The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 509 Humans in the Demon Realm

Purple light flashed, and the handsome young man appeared among the desolate yellow sand.

Hardy looked around and subconsciously covered his nose.

The air was filled with the strong smell of rotten eggs, the smell of sulfur.

Very unpleasant smell.

The whole world is very dark. There is a sun in the sky, but it is very weak.

It was obviously hanging above the head, but the light it emitted was almost the same as the setting sun.

There is no temperature, the air is cold.

Hardy stepped forward, took a few steps, and then frowned.

The sand on the ground is very soft and easy to sink.

After just a few steps, sand got into my shoes.

Anyone who has some experience walking on sand knows that it will be very tiring if you can’t walk very far.

Hardy had no choice but to directly transform into the Nightmare Knight.

The seven-meter-tall giant black knight appeared on the sand, but strangely did not descend. Four horse hooves stood firmly on the sand.

A master-level nightmare knight can easily walk on water, let alone sand.

Hardy mobilized his mount, chose an active volcano in the distance, and walked slowly.

Even from a distance, you can still see several rivers of red lava flowing from the active volcano.

Before coming to the devil world, Sophie told Hardy about the environment here.

Generally speaking, demon clan gathering places can be found around active volcanoes.

Because... active volcanoes are the source of 'energy' for all creatures in the demon world.

Even the demon palace is built next to a huge active volcano.

Becoming a Nightmare Knight requires consuming dark magic power.

But because this world does not have the sun god and the power of light, the magic power of darkness has increased significantly.

The concentration is about three times higher than in the human world.

Therefore, Hardy, who became the Nightmare Knight, can maintain the form of the Nightmare Knight almost permanently in the demon world.

This is why Petola said that Hardy is safe in the devil world.

Although the Nightmare Knight moves very slowly, it cannot stand up to its tall stature and long legs that are more than four meters tall. Each step it takes is a distance of about five meters, so its moving speed is actually not slow.

Hardy walked slowly while looking at the surrounding environment.

At least four hours have passed since he appeared in the demon world.

As the weak sunlight slanted to the west, the world of the demon world darkened, and no one could see the five fingers.

Only the lava rivers of active volcanoes in the distance looked like a few beautiful red ribbons in the darkness, guiding travelers in the direction.

It is a terrible thing to walk alone in a silent desert.

There is actually no sound of wind in this place, and the silence is terrifying.

There was only the sound of the nightmare horse's hooves rustling on the ground.

Thanks to his strong mental strength, Hardy quickly got used to such an environment.

He was still looking into the distance and walking quietly.

At the same time, Hardy could also feel that the nightmare he was sitting on was exuding joy, as if it was happy to be back in the demon world.

After walking for who knows how long, Hardy finally arrived at the foot of the active volcano before the weak sun rose behind him.

He stood on the sand dune and looked at the small settlement in front of him.

The lava from the volcano converges into a river at the foot of the mountain, forming a lake that is half red and half dark red.

A small settlement is built next to the magma lake.

A large number of flame imps jumped around in the solidified magma dam, waving their hoes and digging out pieces of black rocks.

Hardy looked away, and Nightmare walked over.

With his arrival, many 'people' discovered him.

The five-meter-high black city wall is just a low earth wall in front of the seven-meter-tall Nightmare Knight.

There is no way to stop the Nightmare Knight.

But Hardy did not attack by force. Instead, he walked over, looked down at the flame imp lying on the wall, and asked: "Where is this place? Do you know the direction of the Headless Horseman?"

Hardy was using human language.

At first, Hardy was a little worried about language communication, but Sophie told him directly: "Francis is one of the common languages ​​​​of the demons."

Hardy was surprised: "Why?"

"I haven't studied history, so I don't know very well." Sophie said helplessly: "I'm just a succubus, not a scholar, let alone a big shot who specializes in magic and knowledge."

Listening to the words of the Nightmare Knight, a relatively majestic flame imp looked up at the huge head of the Black Knight and said tremblingly: "Dear Sir, we are Haberu Village. I do not belong to the territory of the Headless Knight. We don’t know where, we never left our village.”

Hardy said oh and was about to leave, then asked: "Whose territory is this?"

"The territory of Dragonborn Shasha Shamuer." The Flame Imp said fearfully: "We are all his people."



Hardy clicked his tongue.

There are many powerful races in the demon world, but the one with the biggest difference between the upper and lower limits is the kobold race.

It is said that the kobold is an ancient red dragon who was in heat, turned into a large gecko, and then raped a female gecko, and then the female gecko gave birth to something like a kobold.

They say they are kobolds, but they are actually lizardmen. They just get their name because their heads look like dogs.

Kobolds are very weak, but kobolds inspired by dragon blood are very strong.

They are completely two different creatures.

"Where is his lord's palace?" Hardy asked.

"Fifty kilometers to the north." The Flame Imp pointed to the left.

Hardy looked at this small village and found that the flame imps here were generally weak. They should be civilians and would not participate in the war. After thinking about it, he left.

After walking north for another hour, we found a huge gathering place in a basin.

Compared with the previous small village, this place is not only dozens of times larger, but also full of life.

Standing on the high ground, Hardy could hear the roaring sounds coming from here.

He opened his nightmare vision and saw many strange races walking on the streets and doing business.

Hardy even saw a handful of humans.

Those human beings all had thin faces and were doing hard labor.

There is also a flame kid behind him as a supervisor, and he will whip up from time to time.

Hardy's eyes wandered and he soon found a particularly tall building.

It is completely different from other buildings, with the majesty of a superior.

Hardy was thinking about how to kill the dragonborn in this city.

Because the war between humans and demons is inevitable, and dragonborn are also very troublesome enemies for humans.

If we kill it first, we might be able to save many of our kin during the war.

Just when Hardy was thinking about how to invade the city and where to escape, Hardy unexpectedly saw a caravan appearing at the entrance of the basin in the distance.

The members of the caravan are all humans.

And he is a very healthy human being with a good complexion.

"Semites!" Hardy smiled: "I found you so quickly."

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