The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 49 Why are you trying to harm me?

The woman turned around and it was indeed Lady Anna.

Compared with Mrs. Sissi, she is not so beautiful and plump.

But her biggest feature is her long legs and slimness.

She even nearly matched Hardy's height.

There are two apples growing on the long white jade pole, which also has a different and unusual beauty.

She had her hands behind her back, and her expression was completely different from the one in the main hall before.

Full of pride and coquettishness, but the look in Hardy's eyes was full of nostalgia.

"Hardy, you are very powerful, but I don't want you to stay here. Go back to River City. The Lord of Virginia will protect you."


"The water in the Royal City is very deep and is not suitable for a young man like you to swim." Mrs. Anna said with a smile on her face, "You should continue to grow up in River City until you become an upright man, and then go out to explore the world."

Hardy was silent for a while and asked, "What is your relationship with my father?"

Ana was stunned for a moment, and after a while she stammered: "Why did you suddenly say this!"

"I have never seen you before coming to the royal city." Hadi expressed his reasoning: "But you are very friendly to me! You even care about me. My mother passed away very early, so it has something to do with you. Yes, it can only be my father!"

Mrs. Anna smiled bitterly: "You are so smart. I am indeed your father's good friend. We grew up together, but later he married your mother and I married into Jeanne's family."

Is it really related to 'father'?

But Hardy's expression soon became serious.

In his original timeline, there was no Anna in Jeanne's family.

In other words, Mrs. Anna was already dead at that time.

So, based on common sense, in the original timeline, Hardy was killed because he licked Karina too much and failed to establish his own power.

After hearing about this, Mrs. Anna rushed back to River City to find out the truth, but she was also killed.

Of course...this is just an ideal inference.

Because there is a big flaw in this, that is: if Mrs. Anna really has a relationship with her 'father', then she is more likely to avenge her 'father' instead of helping Hardy.

"So, have you found anything about the disappearance of 'father'?"

Lady Anna shook her head: "It's too far away from the royal city, and the Jeanna family's power can't reach there. So, you should go back to Hexi..."

"I almost died in River City." Hardy interrupted her.

"What!" Mrs. Anna's face changed drastically.

Hardy raised his eyebrows slightly. He found that Mrs. Anna's mood changed too much.

Not very natural.

In other words... not very reasonable.

Even if Hardy is the son of an old lover, she shouldn't behave like this.

"Are you hurt?" Anna asked softly.

Hardy shook his head: "So I came to the Royal City to hide for a while."

Hardy has no intention of telling the whole story.

The feeling Mrs. Anna gave him was a bit strange.

I pretended not to know him before, but now I am too enthusiastic and caring about myself.

"That's good, that's good." Mrs. Anna seemed to have figured it out: "That's right, although the Jeanna family is not as good as before, it can still protect you, so you can stay here for a year or two. "

Hardy was stunned again.

"It's getting late, I have to go back, otherwise Victor will be anxious."

Then, Mrs. Anna walked past him.

The light fragrance entered Hardy's nose.

He quietly watched Mrs. Anna's back disappearing into the darkness in the distance.

"The smell is wrong." Hardy's eyes narrowed slightly: "The perfume Mrs. Anna in the main hall didn't smell like this."

Then he seemed to think of something, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

Hardy then returned to the camp and lay down to rest.

On the other side, Tiao Tiao found Xi Xi.

In fact, Xixi asked netizens to go to Tiaotiao's live broadcast room to inform her.

Xixi’s ‘resurrection’ point was set up in a cave.

There was originally a brown bear inside, but it was beaten away by Bing Xixi.

Therefore, this cave is filled with the rich body odor of brown bears.

It smelled very bad, and Tiao Tiao kept pinching his nose.

Thanks to the buffing effect of the 'Druid' profession, her sense of smell is also much more sensitive in human form.

Therefore, this place was almost like a cesspit to her.

"Go out and talk. Come on, it stinks."

After arriving outside the cave, Tiao Tiao finally felt much more comfortable.

"Okay, tell me, why did you call me over?" Tiao Tiao asked.

The big anchors usually know each other.

Tiao Tiao and Bing Xixi have a good relationship, but they often play games together on the Internet.

"I heard that you know the Black Knight?" Xixi asked with salivation, "Can you introduce me to him?"

Tiao Tiao was startled and subconsciously took two steps back: "When did you like men?"

The two people burst into laughter in the live broadcast room.

Xixi's face darkened and she said angrily: "Get out."

"You're kidding, don't be angry." Tiao Tiao sat down and said, "I'm actually not familiar with him, so I introduced him to him rashly. I don't know if it will make him angry. You also know that he is a noble. We are just civilians.”

"What you said makes sense." Xixi touched her chin and nodded repeatedly.

Although players don't care about things like status, they have been in the game for almost two months, and they all understand the operating rules of this game world.

Nobles are indeed more ‘difficult’ to deal with.

"So, you must give him a useful 'thing' as a stepping stone to visit." Tiao Tiao suggested.

"I'm so poor that I don't have anything..." Xing Xixi suddenly saw a certain sentence in the barrage. He quickly clapped his hands and shouted excitedly: "Yes, he met me this afternoon. I have already died once. Now that I am resurrected, he will definitely be very interested."

This is the netizens in the live broadcast room giving him advice.

After hearing this, Tiao Tiao nodded and said, "That's good. Anyone with some power is interested in immortality. I'll give it a try."

"Excuse me, Tiao Tiao."

Tiao Tiao said with a smile: "Then you can send me a few boxes of delicious and expensive snacks."

"No problem." Xixi agreed.

Then the next morning, while Hardy was still doing morning exercises, Tiao Tiao came over.

"Hardy, I have a friend who wants to meet you."

"Why?" Hardy glanced at her.

"He wants to get to know you." Tiaotiao said confidently, "And you will definitely meet him."

"Why?" Hardy asked again.

Tiao Tiao said with a proud smile: "He is the soldier who killed yesterday and came back from the dead. Are you interested?"

Hadi was 'scared': "He wants to kill me? Taotao, I haven't offended you, right? Why are you thinking of harming me!"

Tiao Tiao was speechless for a moment, not knowing how to answer this question.

Because although she was not present, she might have watched the 'replay'.

Although Xi Xi's speech was indeed very cool, it was a real 'threat' to the nobles.

Netizens in the live broadcast room laughed miserably.

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