The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 510 The Demon World of Poverty

Humanity is divided into several different bloodlines.

For example, the Yangcha people, the Lunshan people, the Semites, etc.

For example, the Lunshan people have black hair and black eyes, and are also traditional aristocrats in the human world, while the Yangcha people are generally blond and blue-eyed.

As for the Semites, they have brown eyes and black hair, very similar to the Renshan people.

Before coming to the Demon Realm, Sophie and Hardy said that there is a human bloodline in the Demon Realm and they are doing well.

Although they are not a powerful race, several demon kings have great trust in them.

Sophie also said that if Hadi really couldn't get information in the devil world, he could use his Semitic identity to sneak into the city to get information.

Hardy thought for a while and changed from the form of the Nightmare Knight back to a human.

Then he quickly appeared behind the caravan and followed quietly.

When they arrived at the city gate, Hardy approached without leaving any trace.

There are many demonic races coming in and out of the city gate.

Dark Iron Dwarves, Fire Imps, Bone Demons, and more.

The appearance of Hardy attracted the attention of many people, but after a few glances, they lost interest.

As for Hardy's involvement with the Semitic caravan, there was a perfect time gap. After the caravan entered, Hardy also followed.

The bone demons guarding the gate did not stop Hardy, thinking that he was a member of the caravan, and did not charge his head fee.

I have made friends with almost all the other demons.

The yellowed bone coins used.

Hardy has no such thing.

After entering the city, Hardy followed the caravan for a while.

Vendors can be seen everywhere on both sides of the street, selling things.

He was selling his products in broken French.

Most of them were some strange black paste. Hardy judged that this should be their food, because he saw several people throwing down bone coins with his own eyes. He picked up a ball of black paste on the spot and threw it into his mouth to chew. .

The caravan wandered forward, and it was obvious that they were heading in the direction of the Lord's Mansion.

At this time, the caravan's guards finally discovered Hardy.

But there was no hostility. One of the red-black humans fell a few steps behind and asked Hadi in surprise: "This young master, which noble family are you from? Don't run around in border areas like this. Those barbarians like you best." It’s thin-skinned and tender, and tastes great.”

Hardy chuckled and said, "So I won't follow you."

The other party laughed when he heard this: "You are so smart. Do you want to meet our leader?"

Hardy smiled even more happily: "Okay."

Then the guard jogged a few steps and brought a strong man over.

Although this strong man's skin is also black, he is obviously much whiter than the guard.

He looked at Hardy, looking up and down, the more he looked, the more frightened he became.

Hardy's clothes are of excellent quality, and her skin is fair and tender, making her even prettier than a girl.

Moreover, Hardy is obviously very noble and arrogant. This is obviously not the kind of magnanimity that humans like them in the demon world can have.

"Your Excellency, are you not one of us Semites?" the strong man asked very respectfully.

"Why do you say that?"

The strong man said helplessly: "We Semites are just such a small group, and we are secretly hunted by other races from time to time. We cannot raise people like you."

Hardy chuckled and said, "Then who do you think I should be?"

"I feel the smell of Phoenix in you, so you are from the Rida family..."

The strong man said nothing more next.

The Rida family also appear in human form, and their appearance is almost indistinguishable from humans.

Hardy smiled, he liked this kind of misunderstanding, he always made mistakes.

Anyway, as long as you don't say anything and pretend to be incomprehensible, it will be fine.

Moreover, he had indeed practiced the Fire Phoenix Sword Technique, and he smelled like the Lida family, which was normal.

Looking at Hadi's meaningful smile, some sweat ran down the strong man's forehead.

He looked around and said, "Your Excellency, what should I call you?"

"Ronaldo." Hardy casually reported a familiar name and said at the same time: "I came to visit this city, please don't make any announcement."

The strong man suddenly remembered that the lord of this city, Dragonborn Shasha Shamu'er, was from another royal family and was not on the same page as the Lida royal family.

There may be some conflicts among them.

The strong man took a breath and nodded sharply. He did not want to get involved in the royal family dispute.

Seeing that the strong man seemed to be guided to the other side, he nodded with satisfaction.

The caravan continued to move forward and soon came to a rough hotel.

It is said to be rough because the building materials of this hotel are all black volcanic rocks, which has a primitive beauty.

"Sir, we are going to stay here." The strong man looked at Hardy carefully: "What are your plans next? Is there any place we can help?"

Hardy smiled: "I don't have any money on me."

The strong man looked at Hardy strangely. He felt that the other party was asking him for money.

It stands to reason that he should give it, but he is a little reluctant to give it up.

They actually didn't make much money from this business, because they were humans and the taxes they paid along the way were relatively high.

Seeing him like this, Hardy took out a piece of dried meat from the space ring.

"I want to exchange this for some money."

As soon as this thing was taken out, the strong man's expression froze.

Only a few seconds passed, and all the demon pedestrians and vendors around him looked over.

Each of them looked at the dried meat in Hardy's hand and drooled.

This sudden change made Hardy frown.

Before coming, Sophie told him that food was hard currency in the demon world.

And dried meat is as good as gold.

As long as you take out one piece, you can exchange it for big money.

If necessary, the dried meat can be exchanged for information and some useful assistance.

But Sophie didn't tell him that this thing could actually make all the demons in the street look at it with eager eyes.

The strong man took two steps back suddenly and shook his head vigorously: "Sir, we don't have enough bone coins to exchange for this thing."

Hardy frowned slightly, looked around, and put the dried meat back into his space ring.

Many demons looked at Hardy's clothes, suppressed their emotions, and left.

There are also a small group of people hiding in the shadows or hiding in Hardy's blind spot, seeming to be planning something.

When the strong man saw Hardy put away the dried meat, he subconsciously showed a pityful expression. He licked his lips and said, "If you don't mind, you can stay here with us. This hotel has been occupied by us." It’s been booked and it’s very easy to allocate an upper room to you.”

Hardy nodded: "That'll trouble you."

"you are welcome."

The strong man nodded repeatedly.

If he only suspected that Hadi was a member of the royal family before, now he is sure that Hadi is definitely a member of the royal family.

The piece of meat just now... was obviously not human flesh. It tasted very fragrant and was obviously spiced.

Spices are only found in the human plane.

Occasionally, a little bit can leak through the teleportation magic circle, but it will not be lost among the people.

This thing is not something ordinary people can afford here.

Only members of the royal family have this blessing.

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