The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 260 You can all be my grandma

There are no secrets on the Internet!

Almost all the players knew about the famous members of Jialan Guild who were found out by Hardy and ‘named’ one by one.

This is nothing.

As for plot NPCs, it’s not surprising that they have some special abilities.

But what really surprised them was that members of the Jialan Guild could no longer log in to the game.

For this reason, more than a dozen members of the Jialan Guild even went to the official entrance of the game to hold banners and sit in protest.

In response, the game official had to issue an announcement.

The general meaning of the content is: The player's popularity is legal and reasonable, and does not violate the rules of the game.

But it is reasonable for the NPC in the game to use special abilities to prevent the player from being resurrected.

This itself is part of the game setting.

And there are not many NPCs that can prevent the player from being 'resurrected'. They were so desperate that they bumped into one of them.

The official is not responsible for this!

This incident even made it to the Central News Agency.

Because of this matter, the online Jialan Guild, which has always been able to compete in most PVP online games, has almost disappeared in this game.

After all, most of them have been ‘group wiped out’ and cannot enter the game at all.

The remaining few players who didn't catch up because they had something to do or because they were far away were lucky enough to escape.

At the same time, they quietly quit the guild and regarded themselves as ordinary people, playing games healthily and happily.

In addition to the matter of Jialan Guild, there is another incident that shocked the Internet.

The incident of 100,000 players PKing in Falling Star Plains was finally stopped by the brave team.

In fact, they didn't really want to fight in the first place. The average level dropped below LV3, which can be said to be a heavy loss.

Since the brave team used the name of the goddess of light to mediate, they naturally used this step to go downhill.

However, there was still a small episode.

On the battlefield, Karina used the recently learned saint skill 'Angel Incarnation'!

Spread out three pairs of light wings and descend directly.

She has a good figure, is beautiful, pure and lustful, and has three pairs of wings. Her whole body is radiant, which suddenly raises her already high appearance to a higher level.

Turned into that almost light succubus type.

It is deeply loved by the majority of players, both men and women.

Many players saved the screenshots and distributed them everywhere, telling people she was my ‘wife’.

Successfully put Karina’s image out of the spotlight!

The game officials even used this to link up with many stores, making a lot of money, and at the same time increasing the number of out-of-circle games.

Since then, Karina has become famous throughout the real world.

Of course Hardy didn't know these things. After trampling the northern fish into a pulp, he hurried back to Louisiana County.

Then I met Sophie.

Sure enough, as Hardy expected, after Hardy left Louisian County, someone made trouble.

Some members of the Jialan Guild who have hidden their identities, as well as related people.

They were all killed by Sophie and the Silver Moon Witches.

When Sophie saw Hardy, she did not report this important matter, but threw herself into his arms and said timidly: "Your new elf is so fierce, he wants to bully me all day long!"

Looking at Sophie's delicate yet fragile appearance, Hardy knew that she was acting.

Who is Sophie?

One of the demon generals back then, if she hadn't been a former hero, she would still be in the demon world, considering humans as enemies.

Although Philaire is also quite powerful, compared with the demon general, he is still far behind.

Hardy sat on the chair, hugged her in his arms, and said with a smile: "Don't be jealous or worry, my relationship with Philaire is very normal so far."

Quite common indeed.

Philaire left quietly in his previous life, which was a thorn in Hardy's heart.

Before this thorn is removed, he won't have much feelings for her.

After all, whoever wants to be a dog licker can be one, but Hardy doesn't want to be one anyway.

When Sophie heard this, she immediately became happy.

"I thought you preferred cute little girls like elves."

"I like mature and intelligent women." Hardy said with a smile: "Like you."

Hardy's love words are actually very greasy.

But beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Sophie, the succubus, just loves to hear it.

The two of them were leaning together, talking about love, when there was a knock on the door.

Hardy went over, opened the door and saw that it was Philaire.

The elf girl is wearing a light cyan home clothes, which looks very loose, but when the clothes are occasionally close to the body, the elf girl's figure will be revealed, giving her a kind of inadvertently seductive beauty.

When she saw Hardy, she smiled happily at first, but then she saw Sophie sitting on the desk in a sexy posture in the study, and her face suddenly turned ugly.

"Come in." Hardy ignored the elf's ugly expression and said with a smile.

At this time, Sophie also gave the elf girl a provocative look.

Philaire took a deep breath, pointed at Sophie and said, "Hardy, she is a succubus!"

Hardy nodded: "I know!"

"I know you don't believe it..." Halfway through the words, Philaire suddenly reacted, then looked into Hardy's eyes and said in disbelief: "You know?"

Hardy nodded: "Yes. I have known her since I was two years old."

Philaire's eyes widened.

She also knew Sophie. In the last war between humans and demons, the elves routinely participated in the battle.

Philaire, who had just grown up at the time, followed the elven army, but she had seen the 'style' of the demon general Sophie Marceau.

One person can destroy a powerful demon clan of four to five hundred people.

But Sophie didn't know Philaire.

As a demon general, her opponents are either brave men or military commanders from various countries.

How could you see an elf who had just grown up?

"What do you mean by two years old?" Philaire was surprised.

Hardy then told the story of the interpersonal relationships in River Creek Town.

In fact, it is not a secret. As long as you are willing to check it, you can easily find it out.

After hearing this, Philaire was even more surprised: "You are actually with an aunt..."

Hardy was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile: "What's so strange about this? If you really think about it, you two can be my grandma at your age!"

There was a moment of silence in the study.


Then Sophie laughed so hard that tears came from the corners of her eyes.

Philaire looked embarrassed. She looked at Hadi, stamped her feet hard twice, and then said angrily: "You are the grandma, huh!"

After that, he shook his face and stormed away.

Hardy shrugged indifferently and returned to the study.

Sophie sat on the desk and gently kicked Hadi with her beautiful jade feet: "Come on, call me grandma."

Hardy pushed her feet away and said, "If you don't scream, call me daddy if you can!"


Hardy suddenly raised his head and looked at this unscrupulous succubus!

"Dad, you have worked hard to make money. Do you want me to give you a massage?" you want to pinch it?

There is one more chapter that I will write later, sorry.

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