The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 261 Why can’t we strike first!

I have to say, the succubus race is really a treasure.

He is very loyal to the partner he identifies as, and is willing to lose face and have fun, just to please his partner.

In terms of strength, Hardy is already very strong, but he is still not comparable to Sophie who is now at her peak.

Whether it is real combat effectiveness or a certain aspect of combat effectiveness.

At noon the next day, Hardy walked out of the room rubbing his lower back.

Even though he was already a master, he still couldn't defeat the former demon general.

He didn't wake up until noon, but Sophie had woken up long ago. She not only took the time to make breakfast for him, but also helped him with some government affairs. She was now training with a group of Silver Moon Witches.

I have to say that the treatment of the Silver Moon Witches is quite good.

This profession is quite powerful, and the covert mobile team is a team specially hired by Luis An. It is considered a regular army and is paid a lot.

Therefore, these female players all feel that this is a good job, or a very real 'long-term mission'.

And their office is on the right side of the Lord's Mansion.

The interior of a grape grove.

The Lord's Mansion is now very large. If you want, you can station an army of 2,000 people. A secret mobile team of more than 100 people is really nothing.

Players are unwilling to be lonely, and so are these female players.

After studying and working, they liked to walk around the lord's mansion.

Because the Lord's Mansion was well built, they often used this place as a scenic spot or a play spot, and often a large number of people would 'camp' or 'picnic' on the lawn in the atrium.

Then Hardy likes to practice sword and spear skills in the atrium.

Therefore, from time to time, these female players would smile and point, and the bolder ones would ogle and blow kisses.

If it were any other male player, they probably wouldn't be able to stand it.

At least every time Xixi came to report on work, she always tried to avoid these women.

Hardy pretended not to see it, and Quan thought it was just to train his mentality.

After he finished his exercise, he went back to business.

Then Kaldor's Andrew Spencer came over.

When he was invited into the lord's mansion, he looked at the group of beauties sitting around in the atrium eating and sunbathing with a confused look on his face.

The female players looked at his dumbfounded look and smiled even more and pointed.

Andrew has seen many beauties, but he has never seen so many beauties appearing in one place at the same time.

In order to ensure the combat effectiveness of the female players, Sophie carefully selected the members. Don't use it if your charisma is less than 8.

This group of beauties really swayed Andrew, a well-informed prodigal son.

Until he came to Hardy's study, he was still a little distracted.

"Sir Hardy, what are the origins of those women outside?"

Hardy put away the official document in his hand and said with a smile: "The newly established covert mobile team is dedicated to dealing with enemy spies and the like."

"Can they do it?" Andrew was a little worried: "Isn't it a waste to let these beauties fight?"

Hardy almost laughed: "These beauties? They are not simple. Don't look at all of them. If you mess with them, your third leg will be gone in a minute."

The third leg... is gone?

Andrew felt a chill, which was too scary for a man.

His eyes became clear and he smiled: "These troublesome women are able to fight under Mr. Hardy. You are really good at controlling them."

"As long as you give enough money, things will be easy to handle." Hardy said seriously.

Andrew didn't believe it, but he didn't continue on this topic, and started talking about the business: "Do you know what happened in Falling Star Plain some time ago?"

Hardy nodded.

"Over the Northern Faction, a town was massacred. Almost everyone died. I heard it was done by a large group of professionals." Andrew sighed: "Then the Northern Faction suspected this to the Southern Faction. On my body, the Rommel royal family’s messenger has already gone to my place to ask, have they been to your place?”

Hardy shook his head.

Because the territory that Andrew captured was northwest of Hadi and bordered the town of Ys where it was massacred, he was naturally the most suspicious.

"Then some survivors said they saw a huge black knight."

Hardy sighed: "It's me."

"What's your purpose of going there?"

"Kill those professionals, not a single murderer will be spared." Hardy smiled: "They are the undead. I asked the goddess of light to send down her power so that they cannot be resurrected. The matter is over."

Andrew looked at Hardy with some admiration.

He never imagined that someone would actually stand up for the common people.

After a while, he said: "I was originally worried about that group of people coming to my territory, but I didn't expect that Mr. Hardy had already solved it. I owe you a favor. If you have anything to do in the future, just tell me."

"Okay, you won't be polite when necessary."

"Then I'll go back first." Andrew turned around and left: "The northern faction has put this matter on my head, and they won't listen no matter how they explain it. I have to go back and be prepared."

Hardy stood up to see the guests out. He walked side by side with Andrew and said, "Instead of waiting for the northerners to come, how about we strike first?"

"How?" Andrew asked a little excitedly.

He is confident that he can withstand the attack of the northern faction, but if he has multiple powerful allies, it is naturally a dream.

"The southern faction is short of soldiers, and the northern faction is short of food!" Hardy said with a smile: "But the southern faction is not short of gray orcs. We can go to the Rommel royal family and ask for 20,000 to 30,000 gray orcs, and equip them with some wooden chasms. Then we send them to the battlefield, and then we retreat quickly, and the gray orcs will definitely surrender. What will happen when a city on the front line receives this group of orcs, but does not have enough food?"

Andrew was very smart. He understood Hardy's plan: "You mean, let the northern faction capture those orcs, which may even lead to a more serious food shortage, and finally internal strife, while we take advantage of the opportunity..."

He made a cutting motion excitedly!

Hardy smiled and said: "That's what it means. Since the Northern Faction is willing to treat the gray orcs as human beings, then let them take responsibility for this matter and take them back and raise them well."

"Sir Hardy, you have an overall view of the situation." Andrew sighed and said: "It's a pity that we in Kaldo don't have a young man who can compare with you."

Andrew is indeed quite capable, but the problem is that he is already 45 years old.

And Hardy is not yet 18 years old. By the time he grows up, Andrew will be old, and Kaldor has no successor at the same level as Hardy. It always feels like it will be very dangerous.

Hardy smiled: "We are allies."

"Yes, we are allies." Andrew chuckled, relaxing a little.

The two then separated in the atrium, and Andrew returned to his territory.

Hardy sat in the study again to deal with government affairs. Not long after, Sophie walked in holding a white statue of a little man and a somewhat worn book.

"Hadi, I brought you the statue of the goddess of light and the light teachings of the old world." Sophie asked with some confusion: "Do you want to become a believer in the light? It's impossible, you are a nightmare Knight."

Hardy took the Light Doctrine, flipped it through casually, and said at the same time: "I'm just fulfilling my promise to the Goddess of Light... Wait, why is this old version of the prayer so weird!"

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