The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 48 Stud is a kind of wisdom

Just as Hardy expected, player Xixi's behavior caused a huge sensation in Boris.

Because the person he killed was the son of a marquis.

It is very likely that he will inherit the position of marquis in the future.

But as simple as that, dying on the street is not much more dramatic than a dog.

Both nobles and commoners are talking about this matter.

Generally speaking, the nobles are mostly angry!

The civilians were divided into two groups. One group thought it was good to kill.

The other faction was in constant panic, believing that this would trigger more violent revenge and counterattack by the nobles.

But no matter what, if a stone is thrown into the lake, it will always cause ripples.

Hardy returned to the manor in the evening and was invited to the dinner.

Judging from the situation, it seemed that they had been waiting for a while.

Hardy sat down and said, "Sorry, I came back a little late and kept you waiting."

"It's nothing." Enolin said: "I heard that something happened on the street."

Hardy roughly told what happened and said with a smile: "That soldier was very brave. He was unwilling to fall into the hands of the enemy even if he died. He implemented the soldier's philosophy. I personally admire him very much."

"But he killed a noble!" Victor said seriously: "This is wrong. Even if a noble does something wrong, it should be enforced by the law instead of private revenge."

Hardy looked at him, smiled, and stopped talking.

He didn't really want to argue with them over this kind of battle of ideas.

It makes no sense. The environment of personal life is different. Many things are very incomprehensible to the players, but to the natives of this world, they are taken for granted.

"Ahem, don't talk about such embarrassing things." Enolin tapped the table with her fingers, attracting everyone's attention to herself: "Hardy, how do you think we should face it next? They are already here Gradually cannibalizing our industry."

Hardy shook his head: "I am new here and I don't understand anything. How can I know how to solve the situation? Besides, all the elders are far better than me in terms of intelligence and experience. It's not my turn to discuss opinions or anything like that."

These words made Dora and Victor feel very comfortable.

That's right. A young man has just arrived. What does he know?

But Enolin could see that Hardy was hiding his clumsiness.

"A person who was promoted from a businessman to a baron in just six months and trained an army of his own is no ordinary person. At least I personally think that everyone here, including me, is not as capable as you. You know, you are only fifteen years old."

Enolin thought back to her fifteen years old, what was she doing?

Relying on the blessings of our ancestors, we know how to eat, drink, have fun and fall in love. What do we know?

In comparison, I and others are really eating for nothing.

Hardy said nothing.

Dora and Victor just frowned and said nothing.

The facts were in front of them, and the two of them had nothing to say.

"So let's talk, Hardy." Enolin said with a smile: "You are the younger generation that Sissi has watched grow up, and you are also Karina's good friend. You can be regarded as our half-nephew, no need to be too restrained. "

She meant it sincerely, and she really admired Hardy.

Hardy thought for a while and said: "In my personal opinion, the current Saintess Sect has lost the characteristics of its ancestors."

This is not nonsense. When he was playing gold in the game, the Saint Sect was even more in decline than it is now.

Only two or three properties remain, as well as a manor and castle.

It can be said that they can only barely maintain a decent life for the nobles.

That's why Enolin had a bad temper at that time and was very difficult to deal with.

Several people were stunned. In their opinion, Hardy was making a very serious accusation.

Today's nobles still pay attention to the glory of their ancestors. Doesn't this mean that they have deviated from the glory of their ancestors?

Enolin said nothing.

Mrs. Sissi didn't speak, but Mrs. Anna's eyes were full of smiles.

She seemed to enjoy seeing herself in trouble.

"You mean, we shouldn't defend, but attack?" Enolin understood what Hardy meant, and her face, which was already slightly gray, was a little moved: "But we are facing three families."

Hardy smiled: "It's just three families. The first-generation saint came from the North County to the royal city of Boris and rebelled alone. Compared with her, your conditions are too good! After sitting on the throne, she even swept the entire Franchise. Xi, who dares to dissent?"

Thinking of the deeds of their ancestors, everyone in Jeanna's family was fascinated.

"It is this trait that makes you a member of the royal family!" Hadi glanced at the crowd and said slowly: "Other families think that you do not have this trait, so they will naturally kick you out of the royal family. The ranks will eat your ruins, and everything will come to life when one whale falls.”

The main hall became increasingly quiet.

What Hardy said didn't sound good, but it was the truth, and they thought so now.

In fact, Hardy just deduced the process from the ‘result’.

Because he had seen the Saintess Sect decline to the point where it was about to be kicked out of the ranks of the nobility.

Instead of being on the defensive all the time and waiting for death, it is better to take a risk to the death.

After a while, 'Lion Head' Dora said: "What should we do!"

"A great man I admire once said that if you hit him with one punch, you will avoid hundreds of punches." Hardy said with a smile: "Just go and deal with the most vicious person on the surface, beat him to death and maim him. Others will naturally consider the consequences of offending the Jeanna family."

Victor frowned and said, "You put it simply...if it were you, what would be your first step?"

"Take back the forest farm outside the city."

Everyone stared at him dumbfounded.

Hardy's expression was quite calm.

He remembered that in the game, when he was taking on missions from the Saint Faction, he would often hear Ainolin muttering to herself.

They said that the forest farm should not have been given away early, and that it should have been snatched back a few years ago.

I think that should be a very important strategic node.

Then before entering the city, he led the army and passed by the forest farm, and found that the flag hanging above was already a lion.

Enolin covered her face with her hands and rubbed it vigorously for a while to clear her dazed head.

Then she said: "How about we just leave it like this first? I'll go back to my room and think about this matter."

Everyone stood up.

Hardy knew that these people were frightened by his words.

He got up, left the castle, and walked along the path to return to his camp to rest.

But halfway through the journey, he suddenly found a woman standing on the path in front of him.

The stone path is lined with trees, and the tree crowns completely cover the path.

Only a few spots of moonlight shine down.

Hardy stopped and said, "Mrs. Anna, why are you here?"

He was full of vigilance in his heart.

Because since he left the castle, he has been walking in this direction without stopping.

In other words, if Mrs. Anna wanted to get ahead of her, she had to run quickly outside the stone path and take a long detour, so that she could get ahead of him.

But as far as he knew, Mrs. Anna was just an ordinary lady.

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