold, and he looked at Dracula Teutonic hatefully: "On behalf of the family, I announce that from today on, we, Rommel, will withdraw from the Senate. Don't bother, Grand Senator, you can eliminate us personally." .”

"You dare!" Dracula Teutonic was so angry that he almost squeezed out these two words through his teeth.

Dracula felt that his dignity and status were challenged at the same time.

As the Grand Elder, he has the right to completely exclude a family from the Elder Council.

But it should be in line with his majesty that he should take the initiative to announce this.

Rather than a child voluntarily announcing his intention to quit in front of everyone.

This is simply crushing the Senate and his grand senator's face to the ground at the same time.

"Why don't you dare?" Abdul snorted: "In an unfair and unfair Senate, what's the point of staying here."

After that, he was leaving.

Dracula roared angrily: "Guards, stop him immediately and arrest him."

At this time, Abdul, who was walking out, also shouted: "Whoever dares to stop us will be killed without mercy!"

The guards of the Council of Elders only wore leather armor, carrying standard leather shields and ordinary long swords.

The symbolic meaning is far greater than the actual combat.

But the dozen or so private soldiers brought by Abdul were different. They were all covered in armor, and they were all like tin cans.

And he also held an iron shield and a sharp broad-hand sword.

In a real fight, the more than twenty ordinary guards would not be enough to fill the teeth of these more than ten private soldiers.

One charge can knock them all down.

And just like that, Ke Budu left the Council of Elders arrogantly.

After a short period of silence, the entire Senate seemed to be in a state of explosion.

Dracula Teutonic's face was even more livid, and he looked angrily in the direction Abdu left.

Half an hour later, Abdul returned to his family's manor.

He came to his father's bed, looked at his sallow face on the bed, and said sadly: "Father, I have done what you said. Our family has withdrawn from the Council of Elders."

Arianna Rommel sat up with difficulty and said: "Draculas Teutonic loves to hold a grudge. We caused such a big scandal for him, and he will definitely take revenge on us. You have to be more careful next time, Take more time to lead soldiers and patrol near the family, do you understand?"

Abdul nodded slightly, but didn't look like he wanted to leave.

Rommel smiled and said: "Go and do the work. Don't worry, I won't die."

Abdul listened to his father's words, hesitated, and left.

Not long after Abdul left, a dozen Rommel family confidants walked into the room.

Arianna looked at them, smiled and said: "Act as planned, it's time for our Rommel family to prosper."

More than a dozen confidants showed excited smiles at the same time.

Less than half an hour after Abdul left, the meeting in the Senate also adjourned.

After a farce, there is no point in continuing the meeting.

It's better for everyone to go home first and discuss it tomorrow.

There are more than a hundred people in the Elders Association, so it is difficult to control and keep information tightly hidden.

That afternoon, word spread that Rommel had withdrawn from the Senate.

The murderer is extremely suspected to be a certain family in the Elder Council.

As for why Ariana Rommel was assassinated, it is unclear.

This matter caused a great stir, and both the nobles and ordinary people were discussing it.

After all, the southern faction of the Ajiaka Empire has five gray orc slaves per person. They have money and leisure, so they like to discuss these things.

All the pubs were almost full tonight.

The people discussed the matter enthusiastically.

Then various speeches came out.

Some people question the Grand Elder, and some question the system of the Elder Council.

Finally...some people say that the elders' election system in the south of Aijaka is simply not working. We should follow the example of Francis and Kaldo and adopt the monarchy system.

In the end, this conclusion became more and more popular and began to spread at an extremely fast speed.

Many people have accepted this view.

And by the evening of the next day, even the great senator, Dracula Teutonic, who was hiding in the manor, heard about this statement.

When he heard it, he just sneered.

Then he froze in less than a second.

Then his mouth gradually opened wide, and finally he showed a look of horror.

"Organize the city guard immediately to arrest the entire Rommel family, quickly!"

There were also hundreds of elite soldiers in Dracula Teutonic's manor, but when these elite soldiers arrived at the west gate, they were frightened.

A group of men in silver armor were slowly walking in from the city gate.

The roads here are designed to be long and wide.

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