When Hardy heard this, he was really angry. He reached out and slapped Sophie's buttocks hard to express his attitude at this time.

The shot was a bit heavy.

After the pain, Sophie's face actually showed some excitement and flushed.

Princess looked at Sophie with some envy.

Then she looked at Hardy and said sternly: "Hardy, I solemnly apologize to you. I made a big mistake in what happened to Old Hardy. I don't have a problem with you beating me or killing me. You can punish me." "

After saying that, Princess lay down and placed her head in front of Hardy.

A girl's head was placed on the grass, her eyes closed, and she was ready to be slaughtered.

Hardy originally had no feelings for Old Hardy, and he killed Princes just to eliminate his own threat and get the first move.

But now he knows that he was also himself in the past, and Old Hardy was really good to him... So now he hates Princess even more.

Looking at this face, the hatred in Hardy's heart slowly surged up, but surprisingly, it was not too much.

But he still grabbed the scale sword and slowly drew the sword out.

Sophie suddenly said at this time: "Hardy, calm down. Princess is no longer a princess, let alone a human being. You killed her just because of your own will."

Hardy looked sideways at Sophie, his expression obviously unhappy.

Sophie, who had been obedient to Hadi in the past, looked at Hadi's right hand gently and shook her head.

Hardy has deep feelings for Sophie. After all, she is the first woman in the world to follow him.

It has a special status.

Seeing Sophie's serious face, Hardy pushed the sword back into the scabbard again.

At this time, Princess opened her eyes, first looked at Sophie gratefully, and then looked at Hardy: "You are not here for me, what is that for?"

Hardy said nothing.

Princess straightened up, held her head in her hands and placed it in front of her belly, and said, "Whatever you want, I can find a way to help you."

It's not that Hardy doesn't want to talk.

He didn't want to say another word to the person who killed Old Hardy.

Sophie said from the side: "He wants to establish an alliance with the entire Headless Horseman clan."

Princess's eyes lit up immediately: "This is a good idea."

As a very capable former princess, Princes naturally knows the current situation of the war between humans and demons.

"If we, the Headless Horseman, lean towards the human side, then the human race's chances of winning will indeed be much higher."

Sophie chuckled and said, "Are you doing it for humans? You just want to get closer to Hadi."

Princess blushed. She stood up suddenly and said, "I am responsible for this. I will find a way to get more people to agree with this proposal."

With that, she walked back to her companions.

Sophie also stood up and said, "They will definitely need a few days to consider such a big matter. Let's go out first and come back in a few days."

Hardy stood up and nodded.

The two returned to their previous cabin.

Hardy sat quietly, looking out the window a little absently.

Sophie sat next to him and asked, "Are you still thinking about Princess?"

Hardy nodded: "I was just thinking whether my personal affairs are more important or justice is more important."

"So are you thinking about killing Princess again, or are you going to endure it and pretend you didn't see it?"

Sighing softly, Hardy said: "I am not confident that we will win this war between humans and demons. If we can pull the Headless Horseman over, our chances of winning will be much greater."

After all, it is not as simple as one plus one.

Moreover, if human beings fail, their own death will not matter. What is important is that the people they value will be harmed.

The women around him, and his subjects.

As a man, as a lord, he needs to be responsible for them.

After all, if you enjoy the privilege, you have to pay the same obligations.

"I believe you will figure it out." Sophie sat in Hadi's arms: "When you can't figure it out, just fall in love with me. Time will give you the answer."

The two of them were in love with each other in the cabin, and the golden sweetness and jade dew blended together.

Three days later, the two of them cleaned themselves, put on their clothes, and stepped into the oasis again.

It's still the same 'island' surrounded by creeks, but this time there are a large number of headless horsemen present.

Densely packed, wearing linen clothes and long skirts of various colors.

They are all good young men with good figures.

There is no way around it.

The demon world and the living environment are too harsh. Even if there are oases that can produce plants, the delicate mulberry trees are not suitable for growing here. Only plants with thick fiber can thrive.

Sophie whispered in Hady's ear: "I counted, there are at least three hundred people, I guess they are all here."

Hardy nodded, and it could be seen that they took this matter very seriously.

The one in front of them was a woman with long black hair, her head was also held on her lower abdomen.

"Sir Hardy, we have been considering your suggestions these days, and we have also investigated your information. Please don't be offended."

Hardy nodded: "It should be."

"Since you are the King of Nightmare Knights, why didn't you tell us earlier?"

At this time, all the Headless Horsemen looked at Hardy with bright eyes.

As a race of 'cavalry', the Headless Horsemen have a very high opinion of the Nightmare Knight.

And Princess stood in the back row, her eyes looking at Hardy, almost shining.

Face full of pride.

"It's not too late to say it now." Hardy smiled: "Besides, if I come in as a Nightmare Knight, I always feel that I am not sincere."

The headless horseman in the front row waved her left hand, and her head swayed with her left hand, which looked weird.

Then the headless knight said: "Please forgive us for being rude, can you transform into a nightmare knight and show us."


This is not a rude request.

After the black tornado soaring into the sky, the red moon descended, and the seven-meter-tall Nightmare Knight appeared in front of the Headless Horseman.

They looked up at the Nightmare Knight, all of them looking excited.

Even their own eyes turned red.

It's like it's in tune with the red moon.

Hardy also discovered this anomaly, then lifted and transformed.

At this time, all the Headless Horsemen looked at Hardy's expression as if they were seeing their own gods.

The headless horseman at the front took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled.

"Sir Hardy, please come to Oak Dreamland. Our leader wants to talk to you personally."

Oak dream?

Just when Hardy was confused, a lavender magic vortex appeared in front of the huge tree.

It seemed to be swallowing the air around it.

The Headless Horseman who had been talking to Hardy before made a gesture of invitation.

Sophie smiled and said, "Go ahead, there's no danger."

Hardy walked out of the vortex and stepped in without hesitation.

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